Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR Listen into Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio, broadcasting every Monday at 10am 3CR Community Radio

Listen into Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio, broadcasting every Monday at 10am 3CR Community Radio 855am + Digital. Also streaming live on the web at 3cr.org.au, with podcasts from Tuesday/Wednesday and also available on iTunes. YarraBUG Radio’s presenters are Steve Barnett, Faith Hunter, Val Nagle & Chris Star. We all have very diverse cycling interests and no doubt if you’ve spent any time on a

bike around Melbourne you’ve probably met one or all of us at some point. We intend YarraBUG Radio to promote urban cycling as a viable means of transport; promote Yarra’s cycling conditions; demystify cycling technology; and help reveal the diversity of cyclists around from children, to commuters, to lobbyists. YarraBUG Radio encourages people to join in the sheer fun of bicycle riding and to also raise awareness in sustainable transport issues. We would like our show to be for everyone – cyclists or not and we would love non-cyclists to be in our audience. YarraBUG Radio is based in the inner suburbs of Abbotsford, Alphington, Burnley, Carlton North, Clifton Hill, Cremorne, Collingwood, Fairfield, Fitzroy, Fitzroy North Princess Hill and Richmond. YarraBUG Radio Podcasts: http://www.yarrabug.org/radio/
Yarra Bicycle Users Group: http://www.yarrabug.org/
YarraBUG twitter: http://twitter.com/yarrabike/

How to listen: http://www.yarrabug.org/radio/?page_id=256
Streaming 3CR on the Web: listen to 3CR live anywhere in the world on your computer: http://www.3cr.org.au/3CR_streaming

Weekly Podcasts: http://www.3cr.org.au/podcasts
Podcasts on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=311379597

🚴Over fifteen years since the Albert Street protected lanes in East Melbourne were built, the connecting Elizabeth Stree...

🚴Over fifteen years since the Albert Street protected lanes in East Melbourne were built, the connecting Elizabeth Street lanes in Richmond were built 4.5 years ago, creating a much-loved east-west route for riders.

‼️Lets ensure they remain that way: add your name to our petition, Don’t risk our safety in 2025 - tell Yarra Council not to remove safe cycling lanes


Keep an eye on next weeks Yarra Council Meeting on 11 February 2025 for agenda items, this should be avaliable by end of this week:


For all those people who say that they never see people on bikes in Elizabeth St. This photo was taken this morning and shows at least 11 people on bikes for only one cycle of the lights.

Yarra Council is threatening narrow the Elizabeth St bike lanes. Sign the petition here - https://form.jotform.com/243633197307863

📸The Ultimate Bike Lock by   / No Exit © 1992-2025 Andrew B. SingerNew 3CR Community Radio podcast: Keeping your bike sa...

📸The Ultimate Bike Lock by / No Exit © 1992-2025 Andrew B. Singer

New 3CR Community Radio podcast: Keeping your bike safe + Critical Mass Yarra + local news

On this weeks show Chris and Steve talks about keeping your bike safe from theft as unfortunately Melbourne has seen a increase in peoples pride and joy being nicked due to unfortunate combination of things like opportunistic theft, use of cordless power tools and organised activity.

🎧 Listen back

Or find us on , Community Radio Plus app or podcast client of choice

We discuss basic tips such as situational awareness, eg, where your bike is locked, using two bike locks, bike lock security levels, removing quick releases & components, observing that sheffield loops & steel poles are secure on the street, bike lock types, bike lock brands, bike lock reviews (these are literally endless) keeping your bike locked while at home, apartment storage units, household insurance, recording and registering your bike with a service like Bike Vault.

Apologies we didn't have time to mention gps trackers in any detail and a whole bunch of extra tips.

Local news includes

+ South Crescent safety under threat - four things you can do to make a submission or public question at Darebin Council 28 January meeting


+ Critical Mass naarm - Melbourne: Meet 5.30pm, Friday 31 January 2025, State Library, Swanston Street, naarm, Melbourne. Ride, scoot and skate through our traditional home grounds of Fitzroy, Collingwood & Richmond.

