Enudge is an online email and sms marketing solution, allowing you to easily create, send, track and measure personalised, targeted email and sms messages to your database. Enudge is all about electronic messaging - whether that's a single email message, a series of email messages, an SMS message (or series of messages), or a mixture. Enudge also allows you to create an online survey, and use Enud
ge email to distribute the link to your survey. Using Enudge for your messaging gives you access to a long list of functions to help you measure the effectiveness and reach of your messages, including their reach into social media. https://www.enudge.com.au/Registration.php
Once you have decided that you want to use Enudge on an ongoing basis, you can choose to purchase a subscription one month at a time if that suits you best, or buy email / sms credits pay-as-you-go style ... but there are no ongoing payments or contracts. You just purchase as you need to send campaigns. Keeping in touch with us on Facebook is one way to hear about the changes being made. You can also subscribe to our Enudge News from here: https://www.enudge.com.au/SignUp_eNudgeNews.php