After finishing my in studies in Creative Writing, Journalism and the Creative Industries, followed by finding a skillset in copy and content writing for small business, I’ve begun to learn some valuable insights on the importance of storytelling - which is potently relevant to small businesses and practitioners in the creative industries today. Due to the current 24 hour social media news cycle,
a multidisciplinary stage for the opposing forces of journalism and marketing has emerged. Years ago, while I was watching a talk by Gary Vaynarchuk, he delivered a challenging thought that due to the 24-hour social media cycle, businesses now need to become their own media company and invest in storytelling in cohesion with advertising. Though unfortunately, due to businesses not managing the healthy co-existence between storytelling and ads, we have felt the ubiquity of obnoxious "salesely" content, harvesting a macro distrust and resentment toward marketing - of which some large companies are now beginning to quantify and shift their approaches entirely. Brian Halligan, CEO and Co-founder of Hubspot, shared an alarming figure at a recent Inbound Conference, that on a recent public trust index, sales and marketing has dropped below politicians at 5% over the past two years. I’ve learnt it’s become so critical in digital now to restore an emphasis on content marketing that shares stories, passions and creates the most delight to any user experience; content that educates, humours, inspires and equips their audiences with the help they need to also to be as original as they can be. I envision a service of equipping businesses and entrepreneurs implement a strategy of storytelling that generates a powerfully-influential flywheel effect - compelling their audiences to go and tell their story as well. Enter my most exciting passion project dream: E-quip💡
Thank you for Gary Vaynarchuk, Russel Brunson & every small business creative individual who has put the passion in my soul to begin this venture. I truly hope it will shift the way we engage social media and tell the stories that positively impact the digital world we all feel, see, create on and consume everyday.