+ Add your name to our petition: Don’t risk our safety in 2025 – tell Yarra Council not to remove safe cycling lanes!


+ Curve Cycling Bikepacking Bush Mechanics - Womxn of Curve Edition, 11 Feb 2025

📸 Chalking in Wellington Street protected lanes in CollingwoodNew 3CR Community Radio  podcast: Karen Hovenga - Communit...

📸 Chalking in Wellington Street protected lanes in Collingwood

New 3CR Community Radio podcast: Karen Hovenga - Community Activist talks about keeping Yarra's streets safe

🎧 Listen back

On this weeks program Chris catches up with Karen Hovenga to talk about local Yarra issues, including what the new council maybe planning for narrowing protected bikes lanes in Elizabeth Street, whatever the future holds for intersection treatments at Coppin Street in Richmond and direct quote from petition: "continue to implement Yarra’s Transport Action Plan 2024-2034 including the New Deal for Schools, New Deal for Cycling, New Deal for Walking and other specified programs to meet the ambitious targets in Yarra's Transport Strategy 2022-32"

Petition: Don’t risk our safety in 2025 - tell Yarra Council not to remove safe cycling lanes

Local news includes call-outs for assistance from and

Karen talks about how several generations of her family easily use the Elizabeth Street protected lanes, their connection to Albert Street protected lanes that creates a vital east-west route, being able to ride plenty of short trips to local destinations but decision-makers being unable to vote on equitable transport solutions for anything other than cars.

We comment upon how successive generations build upon road safety improvements, in reference to Janet McCalman’s award-winning classic ‘Struggletown, Public and Private Life in Richmond 1900-1965’ which included horrifying road fatalities statistics of the post war era, where thirty people died on Richmond roads in April 1949.

Coming up at the end of the month Critical Mass naarm - Melbourne meet 5.30pm, Friday 31 January 2025, State Library, Swanston Street, naarm, Melbourne. Ride, scoot and skate through our traditional home grounds of Fitzroy, Collingwood & Richmond.


🔊Hey join us in telling Yarra City Council we want to keep safe, accessible routes to work, school, home, and for exercise by bike and on foot.

🖊️Add your name to our petition: Don’t risk our safety in 2025 – tell Yarra Council not to remove safe cycling lanes


📌Save the date: Critical Mass Yarra: Friday 31 January 2025
Meet 5.30pm, State Library, Swanston Street, naarm, Melbourne. Riding through our traditional home grounds of Fitzroy, Collingwood & Richmond.

🚴‍♀️Critical Mass Yarra is shaping up as a fabulous opportunity for our riding community to mingle, have fun reclaiming the streets and chat about what's happening in our local streets and council.

🏛️At the next Yarra Council meeting on Tuesday 11 February 2025, councillors will decide on the future of Elizabeth Street and Coppin Street protected lanes – and we want safe cycle routes to stay for everyone who lives, works, studies, and visits Yarra to use.

🔥With some newly elected councillors saying bike lanes ‘create congestion’ or ‘I can tell you, are hardly used,’ or that giving cyclists options to navigate traffic means ‘we’re ignoring the community,’ we’re seriously worried that sounds like gaslighting that puts our safe protected lanes are at risk in Yarra

New 3CR Community Radio    Matt Osbourne talks about WX Social Hub Of Purpose🎧 Listen back or find us on  , Community Ra...

New 3CR Community Radio Matt Osbourne talks about WX Social Hub Of Purpose

🎧 Listen back or find us on , Community Radio Plus or podcast client of choice


On this weeks program Chris talks to Matt Osbourne from Wondercross Cycling and WXSHOP co-working space with Project Flock, located in Eastment Street Northcote, about the much loved ride hub, it's rich social history and so much more.

Local news including Yarra City Council Tuesday 17 December meeting, especially Item 7.2: E-scooter Update which discusses geofencing options and possible negative implications for public e-bike and e-escooter trials in Yarra.

