
BridgetJane A mama finding her groove, passion & fun 🤩 Always inspiring others to live happier, healthier lives It’s about so much more than weight loss.

Dietitian ~ Counsellor ~ Eating Psychology Coach ~ Mind, Body, Soul Wellbeing Mentor

If you would like to explore my approach further, the current options are:

My foundational resource which is required reading for all my clients and course participants - The 10 Commandments of Permanent Weight Loss. It’s about the foundation for true self love so that you can live a life of love, harmony, healt

h & happiness - Just $14AUD

There is my foundational and life shifting workshop- YOU - But Better - Your BS- free blueprint for permanent weight loss, more energy & true happiness -Only $44AUD

Last but not least there is my SIGNATURE “body” program - Dream Body Alignment Activation- complete & ready for you to dive in & complete at your own pace � This will change the very core & foundation of the relationship you have with yourself, food, eating & your body �
Bonuses include The 10 Commandments of Permanent Weight Loss (as its essential reading), and my YOU- But Better workshop, as it contains essential foundations for this work.

There are also options to work with me 1:1 via 14 Day intensives, 90 Day Immersive’s, 1 off Wellbeing Breakthrough sessions, as well as Aligned Intuitive Readings- msg me �

I absolutely LOVE sharing this work with you!�

My Linktree to resources & courses -

Honest diary of a mum of two under 3…. 🙈🫣🤪2:50am get woken by gremlin who thinks it’s party time & wants to investigate ...

Honest diary of a mum of two under 3…. 🙈🫣🤪

2:50am get woken by gremlin who thinks it’s party time & wants to investigate any source of light in the bedroom

Spend an hour and a half trying to get said gremlin back to sleep. Some success then more screaming

4:30am super hero dad saves the day with a feed for the impossible gremlin who just has to have her way 😩🫠

5:30am get woken with gremlin being returned to her cot. Promptly fall back into a deep, beautiful sleep and then…..

BAM! 6:20am rudely awoken out of a blissful sleep state by said superhero hubby who needs to go to work…

6:25am attempt to get back to sleep as toddler is settled with poppy… 👏🏽

6:30am NOPE! Toddler comes barging in. Jump out of bed to stop him waking the gremlin 🫣

6:32am attempt worlds fastest shower whilst toddler spectates:..

6:33am NOPE! Gremlin AWAKE 😏

6:33-8:33am a sh*t show of breakfast, three poo-y nappies, mess, mess, screams, cries, wrestling baby & toddler who aren’t fans of nappy or clothes changes….

9am get gremlin down for nap- ready to do workout PLOT TWIST INTERNET IS DOWNNNNNN so nothing works- workout app, tv etc

FML 😩😤😤

Anyone else feel me?! 🤯

Lately there seems to be more struggle than smooth sailing but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?! Right???? 😳

In all seriousness though my heart aches to just be able to spend more time with my beautiful cruisy guy….
Charlotte is a force and she’s breaking me down fast…. 🥺

I don’t want to think or feel this way about my littlest but right now this is the honest truth… she seems to be unhappy more than she’s happy & I just haven’t figured out why yet… it’s killing me to constantly try & meet her needs… & yep my little guy misses out 😭😭

Deep breath in…. Start again… I can do this…

12pm get books out to read to both of them… lullabies on… bottle for gremlin… followed by active burping then getting them both to sleep…

🙈🙈 send help xo

When Day 6 hair looks this good it’s easy to SMILE 😃 With a simple comb & a few drops of our queen rejuveniqe oil I’m go...

When Day 6 hair looks this good it’s easy to SMILE 😃

With a simple comb & a few drops of our queen rejuveniqe oil I’m good to go!

Are you ready to start your hair healing journey?

Issues with oiliness? Flakiness? Frizz? Growth? Hair loss? Thinning? Dullness?

Just not living your BEST hair life?!

Let’s get you sorted!

Complete the hair quiz in my bio or msg for a free hair consult ☺️❤️


I feel like we really hold ourselves back when we take ourselves too seriously.Don’t you agree?You might see people doin...

I feel like we really hold ourselves back when we take ourselves too seriously.

