Amidst The Noise

Amidst The Noise Sharing things I love and support. Health and wellness is my passion.



The hour by hour benefits of intermittent fasting!We all naturally fast – or take a break from eating – for at least 8 h...

The hour by hour benefits of intermittent fasting!
We all naturally fast – or take a break from eating – for at least 8 hours a day. It’s when we’re asleep!

The prevailing view has always been to start your day with a hearty breakfast but recent research suggests that taking a longer break can help you lose weight and improve overall health.
Whether you call it “intermittent fasting” (aka IF) or “ time-restricted eating,” it involves intentionally taking a “break” from eating for anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day.

Intermittent Fasting has been shown to:

🔥Lower Insulin Levels
🔥Enhance Recovery & Reduce Inflammation
🔥Boost your metabolism
🔥Increase Fat Burning,
🔥Help with Cellular Regeneration

Also, it stands to reason that if you’re eating for fewer hours a day, there’s a good chance you’re eating less overall, helping to lose weight if that’s a goal.

There are numerous health benefits related to intermittent fasting including:

Weight and body fat loss. ...
Increased fat burning. ...
Lowered blood insulin and sugar levels. ... (Possible reversal of type 2 diabetes)
Possible improved mental clarity and concentration. ...
Possible increased energy. ...
Possible increased growth hormone, at least in the short term

Here’s a breakdown of what you body does each hour of fasting (times based from last calorie intake):

4-8 hours
Blood sugars fall
All food has left the stomach
Insulin is no longer produced

12 hours
Food consumed has been burned
Digestive system goes to sleep
Body begins healing process
Human Growth Hormone begins to increase
Glucagon is relaxed to balance blood sugars

14 hours
Body has converted to using stored fat as energy
Human Growth Hormone starts to increase dramatically

16 hours
Body starts to ramp up the fat burning

18 hours- this is for health benefits mainly
Human Growth Hormone starts to skyrocket
24 hours
Autophagy begins
Drains all glycogen stores
Ketones are released into the blood stream.

Fasting is an amazing 😍

New Bea Biotics coming soon 💥Read up on all the benefits below.

New Bea Biotics coming soon 💥
Read up on all the benefits below.

What is BĒA Biotics? BĒA Biotics is a delicious, naturally caffeine-free sparkling beverage with benefits for gut health and digestive wellness that is boosted with uplifting adaptogens and botanicals. How does BĒA Biotics support digestive wellness? BĒA Biotics is a delicious sparkling beverage...

Our amazing collagen explained

Our amazing collagen explained

Watch Chief Science Officer Joshua Plant, Ph.D., break down the science — and a bit of art — of one of its flagship innovative products, Collagen Elixir™. Fi...

Such a good view on biohacking your nutrition

Such a good view on biohacking your nutrition

The Biohack Experience #5 : Exploring the Gut connection in Mind, Body & Soul . What would it look like to explore a holistic lens of the GUT and how it rela...

Warning ⚠️ these may cause the need to eat multiple servings at once . ( I would not know about that 🙄)🍏  Apple Cinnamon...

Warning ⚠️ these may cause the need to eat multiple servings at once .
( I would not know about that 🙄)

🍏 Apple Cinnamon Energy bites 🍏

2 cups old-fashioned oats
¼ cup ground flaxseed
¾ teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup almond butter
¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup (not packed) grated apple (about 1 medium)

Optional: I am adding 2 scoops of whey protein for added punch!

⚠️ IONIX SUPREME ⚠️Liquid gold, happy juice...this elixir goes by many names here & is possibly my fav product 🤣🔥Helps r...


Liquid gold, happy juice...this elixir goes by many names here & is possibly my fav product 🤣

🔥Helps reduce stress and balance cortisol levels = weight loss!

"Ionix Supreme is an anti-stress health rejuvenator that includes over 100 active ingredients in each bottle. It’s not a juice, but an ionic elixir. The majority of ingredients are plant adaptogens, along with ionic, organic trace minerals, and other specialized ingredients I will attempt to explain.

Isagenix does not cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

What are plant adaptogens?

Wikipedia defines plant adaptogens as “a natural herb that increases the body's resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue”. I’m sure you can see the need already! They have been called rejuvenating herbs, or restoratives. All adaptogens contain antioxidants and produce a defensive response against stress, and have a normalizing effect on the body. Adaptogens balance the body and, for example, can raise blood pressure in someone who needs it, and lower it in another.