Read more our new campaign at Yarra for safe streets: for over two decades Yarra has been one of Melbourne’s best areas to walk and ride.


And keep an eye out for a couple of exciting announcements later this week on our socials!

Program music

King Stingray, Camp Dog
Tycho, Restraint
Shonen Knife, Cycling is fun



📅Last week to get your feedback on Coppin Street pop-up bike treatments in Richmond

⚠️Consultation closes at 9am Monday 16 December 2024

📌Coppin Street, Richmond – Intersection upgrade pilot. A 12-month intersection upgrade pilot will be taking place on Coppin Street at the intersections of Swan Street and Bridge Road in Richmond.

➡️"Tell us what you think! -We want to understand your experiences travelling on Coppin Street, between Highett Street and Barkly Avenue in Richmond, please tell us by jumping onto the Your Say Yarra page and drop a pin on the map to answer the following questions:

➡️What are the current issues and pain points for anyone travelling via Coppin Street?

➡️How do you think we can improve Coppin Street to make it safer and more liveable for everyone?"

New 3CR Community Radio: Do residents want to wind back active transport in Yarra?Faith and Val are joined in the studio...

New 3CR Community Radio: Do residents want to wind back active transport in Yarra?

Faith and Val are joined in the studio by Yarra resident Liz Honey

🎧 Listen back

Or find us on , Community Radio Plus app or podcast client of choice

After sharing our bike moments we take a look at some news including; New York city’s plans to impose a congestion tax is approved and a call out from the Climate Action Chronicles for anyone who loves cycling, scooting. or wheeling around Yarra to take part in filming December 3rd & 4th and showcase sustainable living and transport in Yarra. (Contact Nick Jackson nick(AT)c31.org.au if you’re keen), and an update on the website where you can now see elected candidates.

Discussion turns to the first Yarra City Council meeting of the new term and the omnibus motion on the agenda Tuesday November 26th at 6:30pm This motion contains thirty-six items of disparate nature, many of which seem to fail to undertand previous reports or council decisions. Besides the issues raised by the nature of an omnibus motion itself (many of which are covered at the VLGA - Victorian Local Governance Association Inc podcast) there are several items included which will concern residents interested in sustainable or active transport in Yarra.

Liz Honey discusses her concerns, particularly around the Elizabeth Street bike lanes and the Charlotte Street park as well as the current Coppin Street trial. As a resident who uses her bicycle to replace many local car trips she is concerned that Council might not be able to meet the demands of the changes coming for Yarra.

To read details about each of the items in the motion that will affect active transport and find out how you can make a statement or question to Council check out this precis here. Note, ALL QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS TO COUNCIL MUST BE REGISTERED BY 6:30 pm MONDAY 25TH NOVEMBER.


New 3CR Community Radio  podcast: Matt Katzen talking about Strategic Cycling Corridors🎧 Listen back:  https://www.3cr.o...

New 3CR Community Radio podcast: Matt Katzen talking about Strategic Cycling Corridors

🎧 Listen back: https://www.3cr.org.au/yarrabug/episode/matt-katzen-talking-about-strategic-cycling-corridors

Or find us on iTunes, Community Radio Plus app or podcast client of choice

On this weeks program Chris talks to Matt Katzen about his Strategic Cycling Corridor project, his cycling interests, planning, design, what are strategic cycling corridors, riding SCCs, principal bicycle network (PBN), potential easy wins, political will, fixing connections such as Flemington Bridge, treatments, modial filters, upgrades, Victorian Auditor-General’s Office: Developing Cycling as a Safe and Appealing Mode of Transport (2011), opening up opportunities for people to use the network, creating routes that are convenient, safe, direct and contacting local councillors and politicians to inform them of your concerns.