Don’t you agree?

You might see people doing or trying things that you really want to do or try, but you hold back because you don’t want to make a fool of yourself.

You don’t want to get it wrong, or make a mistake, or look silly 🥺

I’ve been having this conversation a lot lately! With women.

We seem to care way too much what others thing! Like waaaay to much! To the point it stifles the fun out of life! It keeps us small & contained & living a monotonous, predictable & unfulfilling life.

What if you didn’t care so much?
What if you realised that what other people think of you says very little about YOU, & much more about them?

What if you stopped giving a damn and just did whatever the hell you felt like? Whatever lights you up! Whatever makes you feel good! Whatever gives you energy & leaves you feeling content & satisfied at the end of the day?

I’m not sure what shifted over here but this is where I’m at!

I’m 40 years old, soon to be 41. A mother of an almost 2 year old & soon to welcome a new born! 🥹

I’m old enough & wise enough to do whatever brings me, & my family joy!

I can’t believe I sat around being “dormant” for so long because I cared what others might think! 🙈🫣

Imagine the fun I could’ve been having all along! 💃🥹🧜‍♀️😝

Soooo sister! Where are you at? Are you holding yourself back? Are you sitting on your hands & zipping your mouth because you don’t want any negative feedback??

I invite you to live a little! Step outside your comfort zone even just ONE little bit. Inch towards the edge. Walk on the wild side!

It’s YOUR LIFE! You get to live it how you want to!

You get to get to the end & have no regrets! You get to be able to look in the mirror & KNOW you were always true to you! Or at least, from a certain point!

Tell me, what’s ONE thing you’ve been wanting to DO or TRY that you haven’t? Could you be brave enough to take a step towards that today?

All my love! 💜💜💜

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Words that came through in my hypnotherapy session today …“I was letting the darkness limit meNow I’m letting the lightn...

Words that came through in my hypnotherapy session today …

“I was letting the darkness limit me

Now I’m letting the lightness lead me”

My why for my path forward has a few elements

I want to see women lit up, fully expressed, having fun, realising all they desire to be ✨

I want to see women playing, being creative, paving their own path, stepping into their power- whatever that means or looks like for them

There is so much societal conditioning that powerfully contains us, limits us & keeps us small- polite, compliant, conforming

But we are truly magical. Limitless. Powerful beyond our own awareness

We can be light, loving, playful, fun in our being & create a lifestyle for our family that our hearts truly desire ❤️

We can rewrite the scripts of our own upbringing, the patterns of our lineage

We can be the mum, woman & person we truly want to be

That we truly ARE in our essence

We can empower & liberate ourselves, & the true magic happens in collaboration, community & connection

We just need to find our people.
The ones who make our hearts sing & feel free

The ones who truly let us be US, with love, support, encouragement & compassion

No judgement, no expectations, no conditions of any kind

Just pure unconditional allowing

How incredible does that feel? 🥰❤️

That is one of my driving WHYs xx

Recently I’ve shared so much of the goodness & beauty that has become my life thanks to motherhood & the joyful presence...

Recently I’ve shared so much of the goodness & beauty that has become my life thanks to motherhood & the joyful presence of my son…
What I haven’t been sharing though is the deep struggle with reality that I’ve also been navigating.
You know. The truth about life.
That it’s here, then not.
Joyful & painful.
Exciting & terrifying.
Before the extreme vulnerability that being a mama opened me up, to I did have a protective bubble of ignorance that enabled me to go through life without so much worry. Without so much sensitivity. Without so much struggle….
Yeah I worried & I was somewhat sensitive & of course I struggled. But this new space, this new phase of life is so much more real 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’m not quite sure how else to describe it
As I read Wayne Dyers ‘The Power of Awakening’, I realise much of what I’m going through IS actually an awakening process.
Learning how to be with all of life. All of the possibilities & all of the truth.
In discussions with my ?coach & one of my most cherished friends I realised what I was missing & what I needed so much.
Wisdom. From the great “elders” that have always brought me comfort & made sense of life & existence as a human being.
Wayne Dyer has always been a reliable source of wisdom, truth & understanding. I’m so grateful that he lives on through his words.
Anyway, if you are struggling with humaning ever, I highly recommend w what it is you need to be ok. To feel right again. To remember who you are & the truth of life.
We are all here for a reason & purpose. ALL OF US.
When we remember this & the magic of life despite the hard & even impossible parts, we can find meaning & purpose in it all.
We can release the fears gripping our heart & let ourselves breathe into the limitless expanse of pure wonder that is this universe & being alive ❤️
All my love xxoo

Being his mum is my most favourite thing….He has made me the truest & best version of myself that I’ve ever known.Everyd...

