Nina Christian

Nina Christian I'm on a mission to help more inspiring people rise up and be the voices of influence that the world

What I know about the science of charisma....It's about what's communicated visually, verbally and vibrationally:VISUALL...

What I know about the science of charisma....

It's about what's communicated visually, verbally and vibrationally:

What is perceived - not just looks, charm and movement, but context, expression, and connection through images.

Whether written, audible, it's more than just what's said & the tone of it, it also speaks to the message & meaning that's communicated.

All about the energetics. The unseen, the unspoken. The stuff you feel in your bones but can't easily articulate.

Science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world.

I meticulously study and analyse this in the context of how we communicate as humans in the business context - and I can affirm through the scientific approach of questioning, researching, hypothesising, experimenting, analysing and validating and with my own life and others - that these principles all apply 100% in the personal branding context.

I'm presenting the most relevant bits of what I know about the science of charisma as it relates to building authentic human connection in business, and how to apply it through personal branding and positioning.

I'm doing this through a 1-day workshop where I'll be walking you through the punchiest and most actionable bits of my Marketing Me®️ Methodology.

There's a workshop in December (live and virtual option) to get you onto the right track so you hit the ground running in 2024.

And dates open for January & and February if this time of year is just too crazy and you want to kick the can down the road a bit. (I totally get it!)

Groups are kept intimate so that every single person gets personalised attention & advice based on their own situation - so if you want to get in on your preferred date book in now and enjoy Christmas knowing I'll be supporting you in the new year.

Link to see dates, workshop inclusions and details are in the comments!

I'd love to see you in one of my upcoming workshops and help you make the most of the opportunities for your business, brand or career in 2024!

Don't hide from being the real "you" in business - Embrace it. Express it. Commercialise it. So much power in tapping in...

Don't hide from being the real "you" in business - Embrace it. Express it. Commercialise it. So much power in tapping into your true IDENTITY - for increasing your influence, income and IMPACT!

Next year is going to be bountifully full of opportunity. For everyone. Despite how you might feel whirling into the end...

Next year is going to be bountifully full of opportunity. For everyone. Despite how you might feel whirling into the end of the year.

I've had one of the toughest personal weeks I can remember, but these experiences always drive home WHY it's so important to FEEL GOOD about what we do - and how important it is to make it full of EASE and JOY.

Because when personal sh*t hits the fan (happens way too often for all of our liking, right?!) knowing we create impact in and through our work is a life-force that lifts us up and energises us - in a way few things can!

It gives us the ability to "switch the channels" of our life and tune into the different frequencies we have on our station pre-sets!

But those stations are there if we have intentionally set them up and have them in our "pre-set" favourites!

There’s opportunity aplenty in our world right now – a very tangible shift in the last few months - and with the right approach it’s easier than ever to get noticed, get traction and stand out.

The key is knowing which levers to pull.

And the good news is, they aren’t the hard, complicated out-of-reach ones.

They are the most basic of basics – which so many overlook because they’re on the hunt for “harder things”, tech hacks, and not doing the easy but most powerful things ripe for the picking.

Over the last few months, I’ve been continuing to observe, synthesise and adapt marketplace intelligence and trends into tangible insights and human-first action plans.

If you want to tap into these, and have me personally help YOU, here are a some ways we can work together over the coming months and into 2024.


The full and epic Marketing Me Experience (just about to go into its 5th year and always on the forefront of how to adapt to what’s happening “now”!).
This is my flagship, signature experience. It's I recommend to anyone serious about putting themselves out there and building a brand that goes the distance and falling in love with what you do.

The next Live Experience starts 23 Nov with 3 intimate live sessions this year to get you clear and confident followed by 3 sessions in the new year to give you practical and personalised support as you hit the ground running, implement with ease and gently slide into your new groove


Marketing Me "Express" - is a compressed version of the above with “just the basics” to get you going – cherry-picked power strategies, delivered in a one-day interactive workshop (in-person or IRL).

It's at a very accessible price and ideal for B2B & corporate professionals who want to get visible quickly and easily so they're front-of-mind for clients and prospects.

Regardless of if we do or don't officially work together, thanks for being in my world!