Adaptogenic herbs are distinguished by their ability to balance endocrine hormones and the immune system. In other words, they are greatly needed by our bodies everyday, as our endocrine and immune systems are constantly being affected by the chemical world we live in. Not all herbs have adaptogenic qualities and those that do have long been used in either Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine. As you can see, this is not a new science. Modern study of plant adaptogens began in the 1940s, even though the concept dates back thousands of years.

*Please note that in order to preserve the health qualities in these plant adaptogens, collection practices and proper processing are extremely important in order to guarantee their potency. It will mean the difference between an active ingredient and a non-active ingredient.

What plant adaptogens are being used in Ionix Supreme?

🌱Ashwagandha: is an herb similar to Indian Ginseng (Winter Cherry), and is chosen to combat physical stress.

🌱Schizandra: is a Chinese herb used for chronic fatigue, normalizing blood sugar, blood pressure and other bodily functions, while increasing the body’s resistance to disease.

🌱Tribulus Terrestris: known as Puncture Vine,has a detoxifying effect on the liver and improves the blood supply to muscles and the brain, while increasing endurance. Athletes use this as a safe and natural alternative to steroids. It helps hormonal and libido problems in men and women.

🌱Siberian Golden Root: is an herb from the mountains of Eastern Siberia that helps you recover from mental and physical workloads. It reduces exhaustion and improves memory and brain activity. As an anti-fatigue, anti-depression herb, it is known to improve athletic and sexual performance.

🌱Siberian Ginseng: is the main adaptogen responsible for athletic recovery, while increasing endurance and lean muscle. It is used to improve energy levels, protect the immune system, and increase mental sharpness. Millions take it daily.

🌱Siberian Rhododendron Caucasicum (S.R.C.): is a unique non-toxic species of Rhododendron found only in the Caucasian Mountains of Russia at elevations of 10,000 to 13,000 feet. In the Republic of Georgia, there are records of 23,000 Georgians over the age of 100; based on a population of only 3.2 million people. This rhododendron is the secret to their longevity. Studies show that S.R.C. improves heart health, blood pressure and cholesterol, arthritis, depression, gout, increases blood supply to the muscles and brain, and is highly anti-bacterial. It is also being used to reduce fat and is a natural and selective fat blocker. What a list!

🌱Nepali Shilajit: is translated as “Destroyer of Weakness and the Builder of Strength.” Shilajit is harvested off the sides of the cliffs in the Himalayas. Its list of health benefits is as long as Siberian Rhododendron Caucasicum, above. It is high in trace minerals and supports longevity in ways too many to list here.

🌱Maca Extract: Maca is a root vegetable grown high in the Andes; known as the Incan Superfood. Maca is high in amino acids which play a role in sexual function; making it known for its sexual performance properties, along with enhancing fertility, memory and energy.

🌱Wolfberry: This Asian herb is known for treating diabetes, repairing damaged liver cells, kidney function, and improving vision. It contains 500% more vitamin C than oranges, more beta-carotene than carrots, over 19 amino acids and 21 trace minerals, along with B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E. The extraction process is vey important because most of the health benefits are in the berry’s skin. Wolfberry has been used for centuries for its anti-aging benefits.

Important Nutrients That Improve Your Health

🌱Bamboo Extract: The stem is used as the highest known source of natural silica; approximately 70% silica. It strengthens the skeletal system, much the same way it does for the mammals that exist on it. It improves digestion and aids the cardiovascular system and elasticity of the arteries. When our level of silica declines, we see hair loss, bone loss, and premature aging of the skin. It is an essential daily supplement.

🌱Aphrodisiac Herbs: Along with Shilajit, Maca extract, Siberian Golden Root, Schizandra extract, Ashwagandha, are added Velvet Bean and Ginger Extract. Velvet Bean is popular in sports nutrition with its ability to increase testosterone and stimulate growth hormone. We know Ginger aids in digestion, nausea, and sexual dysfunction.

🌱Fulvic Acid: Fulvic Acid is a molecule that carries nutrients into the body. It neutralizes free radicals and heavy metals, and recharges the cells: becoming a natural electrolyte. It is important in helping the body absorb nutrients, and returning the cells to a normal state. Ionix Supreme contains 23% Fulvic Acid coming from the Nepali Shilajit.

🌱MSM (methylsulfonylmethane): You may be familiar with MSM as an essential nutrient in stimulating the production of collagen and protecting your joints. It is thought to be a necessary building block for proteins. Since sulfur levels are lower in arthritic joints than healthy joints, MSM may help in getting sulfur to joints that are low. No one is exactly sure how it works, just that it does. Other Included Extracts and Nutrients:


🌱Sorrel Flower: used for its astringent properties. Bacopa: supports memory, concentration, and brain function.