Being his mum is my most favourite thing….
He has made me the truest & best version of myself that I’ve ever known.
Everyday with him is a gift 🎁

I’ve learned to relax into life and in particular the smallest, most simplest moments of life with joy & presence & gratitude

My experience of motherhood is so thanks in huge part to my wonderful husband.

He is a dream father, partner & rock of our lives. We are so blessed 🥰

So this Mother’s Day I want to thank my son & husband. Because being a mum is something I cherish and treasure and it’s because of who these two humans are.

I feel so lucky. Never did I imagine my life would be so magical

Lots of love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

Come with me as I make bubbas first  They were a huge hit with everyone in the house ☺️👏🏽❤️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I have to say, fin...

Come with me as I make bubbas first
They were a huge hit with everyone in the house ☺️👏🏽❤️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have to say, finding Simple Home Edit ( has brought back my love for cooking!
Her website is unreal. You can create mealplans, save recipes, copy ingredients, etc
It is literally my go-to right now when I’m not using my thermie!
No affiliation! Just lots of love and appreciation
Try these for your family this week and let me know what you and they think (I know it’ll be nothing but positive 😄)
Enjoy the ending! (THE best part)

11 likes, 6 comments - BridgetJane () on Instagram: "Come with me as I make bubbas first They were a huge hit with everyone in the house ☺�..."


Right from the get go the predominant messaging from society is all about what we look like & how “looking good” determines our worthiness as a person 🥺
Personally & professionally I have witnessed the detrimental impact of such messaging & how much of a hold it can have over a persons ENTIRE life
For me it is sad to see this play out over & over, especially in an industry that is MEANT to be about health & fitness, NOT just aesthetics
Someone can “look” healthy & yet their body, mind & soul is actually living in perpetual stress because their drive & intention isn’t actually about health or fitness, it’s about how one “looks”
Conversely, someone may not look the way we’ve been conditioned to believe represents health, yet due to a great relationship with themselves, a positive inner dialogue & an empowered outlook on life, they can have a thriving state of wellbeing

Many years ago, how I looked was what I considered most important about myself.
After all, since I was born I heard the messaging about my appearance & the associated actions that communicated to me that my worthiness was based on my “looks”

Beautiful little girl, adored & doted after
An “ugly & fat” older girl who was “gross”, “less than” & rejected
And once again, an attractive adolescent/young woman who was shown endless attention, interest & affection

There came a time that I had to change the narrative for myself. I was tired of being “loved” for my looks. I wanted to be loved, no matter what. So I had to lead the way. And I did. I finally began to practice what I’d been telling clients my whole career but had never allowed myself to buy into.

We are all worthy no matter our appearance.

And, if we focus on FUNCTION & FEELING, we will find a truly healthy way of life that supports us in body, mind & soul ❤️

When I see people touting how hard they are working or have worked to achieve a certain look, or how disciplined & prescriptive they’ve been, I don’t feel inspired. I feel sad. That so much life force & focus is going to an end that really doesn’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

By all means, if working hard, being restrictive & being so disciplined to look a certain way lights you up & fulfils you, go for it!
However please know that if you’re not working hard, being disciplined & focusing on aesthetics, it doesn’t make you any less worthy.

In fact it frees up so much time, energy & focus to channel towards what really matters in life.
What truly lights you up, makes you feel good & creates an overall fulfilling life

In all my own years of focusing so much on what I looked like, & all the years I’ve seen clients focus on it, I’ve never witnessed true & lasting happiness as a result. Ever.

