Military Parents

Military Parents A place of CONNECTION, SUPPORT & INFO for Military Parents A place for those caring for a Defence Kid or the Parents of an ADF member to CONNECT & BELONG.

Hey Lovely People!!!If you have jumped onboard being part of this Military Parents space thanks to a connection with the...

Hey Lovely People!!!

If you have jumped onboard being part of this Military Parents space thanks to a connection with the Military Life community then you may already know about National Defence Community Events Calendar…..

Buttttttt just in case you haven’t, I wanted to let you know what the Calendar is exactly and why it is such a useful tool for us busy parents and care givers who need relevant defence community INFO in an easy to navigate place!

The N-D-C-E-C (in acronym speak) has all the need-to-know defence events info in one easy-to-navigate space because from my own experience and the constant feedback I receive from so many defence families, I know it can be tricky to stay up to date with all that is on offer.⁠

Whether it is because;⁠

-you have just moved and are still finding your feet and haven’t even had a chance to connect with local defence supports, programs, and services📦️⁠

-you didn’t actually know you needed to opt in to receive comms about events and happenings, or your ADF member is a little lax in passing info on😕⁠

-you don’t have the time or capacity to follow 10 different organisations, all offering worthwhile and different things for defence families🤷🏻‍♀️⁠

-you just want someone else to do the leg work and point you in the direction of the need-to-know happenings in your posting location❤️⁠

Which is why the National Defence Community EVENTS Calendar has entered the chat! YES. SO NEEDED. SO GOOD!🙌🏻⁠

⁠I’m talking DMFS (Defence Member and Family Support) events, Open Arms workshops and programs, Defence Community Centre happenings…. All of the opportunities that are taking place every week that you should know about and have the chance to take part in.⁠

This Calendar is a work in progress and will be constantly updated so if you know of a Defence event, service or support that should be added drop a comment below 👇🏻 and I will get on to it STAT!⁠

Click through the link below to check out the National Defence Community EVENTS Calendar and any events happening in your location!⁠

Which location are you in? 🤔

Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling
Children’s Family Resilience Programs
Defence Member and Family Support
Defence Bank
Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs
Veteran Family Advocate Commissioner


How do you talk about Defence Life Challenges with kids?

It is so tricky to figure out when is the best time to start floating the idea of moving to another location, an upcoming deployment, talking about your defence kid's thoughts and feelings around change.... ALLLLLL of those big moments that come with Defence Life that you want to approach in the best way possible and you REALLLY don't want to stuff up!

On episode 164 of the Military Life *Parents Edition* Podcast, Spouse and Defence School Mentor Bianca speaks about creating resources to help parents with all of the above and more.

Her ‘Someone I Love is in Defence’ books and resources act as conversation starters to help defence parents or carers navigate key moments. Have a listen to this snippet from the pod.

How do you approach, sometimes hard, defence life conversations with your kids???

To listen to ep164, click on the link below or search for Military Life ep164 in your fav podcast app and be sure to follow along via this page or the Military Parents INSTA to find out about a huge GIVEAWAY launching next week!!!

To follow 'Someone I Love is in Defence' and check out the resources click through here👇🏻

Someone I Love is in Defence

To all those doing it alone due to separation or your partners lonngggg ADF work days…To those getting up to little ones...

To all those doing it alone due to separation or your partners lonngggg ADF work days…
To those getting up to little ones, wiping noses and butts, warming the night time milk to the exact right degree, reading stories, wiping tears, giving cuddles, explaining where the Defence Member Parent is time and time again, making lunches, pickups, drop off’s, playing mindless random kid games (sometimes, for me, it involved Peppa Pig figurines that just say hello to each other over and over and over).
To those navigating tweens and teens….what the sigma! There is definitely no handbook for that stage. I think it is just a hold on for dear life type of situation….not for the faint of heart.
To those keeping ERRRYYything going at home while also managing career, mental health and friends and sometimes ALL of the above 🫠….
Hey 👋🏻!
How ya doing???
Sometimes it all goes according to plan and sometimes it is just tough, exhausting and feels never ending. Sometimes you can pre plan and organise and prepare and the days are still hard, and sooooo isolating!
One day at a time❤️


On episode 164 of the Military Life *Parents Edition* Podcast, Spouse and Defence School Mentor Bianca speaks about creating her business ‘Someone I Love is in Defence’ which grew from a need for resources around everyday defence life challenges.