I'll be continuing to show up and you'll see a lot more of me in the coming months - with my book, my insights and many more life adventures too :-)

So thanks for being along for the ride!

First day in the new office! After a few weeks “out of office” due to travel and “moving the office” there’s nothing lik...

First day in the new office! After a few weeks “out of office” due to travel and “moving the office” there’s nothing like an annual “state of the nation” for the marketing industry to kick off the public part of my work again.

Something I do from time to time for professional marketers who are members of the Australian Marketing Institute.

Can’t say my first day back was all rainbows and unicorns as last night and this morning was super tough on the family front (and we won’t talk about the Optus outage which had me on standby to deliver this from the local golf club!)

But an hour before kick off the service was back on and I was ready to go, busily creating the backdrop for my webinar to make my background look swish and give me some presenting vibes.

But actually it didn’t matter much at all. As as soon as we went live I’m in another world, where the words just flow out effortlessly, and I surprise myself sometimes with some of the surprise gems that emerge!

I love talking about personal branding, marketing and connection - and so drew on themes from my soon-to-be-released book “Marketing Me” (due out end of this month - in perfect time for Christmas 🎄🎁 😉)

I gave it my all and from the feedback that came in, it was well received!

Anyway that’s todays big work effort I can tick off as done ✅

Now off to school pickup! 🚌

Reflecting on my insanely intense moving week! Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to move house with 2 days n...

Reflecting on my insanely intense moving week! Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to move house with 2 days notice. No small feat with five kids, a business and having just returned from extensive travels abroad.

I won’t say it was easy. Not by a long shot.

The last week was so freaking intense – one of the most pressured I can remember.

The first few days I ran on adrenaline – packing boxes, mobilising the kids to help, shuttling van-loads back and forth, bringing in removalists…

Then few days into the move, the kids are completely over it - I'm tired, sore and overwhelmed by the mess at the end…

On the the second last day of move (supposed to be the last day!), I'm due to hand back key and cleaning company suddenly cancelled with an hour’s notice due to ill staff, advising they can’t get replacements until late the following day.

After about an hour of feeling both anger and total freak out, I pulled it together, and put out a call on my local community page and an amazing local cleaner came to the rescue, and we worked until 10:30 pm. I also found a professional carpet cleaner who was able to do the job that night.

Next day as I’m close to finishing my hand got caught and badly squashed between two pieces of metal in the garage door as it closed and I sustained a nasty injury which just about knocked me out from the pain.

My neighbour who is an ER nurse happened to drive past at the time, saw me wailing in the driveway and took care of me with ice and pain relief and thankfully nothing was broken or seriously damaged.

But it throbbed like hell for the few days following and rendered me unable to lift and do the last few things for the move. Much gratitude to a special someone who was there in a flash to take care of me and help me get the last of it done.

Add into the mix – high-priority dental and medical visits for all of the five kids.

Plus a very significant personal and family experience I was very nervous about.

And a milestone birthday for one of my children.

Definitely just so much in the space of a week!

But somehow, through all of that, the move was done!

Then with that behind me it was a huge blessing to round out the super-intense week on a high note - letting my hair down with dear friends and peers at Supernormal in Melbourne.

Much gratitude for all of it!

So now - on the other side of a big move, a lot of travel, giving my personal life some TLC and putting the final touches on my book (due out in a few weeks) – I’m feeling fresh, fabulous and fired up.

Ready to help people get into gear and prepped, primed, positioned and powering their brands and their lives into 2024.

And here’s to the start of the exciting next chapter!

Stay tuned! 😉

I recently moved house. On the morning of the move, I was reflecting on how I’m so truly grateful for my life. 🙏 “Life b...

I recently moved house. On the morning of the move, I was reflecting on how I’m so truly grateful for my life. 🙏 “Life by Design” is a phrase we hear really often, and for the last few years it’s truly been my reality.

That’s not to say there aren’t challenges - but it does mean I’m very happy with the life I’ve intentionally created.

A vibrant, thriving life that has space for all the things that are important to me - family, business, love, health, fun, adventure, friendships, travel and self-care.