Only a temporary, conditional kind of “happy” that walks a strict tightrope. One that also feeds so much insecurity & fear. A way of being that robs one of magical experiences, real relationships & discovering the reality that they can be loved deeply for WHO THEY ARE - not what they look like

And of course this is a black and white discussion and perhaps a happy medium exists?

But what I’ve discovered is that when I, & my clients, focus on how we FEEL & how we function, we end up with a sustaining way of life & result that also “looks” pretty damn healthy in body, mind & soul

Just my little offering for you today 🥰❤️

Be your own influence-r 🥰Something I’ve been reflecting on lately is how much we can allow outside circumstances or peop...

Be your own influence-r 🥰

Something I’ve been reflecting on lately is how much we can allow outside circumstances or people to affect & influence our own path 🙈

I think it’s great to get inspiration from various places, however in my experience, the winning “recipe” is when I allow & trust MYSELF to be the authority & governing power in my life 🤗
We live in an information age. There is literally endless info out there that we can consume, get immersed in & be influenced by

However sometimes it serves only to disconnect us from our own inner knowing & causes us to second guess ourselves & what we feel & know to be right & true for us

There are so many examples I can offer. From food to coffee to alcohol to fertility to exercise to relationships to parenting etc etc etc

Literally any topic we want to explore will have endless information available with endless opinions, ideas & perspectives 😵‍💫

It can be mind boggling

What I’ve always found useful & successful is to notice when I’m being overly influenced by an outside force (person, opinion, movement, circumstance) & to remind myself that I know what is best for me. That I am unique & all the factors affecting me in a particular situation are unique too.

No one or nothing can know better than me which is the right choice, decision, pathway forward

So I wanted to share with you, if you feel or notice yourself getting overly influenced by an external source that is taking you further away from your own authority, knowing & power, you can course correct in any moment.

Let others do their life. And you do yours. You have everything you need inside you to navigate your unique pathway.

Just because everyone is doing, believing or thinking something, doesn’t mean you have to. It doesn’t make you wrong. And it doesn’t make them wrong.

Just trust yourself to pick out the bits & pieces of information that light you up & feel “right” to you.

And- if a particular influencer or movement- is heavily influencing you right now, just check in if your inner authority is on board or not ☺️❤️

Lots of love x

Well done mama 👏🏽☺️❤️I know it’s not easy. I know there is so much that you do that is thankless & often unnoticedYou ke...

Well done mama 👏🏽☺️❤️

I know it’s not easy.
I know there is so much that you do that is thankless & often unnoticed

You keep the cogs turning
You keep everything from being utter chaos
And yet, it feels anything but

Sometimes you feel like it’s all on top of you. Never ending. Relentless.

And yet somehow you keep going.
Because you love.

You love your humans. You’ll do anything for them.

You get to the end of your tether and then discover after a breath, “it’s ok, I’ve got more” 🫣

At times you think “I can’t do this”, & yet somehow you DO

You are phenomenal.
You are incredible.

You really are something special. Something unique.
Something powerful.

You are mama.

Sending my fellow mamas all the love ❤️

Please remember how valuable everything you do is. How valuable YOU are.

Make sure you fill up your own cup too. Somehow. Some way.

I know it’s not easy, but I know you can work it out. If you’re creative. If your kind (to you!)

You have needs & you deserve to have them met. And yes, it is up to you to acknowledge & fulfil these ❤️

We can’t keep giving on empty. So let us learn how to do it whilst we also care for our humans. Sometimes we need help. Sometimes we need a breather. Sometimes we need to vent.

It’s all ok. We just never need to feel alone.

Because despite the highlight reels we see, many other mamas struggle at times too.

It’s normal. It’s natural. It is by no means a reflection of you.

You are one person. And although you are magical, you are human.

So reach out to your village, mama. Being vulnerable with those we feel safe to actually builds connection. And each connection grows our village.

Lots of love & gratitude to my village ❤️❤️

It’s not really a secret that I occasionally have bad mental health days & that anxiety, panic & depression have feature...

