Here’s another take on Trump’s endorsement of AI mRNA jabs via the Stargate project….👇
OK OK I get it! You want me to weigh in on the Donald J. Trump $500,000,000,000 AI announcement and the mRNA cancer vaccines that Larry Ellison talked about.
Fine. As you wish. You're not going to like it, but let's talk it through.
1. AI is not going away, and even if the US banned it (which wouldn't even work) it would continue to be developed all over the world regardless.
1a: Resisting the development of AI is as pointless as resisting the industrial age and steam power was 250 years ago. And no, it's not 'different this time'. Look up the Luddites and realise you sound just like them.
2. With that in mind the question is not 'Will we have advanced AI', but rather 'WHO will have advanced AI'? And I don't mean which country, China or Russia or the US, no, I mean, will it be held by private corporations, or governments?
3. It's easy to say such a thing shouldn't be in private hands... but given what we've lived through I have to ask whether you'd really rather governments have it?
This is not a debate about whether it will exist, it's about how it will come into existence and who will hold it.
4. Trump is not pledging any money, claiming any ownership, or really actually any THING at all. All the investment is coming from the private companies involved and its owned by them. What he's promising is to remove the regulatory barriers to AI, and to the power stations and data centres it relies on.
5. I would contend none of these barriers should have existed in the first place, so if you look past all the fluff and bluster, Trump is just tweaking some rules to get government out of the way like it should always have been... that's it.
That's literally it.
6. The issue of custom mRNA cancer vaccines is an AI carpet-baggers fantasy, a sales pitch for the uninformed. That's not to say it'll never happen, but it belongs in the same category as solid-state-batteries... it's something salespeople use to get idiots excited about the potential... whilst the tech is not even close to existing in a commercial context.
7. If Larry Ellison wants to pour hundreds of billions of Oracle dollars into developing personalised mRNA cures for cancers which can already be cured with existing off-patent therapies, that's between him and his shareholders. But don't expect it to actually happen anytime soon. He's just trying to sell the potential of AI to normies and shareholders alike.
8. The commentary I'm seeing around this is absurd. Mandatory AI generated jabs aren't going to be a thing. No one is banning Ivermectin or Fenbendazol, no one is making AI MRNA jabs mandatory. They are taking a commercial risk on developing all of this and for as long as that's the case I'm fine with it.
9. AI will absolutely empower the state to create a social credit system with complete surveillance etc if we allow that to happen, that's true. Just as the internet empowered governments to oppress in new ways that were unthinkable before... but ALSO empowered WE THE PEOPLE to push back in ways that we're just as unthinkable before. The same internet that made government oppression possible in my home state of Victoria during the Covid hysteria is the same internet that made resistance possible. We used the same telephone lines, phone towers, devices, and servers... them to oppress, and us to fight back.
AI is a tool. Sometimes it will be used for good, sometimes for evil.
Ok, thats where I'm at with it. I told you you wouldn't like it.
So now, what do I hope for?
I hope AI will be developed and owned by corporations that want my money, not governments that want my obedience.
I have no issue with Trump removing artificial barriers to the development of AI in the US.
I think the promises of custom AI mRNA cancer vaccines are flights of fancy by people with something to sell, and as long as they remain voluntary i see no issue with them being developed for those who choose to take the risk on them.
I believe and hope that AI will dramatically improve human productivity, leading to dramatic improvements in quality of life, just as computers, telephones, internal combustion engines, steam engines, the wheel, and sliced bread have all done before.
Reject the fear p**n. Trump hasn't 'betrayed' anyone, and whatever 'digital PRISON' AI may enable was always going to be enabled. Stargate or no Stargate, it's up to us to use our voices, and our technology, to protect our freedoms just like our ancestors did and our children will have to.
So I'm gonna focus on that. 😊