Bianca says she wanted to create books and activity sheets that would act as conversation starters to help defence parents or carers navigate key moments like posting to a new location, making new friends, deployment and everything in-between.

Have a listen to this snippet from the pod.

To listen to ep164, click on the link below or search for Military Life ep164 in your fav podcast app. To follow 'Someone I Love is in Defence' and check out the resources click through here👇🏻

Someone I Love is in Defence

I can’t even believe that it has been 6 months since we packed up our life and moved from NSW to the ACT, became a famil...

I can’t even believe that it has been 6 months since we packed up our life and moved from NSW to the ACT, became a family of four again after living apart (URF-ing) for 5 of the last 7 years and started the transition…👇🏻
The coming-back-together-as-a-family transition that is.
What is even more unbelievable is the fact that we have really only JUST started to get into our groove and relaxed into living together as a couple and as a family again because 👇🏻
There is no handbook on transitioning back together as a family.
There is no “perfect” way to transition back together as a couple.
Well, if there is somebody has been keeping it a secret from me 🙋🏻‍♀️🤣!
It doesn’t matter how many times you have been apart from your ADF member, for whatever defence related reason, each transition back together is going to be different.
What worked last time might not be what works this time because of so many variables like different ages and different stages and everything in-between.
It is a process of reconnecting and relearning, understanding, and soooo much patience 😬
Transition takes time
How long has it taken you and your military person to transition-back and find your groove after being separated or living apart?🤔

📸 by the amazing spouse owned business Kirstyn Smart Photography


On episode 164 of the Military Life *Parents Edition* Podcast, Spouse and Defence School Mentor Bianca speaks about her business ‘Someone I Love is in Defence’.

Bianca says being a Defence parent & DSM opened her eyes to the lack of resources available for defence families to help support them through common challenges like moving, URF-ing and deployment.

Have a listen to this snippet from the pod.

Have you seen the ‘Someone I Love is in Defence’ activity sheets, colouring, activity and storybooks?

To listen to ep164, click on the link below or search for Military Life ep164 in your fav podcast app.

To check out 'Someone I Love is in Defence' products and resources click through the below link.

Someone I Love is in Defence

Have you heard about the Child of the ADF Medallion???The medallion was introduced to recognise the resilience shown by ...

Have you heard about the Child of the ADF Medallion???

The medallion was introduced to recognise the resilience shown by ADF children who experience various challenges while having parents in the ADF and living Defence Life.

The medallion has three colours on the ribbon – the black and orange represents DMFS (Defence Member Family Support), and purple represents the tri-service ADF.

Our girls recently received their medals at a ceremony held at our local Defence Community Centre. It was nice to be able to remind them how amazing we think they are and how proud we are for all they have navigated this year after moving to a new location, making friends and navigating Canberra.

Do I think the medals are going to solve any of the BIG challenges that come with being a Defence Kid... most definitely not.

Do I think the medals need to be just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to recognising and supporting Defence Kids.... for sure.

What are your thoughts on the Child of the ADF Medallion and recognising Defence Kids in this way....

Hey There- just a reminder that👇🏻👉🏻No matter what others may be going through👉🏻No matter how much someone else is juggli...

Hey There- just a reminder that👇🏻

👉🏻No matter what others may be going through

👉🏻No matter how much someone else is juggling

👉🏻No matter how many deployments or separations or postings or stressful moves someone else has faced.....⁠

Hard is Hard.⁠

If you are finding things hard then it’s hard.