It’s not really a secret that I occasionally have bad mental health days & that anxiety, panic & depression have featured in my life at times…
But one thing I’ve realised, & I need to get stronger at honouring, is that whilst social media can be a great space for sharing & connecting, for me, not a lot of good ever comes from scrolling 🤷🏼‍♀️

The best social media accounts I’ve come across have been mostly through recommendations
I’ve always been an avid reader. I’ve always loved books 🤓

And yet the power & pull of social media has largely taken up that space, & for me I am realising the detrimental impact of that.

Yes I love learning & I love connecting.
And yet a lot of what we see on social media is smoke & mirrors; highlight reels; marketing (duh!); and not always THE TRUTH.

So I share this with you incase you too feel this way, & know, yet also struggle to stay away from social media.

Let us rewrite the relationship we have with it; be conscious of the fact it is so NOT a reflection of reality as a whole & that it is also highly curated to show us more of what we show interest in. Be that good or bad, positive or negative.

Let us remember TRUTH. And our own connection to our inner wisdom & power. Let us not compare ourselves to others edited & produced highlight reels. Let us realise what really matters and deserves our attention & energy is RIGHT HERE & NOW in our living & breathing reality.

Let us also remember we can actually live without social media & craft a full, whole & rich life without being immersed in online spaces.

Yes I love the connection, the sharing, the learning, & also I’m acknowledging that too much is really not good for me. And I desire to be more present in my life, with my boy, with my hubby, living our version of bliss.

I’d love to hear your thoughts & feelings on this matter & how you’ve reduced or significantly limited your time on & use of social media ⬇️

Lots of love ❤️

As I often share, I’m always “doing the work”Meaning I’m observing, reflecting & consciously adjusting how I’m beingI ob...

As I often share, I’m always “doing the work”
Meaning I’m observing, reflecting & consciously adjusting how I’m being

I observe my thoughts & feelings all the time 🧐

I notice when they are not working for me or for those around me & I recognise my responsibility & power to shift these to be more congruent with my truth (sometimes it takes longer than others!)

Today I had a powerful perspective shift while “doing the work”
You see, as a kid I felt like I never fit in

As a very young girl I recall having friends who were popular & gelled together. They all just kind of clicked & I felt like an outsider. Not one of “them” but just kinda hanging out with them in my own “different” bubble

In primary school I had a best friend who was the pretty & popular one. The boys loved her. I was the dorky, ugly one & I was allocated such roles every single time in playground role plays 🤓

A little older again, I would have crushes on good looking, popular boys who never saw me that way. I was never “the one”. I was intelligent, individual & a deep thinker. But never the pretty, popular one.

I see this now as such a gift. That I felt different & that I never “fit in”

It allowed me to observe, question & CHOOSE, rather than just “follow along”

My feeling different gave me permission to be a free thinker, to have so much alone time in which my imagination & creative self came to play. I wasn’t always distracted by “doing” with others.

I would be with myself & really think, reflect, explore.

I’m so so grateful I came here to be this version of me.

People don’t always like me immediately, or at all

They take my difference the wrong way

But if you ever get to really know me, you’ll see that it’s ok to be different. It’s ok to not always fit in. It’s ok to enjoy your own company & need a lot of alone time. It’s ok to think differently & not follow the crowd. It’s ok to forge your own path. Choose your own innermost preferences & curiosities. It’s ok to have different discussions & real, deep conversations. It’s ok to be a heart guided soul who just doesn’t get a lot of what the collective finds topical or important or “popular”

It’s so great to be “different” ❤️👏🏽

This morning as I was getting ready I had this odd thought….“I love you Bridget. I’m so proud of you”🤨What? Who is this?...

This morning as I was getting ready I had this odd thought….
“I love you Bridget. I’m so proud of you”


What? Who is this?
Hmmm yes it’s me. The 40year old me. Who is so proud of herself.

Not just for the beautiful boy I’ve created; not just for the incredible relationship I’ve fostered; not just for the epic life i get to live everyday….

But also & perhaps MOST of all, for the peace I’ve created INSIDE.