News includes Gipps Street Elevated Ramp update, changes to social media, Critical Mass naarm - Melbourne South, Friday 29 November 2024, Gipps Street and a potential heatwave at the end of this week

Program music

Ancedata, Bike Song
Khruangbin, People Everywhere
King Stingray, Camp Dog

Gaze in wonderment at Sam Wallmans latest creation 💕

Gaze in wonderment at Sam Wallmans latest creation 💕

“a bike gives you the freedom a car promised you” new street poster style drawing for Overland Literary Journal, thanku to Cooperative Power. u can visit https://overland.org.au/2024/11/freedom-machine/ to see it in high res if u like

New 3CR Community Radio podcast: Dr John Symons: When will Victorian government act to protect vulnerable road users?On ...

New 3CR Community Radio podcast: Dr John Symons: When will Victorian government act to protect vulnerable road users?

On this weeks program Chris catches up with one of our regular guests, Dr John Symons from BikeWest, about ongoing safety issues for bicycle riders with Dynon Road, Footscray Road, the Westgate Tunnel Project and if the Victorian Government will act upon 56 recommendations contained in Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee: Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users.

🎧 Listen back or find us on , Community Radio Plus or podcast client of choice https://www.3cr.org.au/yarrabug/episode/dr-john-symons-when-will-victorian-government-act-protect-vulnerable-road-users

The final report was tabled on 1 May 2024 and to directly quote, 'The Government has six months to respond to the report from the tabling date"

We discuss Brett Wallace's incident on Dynon Road, as reported by Rhiana Whitson ABC 7.30 (Cycling safety warnings ignored – until tragedy happened), Angus Collins death in February 2023, BikeWest advocates forcing the authorities to act via FOIs, ongoing WTG safety issues, a lack of safe systems in road design and the right to public life regardless if people drive a car or not.

News includes 87th Melbourne Cup on Wheels, Cezary and Leo returning to naarm Melbourne after their incredible Two Birders, Two Bikes journey to raise funds to build schools in Timor Leste, womens rides, Info session: Student Visas & Work Rights at Gig Workers Hub and the new WXSHP ride hub in Northcote.

Program music

Camp dog, King Stingray
Cycling is fun, Shonen Knife

On this weeks program Chris catches up with one of our regular guests, Dr John Symons from BikeWest, about ongoing safety issues for bicycle riders with Dynon Road, Footscray Road, the Westgate Tunnel Project and if the Victorian Government will act upon 56 recommendations contained in Legislative A...

New 3CR Community Radio  : Charlotte George on council elections, transport issues and more🎧 Listen back or find us on  ...

New 3CR Community Radio : Charlotte George on council elections, transport issues and more

🎧 Listen back or find us on , Community Radio Plus or client of choice


On this week program Chris talks to Charlotte George, Greens candidate for MacKillop Ward in Yarra Council.

We discuss the last week of local council elections in Victoria and the importance posting your ballot by 6pm Friday October 2024. Topics include candidate scorecards, public accessibility, footpaths, public transport, connectivity, living in a car-obsessed society and the importance of providing alternatives from local councils.

Charlotte talks about being a filmmaker, activist and local parent, her new black comedy Buried, about a terrible day of parenting with a unfortunate cyclist as a plot point, of which in a better world, wouldn't exist with more modal filters, slower speeds and protected infrastructure.

She discusses safer streets, creative thinking needed in all levels of government, being involved in local community, Harrison Watts and Katie Patrick collab for a vision of Johnston Street, Hobart City Council Collins Street bike lane trial, public debates going to the outlier and finding more equable ways of transport alongside rising living costs and environmental issues.

Local news includes ABC Four Corners Australian drivers are paying billions on major Transurban-operated roads, and the costs will keep rising, Transport Integration Act 2010, Yarra Council 30km/h trial, Melbourne City Council elections, Mass North this Friday 25 October riding to Northcote with a pickup point at Nicholson and Gertrude in Fitzroy, Jay's GoFundMe: Help my disabled sister Christa have an accessible cargobike.

Program music

Camp dog, King Stingray
The Bike Song, Anecdata

Hey everyone, Critical Mass North is  riding through Fitzroy, Collingwood and Clifton Hill next Friday 25 October with a...