Whatever you are facing or going through or dealing with is hard and the fact that someone else may have it harder doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have or acknowledge your feelings.⁠

Your feelings are valid. Hard is Hard.⁠

Who is with me? Hands up if you are ALL FOR feeling your feels and validating all that life throws at you 🙋🏼‍♀️

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get through the solo parenting ADF member away days....If that means eat...

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get through the solo parenting ADF member away days....

If that means eating a mini kid platter for dinner, on the loungeroom floor, in front of the TV then that is what you have to do.

Would I have liked my kids to sit at the table and connect while having a family dinner every night- Yes.

Was that my reality when my tank was low and I was spending months on end being the "ON" parent-NO.

I decided early on in my MWDU (living apart)/Deployment journey that my energy was NOT best spent trying to get kids to sit still at a table and eat veggies they didn't like.

Instead, I got comfortable with the idea that some days I just had to do what I had to do and that it wasn't forever it was just what worked that day, week or month.

What have you let go of in order to conserve your energy and get through the ADF-Member-Away-Days???

When Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Matt Keogh offers to take the selfie at the Prime Minister’s N...

When Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Matt Keogh offers to take the selfie at the Prime Minister’s National Veterans’ Employment Awards because his arm is longer….you say yes!😘⁠⁠
I was honoured to receive a Highly Commended award in 2022 and represent current serving Defence Partners at the 2023 Awards night as a finalist in the Partner Entrepreneur of the Year category (queue selfie with the Minister).⁠⁠
And guess what? Nominations for the 2024 awards are now open!⁠⁠
If you are the Partner of a current or former serving ADF member and you’re doing amazing things as an employee or an entrepreneur, then you should definitely consider nominating yourself, your biz, or the organisation you work for.⁠⁠
ADF partners are highly skilled, adaptable, and make great employees and entrepreneurs, and the Prime Minister’s National Veterans’ Employment Awards are a great step toward highlighting and recognising that.⁠⁠
Nominations close May 31st, so jump across to the awards website (link below) and get nominating!⁠
*Thanks should go to amazing advocates within the defence and veteran community, like Defence Partner Career Specialist Amanda McCue (who received a well-deserved award at the 2022 awards acknowledging her Outstand­ing Contribution to Veteran/Partner Employment) and Veteran Family Advocate Commissioner Gwen Cherne, who also consistently worked to educate and inform DVA and the government about why the awards needed to be expanded (from 2022) to include Defence/Veteran Partner categories👏🏻👊🏻⁠

Today marks the United Nations International Day of Families.Today, I won’t offer you cupcakes or a slice of cake.Today,...

Today marks the United Nations International Day of Families.
Today, I won’t offer you cupcakes or a slice of cake.

Today, I won’t give you a pat on the back or tell you well done.

Today, I won’t thank you for standing behind your ADF member.

Today, I won’t marvel at your resilience or your strength.
Today and every day, I will advocate for REAL improvements over token quick wins.

Today and every day, I will continue to EMPOWER you to tell your stories loudly.

Today and every day, I will work to help others UNDERSTAND your lived experiences.

Today and every day, I will continue to help Defence Families CONNECT and BELONG in their community.
On International Day of Families, I want you to know that I SEE and HEAR you today and every day.
Families with 2.4 kids, Couples without children, dual-serving families, those with fur babies, separated partners connected to an ADF member, married or not, longing to start a family, living together or across the country from each other.... whatever your family looks like.
Thank you for allowing me to bring YOUR experiences and YOUR stories with me to every room, meeting, forum, discussion, and feedback opportunity that I am invited to on behalf of all of US.
*This week also marks National Families Week, and this month also marks the 15th Anniversary of the Australian Defence Force Family Covenant.
📸courtesy of past Military Life Podcast Guests who graciously tell their stories to me and allow me to publish them via the ML Podcast for all of you to connect with, learn from and feel seen and heard in your defence life experiences.

“Families are the most fundamental units of society” Heck YES we are!!!TODAY marks the United Nations International Day ...

“Families are the most fundamental units of society” Heck YES we are!!!