It is so sad when you really know how much self-hatred, self-loathing, self-criticism, self-judgement & all sorts of other unpleasant self stuff consumes many peoples lives
And it spills over into unhealthy relationships, conflict, unhappy careers, unpleasant every days

Literally everything out there spills over from “in here”
And so I am so damn proud of myself for always doing what i feel is the hardest work ever to do in this life

To look in the mirror
To own our sh%t
To confront our demons
To really go deep, deep inside & stick with it until there is peace

It’s really not easy stuff
But it truly does make magic of literally everything else 🥰❤️

So yes I’m proud of me
And no it’s not always a fairytale inside. Those demons& thoughts & criticisms occasionally arise. Sometimes they hang out for a couple of days. But the more constant & committed part of me that remains always is the TRUE me.
The me that is love. That is understanding. That is compassion. That is forgiveness.

She’s always there & she knows she is more powerful, true & everlasting

I hope you too can find this part of you ☺️
It is life changing.

All my love xxoo

Being a woman is a weird thing…Weird & wonderful, yesBut also weird & extremely difficult sometimesNo matter how much wo...

Being a woman is a weird thing…
Weird & wonderful, yes
But also weird & extremely difficult sometimes
No matter how much work I’ve done on self awareness, self acceptance & self love, every now & then I get plagued with the worst thoughts about myself

Not really about my SELF, but my APPEARANCE
How I look

Recently it’s been rocky 🥺
“I look old”
“I’ve aged so much”
“I hate every photo I see of myself”
“I look absolutely sh*%”
“What happened to me?”
“I looked so great a year ago!”
“I looked amazing 2 years ago”
“Somethings changed in my face”
“I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been” (when not pregnant)

And ON & ON & ON it bloody goes!
It drives me NUTS!
I cannot hear anything over the constant drone of these thoughts
I can’t access or feel the JOY that is here for me right now in this moment

I compare myself to other women
“How does she look so good”
“I need to make an effort with my hair”

I look back over older photos & try to work out what’s changed.
How do I now look so different in the worst kind of way?
Meanwhile I’m missing the MOMENT

My inner self knows the answers to all of this, yet the powerful, decades long & generations thick conditioning is at times much more powerful & penetrating

I am sharing this to be real
I go through these struggles too
I just choose a different way to deal with it than I used to
I choose to love myself no matter what
I choose to tap into my ESSENCE, my soul
I choose to ask, what would bring me joy?
I choose to KNOW that I am an infinite soul in an amazing yes, but limited body, & my worthiness & value lies not in its “condition”
I choose to be a self ALLY
I choose to know this too will pass
I choose to dig deep & access what’s “really going on”

There has been a massive evolution in me since becoming a mum
Life “hurts” more than it used to. Probably because I have no protection against the infinite expanse of love & contentment that has penetrated the spaces that once kept me shielded against the worst kinds of fears, worry & pain
As they say, the greater the love, the greater the heartbreak
I am learning to occupy this before unknown duality
It’s definitely taken it’s toll
But would I have it any other way? Absolutely not!

A lot of the time, the most important, & hardest work I do with clients is on the relationship with themselvesSince even...

A lot of the time, the most important, & hardest work I do with clients is on the relationship with themselves
Since even before we were born we’ve been absorbing messages about what it means to be loveable & we’ve been observing this messaging since we were born.

There’s a lot of messed up messaging out there on this theme, just saying, & there’s more people demonstrating self judgment than there are those exhibiting self acceptance & love

This is a sad state of affairs but it’s reality.

The way it will change is if we each take responsibility for unlearning all the messed up & untrue messaging we’ve unconsciously absorbed & accepted, & begin to rewire new messaging & beliefs into our body & mind. Our soul knows the truth, yet not many of us have a great connection to our soul.

The reason this work is so important in the work I do with clients is because unless & until a person is at peace within themselves, there is an ever present source of not only stress but also aggravation.

This IS problematic mentally & physically.

It can be a source of unrelenting unease from which we desire to escape. Through addictions, drama, busyness, unhealthy relationships etc

I find it also contributes to illness & disease causing inflammation in the body.

So whilst my other FUNdamentals are important & can help begin to turn things around, THIS aspect, the one between “me, myself & I” is the most important one.

It’s the one that allows the rest to be so much easier. More effortless & even enjoyable.

When someone works with me it’s not just about looking at food & movement. There’s so much more.

