Featured Book Title “Henry's Stories of the Sea”
Author: Harry H. Krane
140 X 216mms
222 pages
illustrated by the author
ISBN: 978-1-922958-43-3
Non-fiction / Sea Stories
RRP $24.95
The Book
The tramp steamers went anywhere and everywhere. As the workhorses of the sea, they were cheaper than other cargo boats, so conditions were also cheap, dangerous and unpleasant.
The events and people in this publication are drawn from real life. The stories are about real people, real ships, real shipping companies and real situations. It is meant to be an amusing set of sea stories, offering a small glimpse into the constant hardships for seamen on the old tramp steamers as they ploughed the oceans of the world for so many years.
Henry, now in his nineties told many of his stories to his son whilst he was a youngster. This work is putting some of these stories of the life at sea into permanent memory. Henry was at sea for 5 years a total of 1,827 days so what is contained herein is just a small insight, but a completely different view from the many other books that romanticise the life at sea.
Author bio
Dr Harry H. Krane PhD was involved in education as a teacher, counsellor, researcher, consultant and writer. He also worked in private practice as a psychologist. Dr Krane’s background included the trades (fitting and turning), engineering, metal works, commercial art, tertiary education, industrial design and environmental psychology. As a retired Adjunct Professor, he taught for twenty-five years at Monash and RMIT Universities in Melbourne, Australia, lecturing to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Other Works
The Third Culture (1972)
Building Blocks — Psychartechnology (1978)
Resolution of the Duality Syndrome (PhD Thesis) (1990)
IEM — Incidental English for Migrants in Australia (2005)
Building blocks — A Duality Of Thinking (2018)
Republished Works
IEM — Incidental English for Migrants in Australia (2014)
Works With Other Authors
ABETA Correspondence School (1956)
A New Education (1972)
Education for Survival in the Third Culture (1972)
IEM — Incidental English for Migrants in Australia (1974)
A Duality of Thinking (1981)
An Interdisciplinary Education (1981)
Acknowledged Contributions to Other Authors
Drawing Your Worlds (1987)