TODAY marks the United Nations International Day of Families.

This WEEK marks National Families Week.

ANNNNDDD this MONTH marks the 15th anniversary of the Australian Defence Force Family Covenant.

What a day, week and month to be SEEN, ACKNOWLEDGED and VALUED for all that we *Defence Families* ARE.

What a day, week, and month to ENGAGE with us, HEAR us, and UNDERSTAND all that we *Defence Families* NEED.

Simply put….

We should use this day, week, and month (and every day, week and month) to focus on who we ARE and take action on what we NEED.

We should use this day, week, and month (and every day, week and month) to continue to highlight not only the OPPORTUNITIES that defence life brings but also the CHALLENGES.

We should use this day, week, and month (and every day, week and month) to unveil real SOLUTIONS through positive CHANGE to policy and support systems.

I have every faith that the incoming CDF Vice Admiral David Johnston will reaffirm his commitment to the ADF Family Covenant and I hope the last but most important point is a real focus “Defence commits to listening and responding to the needs of ADF families.”

Tell me about your family and what you need???

Many of us, at some point in our defence family journey, would have been told or are yet to hear the words….⁠⁠“You are n...

Many of us, at some point in our defence family journey, would have been told or are yet to hear the words….⁠

“You are not entitled”⁠
“That is an entitlement of the member”⁠
“What made you think you’re entitled”⁠
“You aren’t the serving member”⁠

And those of us who have or will, in the future, hear one of the above ALREADY KNOW the above.⁠

We know that we aren’t the member and that the entitlements given to the serving member are part of THEIR service.⁠

We know we aren’t the ones putting our lives on the line.

We know we aren’t the ones who signed up to serve.

We KNOW we aren’t “ENTITLED”!⁠

But as Defence Family Members who live defence life and also sacrifice and constantly adapt and adjust in ways we didn’t even know we could or would have too, we also know we are sometimes significantly affected and impacted by our Defence Members' service.⁠

And you know what…. that DOES make us entitled to receive support, services and specific help to meet the challenges of defence life!⁠

But how about instead of the word ‘entitled’ we use ‘qualify’???⁠

*You and your defence kids QUALIFY for free mental health support through Open Arms because change and separation and ADF life, in general, is hard sometimes!⁠

*You and your defence kids QUALIFY for programs and supports aimed at helping you navigate the twists and turns that come with posting in and out, separation and transition.

*You and your defence kids QUALIFY for access to the ADF Health program, defence housing, the support of a DSM (Defence School Mentor)… see where I am going with this???

You aren't ENTITLED but you do QUALIFY❤️⁠

Hands up who wants to swap entitled for qualify???🙋🏼‍♀️

I wrote this letter to my Husband back in 2020, the when it felt like us living together again (after 3 years of MWDU/li...

I wrote this letter to my Husband back in 2020, the when it felt like us living together again (after 3 years of MWDU/living apart) was never going to feel normal.⁠

4 years on and another 2 years of URF (as it is now known) thrown in there and the words still ring true… SO TRUE!⁠
Dear Husband,⁠

We're sorry if we don't seem happy you’re home.⁠

We're sorry if we forget to ask your opinion or consult you on things that should be family decisions.⁠⁠
We're sorry if, at the end of a long day, we kinda just want to do our own things.....alone.⁠
We're sorry if the rules have changed, if the boundaries are different and you're always feeling like you are playing catchup.⁠⁠
We aren't sure how long it will take us all to feel like a "normal" family of 4 again? It has just been US THREE for so long and we had learnt to just get by without you.⁠
We didn't want to get by without you but we had to. To survive we had to forget you a little. We had to forget all the things you would usually do, help with, fix, solve. We had to put you in a box and close it up tight sometimes so our hearts didn't ache too much.⁠⁠
It was us three against the world for 3 years (now 5 years out of the last 7 years) and we rose to the challenge. We had no choice.⁠
Now things feel unknown, out of whack, different and we are all struggling in our own ways. It feels like it might be like this forever and that’s scary. What if things never feel "normal" again?⁠
I want those going through the transition home to know that there is a tipping point. Slowly slowly things start to fit again and eventually it just feels normal (it might be a new normal) again.⁠⁠
What do you want those coming back together and going through a transition to know?


