Javier Milei - TRUTH
open your eyes spread this as far as you can... The whole world needs to hear this man speak.
Washroom TV Season three
Washroom TV
Season 1 and 2 have been taken offline to start the new and improved Season 3, filming has been in progress for some time...
you can get the uncut full length episodes on Washroom VIP from Jan 2024..
G rated version starting December, through the website or right here on Social media :)
Washroom TV Returning soon
Well, the lads are back...
and the team has expanded
prepare yourself..
Dale Priest
Washroom studio
Alan MacGregor - Flashlight (2021) Perth
This song originally written on piano, was written in respect of our front line emergency and disaster workers in Australia, so many un sung heros and people that deal with trauma every single day of their lives.
It takes a unique individual to stand in harms way for another or to care for a hostile person, and to those people I hope you hear this and know that at least one person remembers everything.
It's these people that are the connecting backbone of this country.
Featuring Audio from Aaron Malloy speaking at the Perth freedom Rally in 2021 and friends gathered to help with the end chorus.
This helped send a message that brought the most successful rallies in the history of our state.
Thank you everyone.
Alan MacGregor - Find a way
So many can see homelessness yet walk by, paying no attention, thinking that these human beings are lesser because their position of poverty leaves them with ragged and dirty clothing, a sense of hopelessness for their situations, and quite quickly many lose the will to live.
As a member of society, I am better than that, and when I see the amount of money a government leader can boast about making while this exists on the streets at such a rapidly increasing level, I join forces with those trying to address the government in doing something about it.
Councils are installing seats and formations that disallow sleep, people are moved on from gathering in public spaces, simply because they will adopt a piece of commonwealth land and call it home.. Our rights protect these people and it's high time those doors of inequality were closed, this addressed and quite literally put to bed.
In a land mass like Western Australia and the population, there should never be homeless people here. Never.
We, the people, need to do better.
Alan MacGregor - Treadmill
Despite opinions of things that have happened in the past, there are those that have been fogotten, irrespective of skin colour, national origin or religion, mankind has been a cruel and divisive stain upon its self for a very long time.
This is not a mainstream song, it's more of a feeling, many will view it as political, as a Scottish born Australian, I feel for all in the past for the bad things that happened, and I am happy that we can all see beyond it to forge a way forward.
Alan MacGregor - The Flame
Domestic violence is something that many people tend to ignore, take for granted in terms of family law and are too ashamed to address.
This is a deeply emotional song of one young persons experience with it.
Alan MacGregor - Whispering Freedom
Australia, what is that to you?, a home, a name?, a fictitious entity?, because it seems to me, that people have no idea who and what we are as a people.
When I walk out the front door, I am not faced with a world where I give or receive concessions due to my skin colour or origin, that origin in fact being Druid, the Druids occupying the entire Northern Hemisphere at one point in time.. You'd know them as the Gaul.
The Gaul, had no "skin colour" that differentiated them, many from the areas of Beirut and Iran, giving them darker complexion to say the red haired people of Scotland with the much paler skin, there was never any racial discrimination, there was never any "Civil unrest", there was never any "Bigotry".. The entirety of Europe with the Asian origin, Arian origin and Indian Origin all converged, the "Silk road".
All of these things such as Racism and other defamatory terms implying a claim of discrimination that devalues another human existed at one point in time, this happened between all people, laws invented to put restrictions and punishments in place and it was very much not an issue in those times at all.. other than warring factions may have had physical cultural differences that gave leave to such insults, that were then carried into civilian mainstream life.
What we see today in reference to these things is rarely what it's proper definition would dictate, nor is it even a plausible application to the claim, 99% of the time, it was created by media to sell headlines..
Our country is awesome, we have so many things to build and an amazing future of growth, if we just get rid of the bondage around our necks, chose government thats for the people, not for corporations and overseas interests in great resets and green agendas... where is the individuality as people in that??
The Irony of wanting a "Voice to parliament", thats already being dictated to unelected foreign powers, One look at local councils in your area, have a look at how many
Alan MacGregor - Below Zero
Many people are lucky in the respect of never understanding addiction, whether its drugs, Alcohol or gambling, its all the same, someone pays the price and its generally the most ignorant to it.
When someone has overcome addiction, it's no easy achievement, its a person changing their entire belief and coping mechanisms all in one, Finding out who you are can only be done by you, addiction takes you away from that.
The bravery involved is what most people without addiction cannot do and this is to accept yourself for everything you are and own your actions, once that step is taken to keep yourself below zero on the counter, you have won.. it's time to rebuild your life.
People will always try to put you down, drag up your past and attempt to use you as stepping stones for their ambition by using that past against you.. Nothing is more terrifying and humiliating to those people that when you don't justify yourself, you tell them to get the hell out of your way and get on with life..
Thats winning, Alan MacGregor went from a 26 year stint of 4 casks of wine, 5 cartons of beer and 2 bottles of spirits a week, to below zero in an instant, facing the things that put him there made him sacrifice everything except the shirt on his back.
Some critics and jealous businesses in his home town of Perth have used this as ammunition against Alan on many occasions to try belittle or damage his slowly rising popularity and his resillience has proven time and time again to leave these people wanting.
One day at a time, Alan is approaching 6 years sobriety, everyone doubted he would last a week, we are very proud of his achievement at Washroom Studio.
This is the song he wrote, inspired by a conversation with his brother about quitting drinking, Alan's Family have been an incredible support during this.
This is Below Zero, written shortly after Alan put down the bottle.
Alan MacGregor - Microchip
Alan MacGregor - Microchip
Well, believe it or not, this was written in 1996 while sitting down with a few friends chilling out, some of the lyrics were updated, but the concept the same...lol, this is quite a funny song this one.. production, This copy was recorded a few years ago at the Washroom Studio, we have come a long way since then :)
Please enjoy, share and leave a like :)