It’s confronting. And it’s life changing in the greatest of ways

Not only does it improve health, it also improves relationships, career opportunities, overall quality of life & true fulfilment in every day

It’s a true privilege to do this work ❤️

What are your thoughts on what I’ve shared here? Xx

Do we really need to be so busy?One of the greatest lies I feel we’re powerfully conditioned into is that we have to be ...

Do we really need to be so busy?

One of the greatest lies I feel we’re powerfully conditioned into is that we have to be busy. We have to work hard. We have to earn our happiness by demonstrating how disciplined, committed & reliable we are.

To what? To who?

I still remember the moment I opted out of this big lie. I saw a potential future self: chained to a treadmill, working hard, paying a mortgage, bills& struggling to keep up
It was bleak, grey & miserable😭

When I went on holiday in Qld I saw an alternative future! In full, bright HD colour!

To many, it was career su***de. I was silly. I’d regret it. I’d be back!

But no! I am SO SO grateful to the younger version of me who dared to deny the “reality of how it has to be”

I’m so grateful for her courage, her vision& for trusting her heart above everything else

I hear & see so often people who are stressed, tired, juggling it all. I don’t know how they do it. I can’t anymore.

Over the years I’ve adjusted my lifestyle & budget to prioritise my wellbeing.
I can do with less things
I don’t have to have the newest or best of anything.

If I can’t afford something easily without compromising my mental or physical health, then I can live without it!

I know there are SO MANY things we can live without.
So that we have TIME, SPACE & most importantly connection with ourselves & our loved ones

If we are creative we can find ways to let things go. The addiction to the busyness. The uncomfortable feelings that arise when we don’t have an endless TO DO list. All the extra curricular activities. Anything that is not actually adding to our quality of life.
Just let it go & let there be space.

I’ve found the more money we have, the more we spend & vice versa
I get that we have bills etc to pay, however I know that 9/10 there are many adjustments that can be made to ease the pressure on our finances.

So that we can actually LIVE & have space to really LOVE the important things in life.

I know we’ve been sold a story of how it needs to be.
But I’m here to say, it’s just a story.
There are MANY other ways!
It’s YOUR life. Make sure you’re living it the way YOU want to be living it xoxoox

IDK why but I find myself in such an interesting space these days.I am not driven AT ALLI have NO goalsI am drawn to LES...

IDK why but I find myself in such an interesting space these days.
I am not driven AT ALL
I have NO goals
I am drawn to LESS in so many ways…
Less noise
Less stuff
Less socialising
Less busyness
Less stressing
Less opinions
Less learning
Less information
Less speaking even! (I know right!! 😜)

I enjoy the mundane, basic aspects of life so much more than I used to
I love SPACE
Space to just BE
Space to relax
Space to ENJOY

I am not the bubbly version of me I used to be. People always described me as bubbly 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m actually quite “flat” most of the time, or shall we say “even”
I don’t get excited by anything much at all… which is unusual for me as I used to get excited about a lot of things, even just my morning coffee 🤣

But in so many ways I’m much more present, grounded, real & I have a greater DEPTH of contentment that is constant ❤️

I was faced with one of my greatest fears in 2022 & somehow it humbled me more than anything ever has 🥺

Nothing is as important to me these days as the health & happiness of my bubba, my hubby & myself

Every moment I get to share with my humans is precious, cherished & soaked up!

So if you’re entering 2023 in. Kind of weird space & wondering where your motivation, inspiration & excitement has gone, you’re not alone & it’s possibly not a “bad” thing…

It might just be that you’ve kinda sussed out the WHOLE human life experience thing & you’re just happy to Coast & take life as it comes. Nothing is permanent. Not the good, not the bad.

Everything is fleeting.
So work out what matters to you & intentionally make that the priority & focus of your life. Drown out the noise 🙉

Just do YOU & know that’s what it’s all about anyway. You’re here to BE you & live YOUR life ❤️

Lots of love xoox


Lake Entrance Boulevard
Noosa Heads, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 4pm
Tuesday 11am - 4pm
Wednesday 11am - 4pm
Thursday 11am - 4pm
Friday 11am - 4pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm




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