On episode 156 of the Military Life Parents Edition Podcast, Defence Partner Chrissy speaks about questioning her decision to live apart from her ADF member.
She says she worries about whether they are doing the right thing because their kids miss their dad, but Chrissy says they had to make the choice to access supports for their additional needs' son.
How long have you been on a waitlist for supports and services in your posting location?
Listen to this snippet from ep156 of the pod. To listen to the full ep, click on the link below or search for Military Life in your fav podcast app.


On episode 156 of the Military Life *Parents Edition* Podcast, Defence Partner Chrissy speaks about why her family had no choice but to live apart from their ADF member.

Chrissy says the lack of supports and services for her additional need’s son (like for a lot of families) in her husband’s posting location forced their hand.

Have a listen to this snippet from the pod.

Chrissy says, even after deciding to live apart she continued to contact service providers but the mental drain of whether her son would get on a list let alone to the top is a lot.

Have you been able to access the support and services you need in your posting location?

To listen to ep156, click on the link below or search for Military Life in your fav podcast app.

To the fallen and the injured.Thank you.To the current serving ADF members.Thank you.To the partners and families.Thank ...

To the fallen and the injured.
Thank you.
To the current serving ADF members.
Thank you.
To the partners and families.
Thank you.
For your sacrifice and your service.
Thank you.
However you choose to commemorate today. At a public service. Gathered with friends and family away from crowds. At home watching an event on the television. Getting through the day the best you can. Do what feels right for you and your family.
Lest we forget.
📷Hard to believe the girls were ever that little. HMAS Canberra❤️

National Defence Community EVENTS Calendar👇🏻Have you heard about the Defence Partner INFO Hub aka D-P-I-H in defence acr...

National Defence Community EVENTS Calendar👇🏻

Have you heard about the Defence Partner INFO Hub aka D-P-I-H in defence acronym speak!?!⁠

It’s need-to-know defence life info in one easy-to-navigate space annndddd I have just stepped the INFO Hub up a notch by adding the National Defence Family EVENTS Calendar.

From my own experience and the constant feed back I receive from so many defence families, I know it can be tricky to stay up to date with all that is on offer.

Whether it is because;

-you have just moved and are still finding your feet and haven’t even had a chance to connect with local defence supports and services📦️

-you didn’t actually know you needed to opt in to receive comms about events and happenings, or your ADF member is a little lax in passing info on😕

-you don’t have the time or capacity to follow 10 different organisations, all offering worthwhile and different things for defence families🤷🏻‍♀️

-you just want someone else to do the leg work and point you in the direction of the need-to-know happenings in your posting location❤️

The National Defence Family EVENTS Calendar has entered the chat! YES. SO NEEDED. SO GOOD!🙌🏻

⁠I’m talking DMFS (Defence Member and Family Support) events, Open Arms workshops and programs, Defence Community Centre happenings….

All of the opportunities that are taking place every week that you should know about and have the chance to take part in.

This Calendar is a work in progress and will be constantly updated so if you know of a Defence event, service or support that should be added drop a comment below 👇🏻 and I will get on to it STAT!

Click through the link below to check out the National Defence Family EVENTS Calendar and any events happening in your location!

Parents and Educators of Defence Kids 12 years old and under 👇👇👇⁠I have said it before, and I’ll say it again…. the reso...

Parents and Educators of Defence Kids 12 years old and under 👇👇👇⁠

I have said it before, and I’ll say it again…. the resources being created for Defence Families via the Child and Family Resilience Programs… A-MAZING!

Headed by Dr Margie Rogers, the research-based resources are focused on the challenges defence life presents....⁠ deployments, service-related physical and mental health conditions and so much more.

