Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Intraware Team! We hope you rest, take it easy and spend time with loved ones!
Virtual sets for use with realtime engines, film production, broadcast & live events.
Checkout these XR virtual environments made with Notch and Disguise!
#xr #virtualproduction #madewithnotch #disguise
Ground fire elements created with Eddy For Nuke.
Artist @mattbarkerart
Contact [email protected] for Eddy licenses, live demos, Eddy setups and scripts, & training.
#fluids #eddyfornuke #madewithnuke #simulation #vfx #combustion #fire
Check out some fun from Intraware's Eddy training this week with some great studios!
It's Eddy for Nuke, being used to create the dust for an imported Houdini RBD destruction.
Bringing the geometry into Nuke as an alembic cache, Eddy can extract the acceleration, velocity, uv's and distance from the alembic, and create the dust/smoke for this element on the GPU. The resulting sim cache is then deep rendered with the CG.
Contact us on [email protected] for demo lisences, training, or any other enquiries.
#eddyfornuke #madewithnuke #fluids #volumetrics #simulation #vdb #dynamics #cg #compositing #3dart
Intraware can provide training, and setup scripts for Eddy, like the clouds in this video.
Eddy for Nuke is available internationally from Intraware. Contact us.
Thanks to all who came to see us at Disguise XR event in LA. Thanks to Disguise for hosting.
Here is the flaming swords asset @mattbarkerart broke down on stage
#eddyfornuke #vfx #fluids #characterfx #solver
Amazing GOT inspired Flaming Sword Test using Eddy for Nuke!
With all the excitement around Game of Thrones this week, we had to do some flaming sword setups with Eddy for Nuke.
This setup generates flames from a texture on the sword model, and simulated 600 frames of this combustion in 26 minutes.
Render time was 1hr45 on a GTX1080ti.
Contact @mattbarkerart at Intraware for a closer look.
#madewithnuke #got #flames #eddyfornuke #3d #firesword #vfx #gameofthrones
Amazing Eddy for Nuke workflow example!
Smoke emission with wind, curl noise & an animated collider object.
GPU is changing how you can work. Create, tweak, light and render your own fx elements, from scratch with Eddy for Nuke.
#eddyfornuke #madewithnuke #volumetrics #simulation #dynamics #cg #compositing #3dart
Have a look at these amazing falling asteroids/comets, inspired by the ones in Avengers:Infinity War.
This Eddy effect is created from an input animated mesh with uvs, and an animated emission texture generated in Nuke plugged in.
The effect can also work from included eddy fields/primitives, or Nuke particles, for when you dont have an animated alembic asteroid lying around.
The first clip took ~50min to simulate/render at 1920x1080 on a single GTX1080ti.
Artist: @mattbarkerart from @intrawareint
#fx #eddyfornuke #madewithnuke #volumetrics #art #compositing #infinitywar #avengers
Amazing simulation work from @mattbarkerart showing how Eddy for Nuke can be used to create amazing effects!
Create high detail simulations faster using all your avaliable GPU power!
#eddyfornuke #madewithnuke #volumetrics #simulation #cg #3dart
Notch can change the way you do graphics for live events and performance, but also, broadcast, film and TV studios are moving more of their work into realtime.
Epic artwork by Matt Barker @ Intraware
#rendering #madewithnotch #3dart
Amazing Eddy cloud rig R&D by @mattbarkerart at INTRAWARE
With this setup you can simulate, instance, and light/render cloud shapes on the GPU at about 1min a frame. GTX1080ti 1920HD
#eddyfornuke #madewithnuke #3dart