🌱Harada: is a natural detoxifier for the colon, which in turn, clears the skin.

🌱Amla: (Indian Gooseberry) rebuilds tissues and increase red blood cell count.

🌱Wild Blueberry: improves short-term memory, balance and coordination.

🌱Hibiscus: helps lower cholesterol and reduce heart disease, similar to red wine.

🍏Kiwi: helps with respiratory-related issues, and protects DNA from damage.

🌱Watermelon: is high in beta-caroteneandis 40% higher in Lycopene than tomatoes.

🌱Stevia: a South American herb that supports the immune system, digestive system liver.

Other Nutrients:

🌱Alpha Lipoic Acid: As a cell protector, it is one of the most powerful anti-aging substances; impacting nearly every cell in the body. It also is an anti-inflammatory as well as a vitamin B booster.

🌱Betaine Hydrochloride: is a digestive aid which primary function is to produce pepsin, a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach.

🌱Citric Acid: obtained from lemon and lime juices, and used as a natural preservative.

🌱Black Strap Molasses: a powerful nutrient rich in trace minerals and iron; is a natural by-product of refining sugar.

💊Vitamins: Ionix Supreme also contains: Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B6 (Pyridoxine), B12 (Cobalamin), Folic Acid (a B vitamin), Vitamin C, and Zinc.

💎Quartz Crystal Mineral Water: The water for Ionix Supreme is sourced from waters that run around an old quartz mine in Arkansas Mountains. This water is rich with silica, calcium, magnesium, and trace minerals; necessary for bodily functions.

Made these amazing protein balls today. So quick and easy. Ready to start my reset . Let’s go!!

Made these amazing protein balls today. So quick and easy. Ready to start my reset . Let’s go!!

I love this video and it is the essence of our amazing products and who we are as a company. We are in the business of h...

I love this video and it is the essence of our amazing products and who we are as a company. We are in the business of helping people in need to better their health and improve their wellbeing 🤗

Discover why Isagenix products are more important than ever for achieving a longer and healthier life. Learn about our uniquely formulated products, cutting-edge…

I just simply love our shakes.

I just simply love our shakes.

Here’s what my friend Di Brewster has to shareI'm a biochemist with 32 years research  experience. When I first googled ...

Here’s what my friend Di Brewster has to share

I'm a biochemist with 32 years research experience. When I first googled Isagenix, the search results were a mix of great well researched articles, and truly awful opinion blogs with no quoted sources and obvious chips on their shoulders 🥴

The only way I could see if this nutritional System would work for ME, was to try it for myself.

I'm beyond delighted with my results and I've never looked back! 🙌

Now I've moved from the fat loss to the performance products, and I LOVE them too.

You owe it to yourself to be OPEN to something New. I encourage YOU to JUST GIVE IT A GO LIKE I DID…. at the end of the day there is a 30 Day money back guarantee.

Meet my friend Thomas.He says: "So many people ask me if my program is sustainable?"I‘ve been using the products for 8 y...

Meet my friend Thomas.

He says: "So many people ask me if my program is sustainable?"

I‘ve been using the products for 8 years. Went from 78kg to 92kgs and have been able to maintain my weight since. To top it off I just keep feeling healthier and healthier. WHAT THE HECK 😱😇

My performance and recovery has improved.

I’m able to do things at 35 that I only dreamt about at 25.

I sleep better.

I wake up fresh and rested.

What I love the most though is my energy and mental clarity. I feel fresh EVERY single day.

I remember the main reason why I started the program 8 years ago was because I was tired of feeling tired all the time and living on coffee for energy. Well it really did work 🙏🏽

A legitimate question that I ask myself every day is “How do I just keep feeling better and better?” it’s nuts and I’m so grateful!! Yes I meditate daily, I exercise and do personal development but at the core it’s what I put in my body 😇

To answer the question: “yes, its SO sustainable”. You just need to use the products on a daily basis. Commit to feeling good and find a way to let it fit in your lifestyle, it really isn’t that hard, it’s food… and it’s so delicious 🤤

A few people have also told me that they think it’s expensive…

…Well how cool that we have a referral program where you can literally EAT FOR FREE. Refer people and get your products paid for.

I wish they had that at Woolworths or coles 😅

So again, yep. Sustainable.

I would share these products even if I didn’t get paid cause I believe in them so much. I’m all about making an impact in peoples lives so if you’re sitting on the fence and have any questions reach out, I’m your man 🙋‍♂️



Melbourne, VIC


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