Along with the FREE downloadable resources (for Educators and Parents/Carers) the PERSONALISED PROGRAM feature is also available and CFRP need feedback.

Basically, all you need to do is input your circumstances like ‘you have an ADF member who is deployed’ and then select the topics you would like to receive resources for like communication and family support.

Once you have input your details into the PERSONALISED PROGRAM feature a list of available resources, information and support will be generated for you. SO AWESOME!

If you have used this feature CFRP need your feedback. If you are just learning about the PERSONALISED PROGRAM feature CFRP need your feedback. If you know of an Educator or Defence Family/Carer who needs to know about this feature please share details.

CFRP want to make their resources, especially the PERSONALISED PROGRAM feature, the best they can be and make sure they are 100% helping the Defence Community.

Click through the link below to make use of this CFRP Feature and give feedback or listen to ep68 of the ML Podcast to find out more about how the Child Family Resilience Programs came about❤️


On episode 156 of the Military Life *Parents Edition* Podcast, Defence Partner Chrissy speaks about the very real challenges families with additional needs face.

Have a listen to this snippet from the pod.

Chrissy explains being faced with the choice of moving with her ADF member and going without supports and services for her son or staying in location and living apart.

Does your family have additional needs and have you been faced with an impossible choice like Chrissy?

To listen to ep156, click on the link below or search for Military Life in your fav podcast app.

Oh Hey 👋🏻I know it has been a while!!! I wanted to let you all know I'm still here!I have had a huge 6 months with renov...

Oh Hey 👋🏻

I know it has been a while!!! I wanted to let you all know I'm still here!

I have had a huge 6 months with renovating a house, selling a house, kids, living MWDU (apart from my ADF member), moving interstate, Christmas, settling kids in schools, transitioning back to all living together as a family, and FINALLY finding my feet in my new posting location.

It has been A LOT! But I wanted to pop in and say.... I am soooo ready to create a place for parents (and care givers) of Defence Kids and parents of ADF members to CONNECT & BELONG.

Being a Defence Partner and navigating the twists and turns of ADF life can be isolating, confusing…. ALL. THE. FEELS. So, when I became a parent it felt like an extra layer was added to my sometimes-heavy shoulders.

I want to provide a space just for ADF Parents (and care givers) so that we can delve into how to best support not only our ADF kids but us as Parents.

I want to create a community with specific information, resources, acknowledgment, and discussion for Military Parents.

I can’t wait to help you all CONNECT & BELONG!

What Military Parent information and topics would you like me to connect you with and discuss? 😘

Goodbyes don't get easier.Sometimes it actually feels like they get harder.If you have a goodbye looming, have just said...

Goodbyes don't get easier.

Sometimes it actually feels like they get harder.

If you have a goodbye looming, have just said goodbye or know you might need to say goodbye at any moment (which is most of us) I want you to know….

I and this community get it.

Sure you might be prepared.
Sure you might have done it before.
Sure you might be ready (as much as you can be).
But it doesn’t mean it is easy or gets easier.

No matter how much support or planning or experience you have👇🏻

It is ok to feel like the goodbyes don’t get easier❤️

*Image taken back in 2019


Engaging, understanding and HEARING those Defence Families with lived experience is SO IMPORTANT!⁠

Researcher and Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education, Dr Marg Rogers says she would never have focused her research on Defence Kids if it wasn’t for Defence Families stepping forward and saying they felt isolated, alone and needed help supporting their kids.⁠

Dr Rogers has now created FREE resources to specifically help Defence Families and Kids navigate Defence life and the constant transitions they experience.⁠

Marg and the Children’s Family Resilience Programs team created downloadable and interactive story books and related resources for 2-8 year olds, have you checked them out?⁠

Click through the link below to listen to ep152 of the Military Life *Parents Edition* Podcast to hear about Marg’s research, the amazing FREE resources and future plans to continue supporting Defence Kids.⁠

I'm sending VIRTUAL HUGS to those Defence Parents currently navigating school holidays!Enough said really.....🤭

I'm sending VIRTUAL HUGS to those Defence Parents currently navigating school holidays!

