Hey everyone!
As this is the last official week of operation, we'd like to take this opportunity to express our absolute gratitude to those who gave Sensaphonics Australia a platform to be able to share its vision of creating a better hearing environment in Australia.
We'd like to thank those in the audiology industry who gave us a chance to be able to show what we were able to do in regards to assisting each clinician with the best possible solution for their clients.
We'd also like to thank those in the music industry who gave us a voice to express how concerned we were with the hearing health of musicians and who helped us to champion the cause of hearing awareness to those working in the industry and who use their hearing as a major part of their livelihood.
Whilst we are closing down, we certainly intend to come back at some point in the future bigger and better. But for now, we'll be indulging in last drinks until the shutout!...(literally)...