Hey everyone, Critical Mass North is riding through Fitzroy, Collingwood and Clifton Hill next Friday 25 October with a pick-up point at Nicholson and Gertrude Street. Love to see you there

Hey everyone heres updated Critical Mass North details and it's time to share, share, share

💞Critical Mass North💞

1️⃣ Meet 5.30pm, Friday 25 October 2024, State Library, Swanston Street, CBD

2️⃣ Pick up point: Carlton Gardens corner @ Nicholson and Gertrude Street

3️⃣ Heading due north & dress for seasonal conditions🕷️💀🕷️

4️⃣ Ride together, stay safe: read about corking + massing up:


5️⃣ Running late? Download Critical Maps to find us on the day:


6️⃣ Bring your on-bike sound systems for our Spotify playlist:


7️⃣ Speakers: Sally Moxham MC, Ruth Jelley, Dr Molly Hoak, Tony Morton

8️⃣ Organised by

9️⃣ Have fun with all your new friends

🔟 Bookmark criticalmass.melbourne for future rides

>>Speakers: Sally Moxham and Dr Molly Hoak are Streets Alive Darebin members.

Dr Molly Hoak is a local parent and pram user very affected by inaccessible tram stops and a lack of safe spaces for children.

Ruth Jelley is a workers’ rights activist, a renter, campaigner for women’s rights, founder of Streets Alive Darebin and a Greens candidate for Darebin City Council.

Tony Morton is President of the Public Transport Users Association and a lifetime resident of Melbourne campaigning for sustainable transport and against car dependence. He was a participant in the first Melbourne Critical Mass rides in 1995 and has been involved in campaigns from the push for Rowville Rail in the 2000s to stopping the East West Link in 2014.

>>Why Are We Riding to High Street Northcote?

High Street is one of the biggest local issues that Streets Alive Darebin hears from people about. It is a source of constant complaints about near misses and crashes with drivers and it’s inaccessibility to locals who travel by bike.

Read more: https://streetsalivedarebin.org/journal/critical-mass-north-returns

📮From this week Victorians will receive postal vote instructions in the mail for 2024 local council elections.Alongside ...

📮From this week Victorians will receive postal vote instructions in the mail for 2024 local council elections.

Alongside 35+ community organisations, Yarra Bicycle Users Group are supporting the new Streets People Love statewide local government election campaign to contact and score candidates in up the upcoming October council elections.

The campaign has been designed to encourage local government candidates to consider and commit to create safe and pleasant streets for people to live, work, play and move in.

See how Yarra Council candidates scored or have taken the pledge:


New 3CR Community Radio : Talking to Geoff Smart from Back2Bikes 🎧 Listen back, https://www.3cr.org.au/yarrabug/episode/...

New 3CR Community Radio : Talking to Geoff Smart from Back2Bikes

🎧 Listen back, https://www.3cr.org.au/yarrabug/episode/talking-geoff-smart-back2bikes

Or find us on iTunes, Community Radio Plus app or client of choice

On this weeks program Chris catches up with Geoff Smart from Back2Bikes including St Kilda protected lanes, council elections and his recent observations of riding in . Geoff talks about recent activities at , volunteers, working with over fifty community partners, community pop up bike services, donating, refurbishing bikes and a recent article, : Guide to running a bicycle repair and recyclers program. We talk about Nature-Fest on the Birrarung, free bike tune-ups at , courses, workshops, Women’s Introductory Bicycle Maintenance Classes and general tips to stop bike theft.

A major challenge for Back2Bikes is finding a new home due to planned redevelopment of 525 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne. Please get in contact with Back2Bikes if you know of a suitable location and long term leasehold.

Local news includes spring has sprung, it's time for Critical Mass Sydney Road , meeting 5pm, State Library, Thursday 26th September 2024 going to Brunswick!

Program music:
Monkey, Bicycle Song
Bonobo, Flashlight


21 Smith Street
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm






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