Enough said really.....🤭

The thing about Defence and MWDU (living apart) life or even Solo Parent life is that you can 👇🏻👉🏻plan and prepare👉🏻put ...

The thing about Defence and MWDU (living apart) life or even Solo Parent life is that you can 👇🏻

👉🏻plan and prepare
👉🏻put routines in place
👉🏻put your hand up for help
👉🏻access support & services
👉🏻do alllll the “right” things but….

Sometimes, despite all of that, your Defence Kid JUST needs you and no amount of any of 👆🏻 that trumps your Defence Kid needing you because…

❤You are ‘THE’ parent
❤You are the ‘FIGURE-OUTER’ of things
❤You are ‘ON’ all the time
❤You are the ‘MAKE-EVERYTHING-BETTER’ person
❤You are THEIR person

And sometimes, despite all of the planning and routines and saying to yes to help and support, it is JUST. A. LOT. to juggle.

I see you.

The Military Parent Community see you.

We are right there with you and want you to know that just because some days might be a struggle doesn’t mean you are failing.

Defence Parents we need your help!!!With peak post out season fast approaching we need to know....As Defence Parents, wh...

Defence Parents we need your help!!!

With peak post out season fast approaching we need to know....

As Defence Parents, what is at the top of your MOVING TO DO list?

🤔Do you tell your kids or sort all of the below out first?

🤔Do you enrol in childcare or schools?

🤔Do you sign up for particular after school activities?

🤔Do you do any sort of transition planning from one location to the next?

Let's share Defence Parent wisdom below👇🏻 and let those who are moving with kids for the first time know that everything is going to be OK!

“But you signed up for Defence Life”There is no way this 20-something year old pair knew what they were “signing up” for...

“But you signed up for Defence Life”

There is no way this 20-something year old pair knew what they were “signing up” for as a Defence Couple let alone as Defence Parents!!!

And in any case, do you know what…

“Signing Up” for Defence Life doesn’t mean you or your kids know how to navigate it.

“Signing Up” for Defence Life doesn’t mean you or your kids won’t find it hard.

“Signing Up” for Defence Life doesn’t mean that you or your kids don’t need and deserve support.

“Signing Up” for Defence Life doesn’t mean that you and your kids aren’t allowed to experience a rollercoaster of emotions along the way…..sometimes all in one day!

“Signing Up” for Defence Life doesn’t mean that you or your kids know how to be the “resilient” Defence Family you are told you can and should be.

My ADF member and I lived Defence Life as a couple for 10 years before we decided to have kids. It wasn't a decision we made lightly.

Even after 10 years as a Defence couple, we were still feeling our way through and even more so when kids came into the picture.

21+ years together and we are still feeling our way through!

How about you… did you know what you were signing up for when you partnered with an ADF member and became Defence Parents?

*Photo taken at a dining in night back in 2003💞


Like Defence Parents, Defence Kids experience transition.

Frequent relocations, settling with a new childminder or at a new school, having a parent that goes away and comes back…. Defence Kids go through constant transitions.

Which is why when Researcher and Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education, Dr Marg Rogers realised there weren’t any resources available for Defence parents and educators to support Defence Kids through transition she created them herself.

On ep152 of the ML Podcast *Parents Edition* Dr Rogers says truly supporting Defence Kids is about building that understanding they know what’s going on in their world, a world that is often different to that of their peers and the wider community.
What support do you wish existed for Defence Kids?

Click through the link below to listen to ep152 of the Military Life *Parents Edition* Podcast to hear about Marg’s research, the amazing FREE resources she and her team have now created for Defence Kids and future plans to continue supporting Defence Kids.

's Family Resilience Programs


Nowra, NSW

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Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm


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Always & Forever provides product styling and photography. Pure product images or your products in a beautiful room or nursery setup or lets come up with a personalised shoot just for your gorgeous items.