It’s come through considerable life experience - and I’m familiar with the creation and application of it in so many different life stages:

Single / Couple / Family
Raising babies/toddlers/primary/teenagers
Single parenting / Co-parenting
Marriage / Separation / Happily single / In-love
Emergence / Trauma / Grief / Healing / Growth
Entrepreneurship/ Business/ Job/ Social Impact

People frequently ask me how I do it.

I’m no superwoman.

Nor am I a hard-ass.

On the contrary, I’m very sensitive, emotional, wear my heart on my sleeve and care deeply.

But I’m smart, strategic, and create structures that support the life I desire and the spaciousness I crave.

It’s come through being curious, inquisitive, being crystal clear on my priorities, believing for better, and not settling for a status quo that doesn’t serve or support my life desires.

I make things extremely practical, do-able, and adaptable to the season of life I’m in at any given time.

I share quite a bit about this in my blogs and emails - which constantly get a lot of feedback.

But there’s so much more, and so I’ve decided to pull back the curtain, go deep, and run “life on your terms” and do some personal mentoring in 2024.

It’ll be intimate, personal, and tailored to your specific situation, goals and lifestyle.

There will be 1:1 mentoring, coaching, masterminds, retreat, resources, and me working with you personally to help you structure your life and business and thrive.

Practical and emotional support as you go through the ins and outs of life.

Implanting subtle shifts that cumulatively will change your trajectory and life as you know it.

it’s not the individual parts that are so important in achieveing this “life by design”. It’s the way they integrate, morph and meld together.

It’s not an overnight thing. It’s a process. But it’s exciting. Where you can make huge leaps and bounds each year.

The investment will be in the mid five-figures and will run for 12 months.

This is the first time I’ve get ready to go deep into the details and structures that have helped me curate the business of my dreams, family of my dreams and life of my dreams.

How do be ok with mess and not expect perfection - because that doesn’t exist. But get better at turning mess into magnificence, and latent potential into possibility realised, and potent impact.

And ultimately, a happier, more joyful, ease-full and fulfilled life.

If you’re interested comment below, or reach out to me.

My article published by Mediaweek today on how to be the “the one” people most desire to work with, hire, refer, buy fro...

My article published by Mediaweek today on how to be the “the one” people most desire to work with, hire, refer, buy from, and advocate for!

I dug deep as I wrote this article yesterday. I truly believe its so important and addresses one of the toughest challenges and most compelling opportunities of our time.

Highly relevant for anyone in business right now - whether you are an employee or employer, expert, executive or entrepreneur…..


Enjoy the read and if you need advice guidance and support around personal positioning you know who to call! 😉 💛 👻

Nina Christian writes: "In recent years, the concept of personal branding has gained significant traction."

In the second half of this year I started getting a lot more requests to speak at conferences and events. And with a boo...

In the second half of this year I started getting a lot more requests to speak at conferences and events. And with a book launch around the corner and a passion to have my message reach as many as possible, I decided to spend the day up-levelling professional speaking practice.

I love speaking, it’s a joy to share with audiences around the world, something I want to do more of, and so recently I spent a day refining my craft with one of Australia's most experience professional speakers - 𝗞𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗺.

I took about 30 pages of notes! And I’m so grateful to Keith for his generosity as he distilled 25 years of wisdom in this space into a 1-day masterclass.

Thr biggest practical takeaways I leaned from Keith that I will apply to my own business is refining my process for what happens at each of the 3 key stages - before, during and after the engagement.

My energy around my message is so high, and I love engaging audiences and inspiring people to have more influence and impact - and so you’d like to explore having me speak at your conference or event in 2024 get in touch and let’s chat!


Very excited to announce the maiden voyage of the "Marketing Me Express".

Set to depart on 22 November. 🚉🍾

A majestic one-day journey to take you from confused and convoluted to clear and confident around being visible in a way that has a tangible commercial impact on your business/brand/role.

Stops including on this luxury voyage include:

🚇Tapping into your own X factor so you multiply the connection you have with your network and audience (and I don't just tell you "how" to find it, we actually DO THIS together!)

🚇Your 6-month content & messaging plan directly aligned to your or your professional objectives

🚇 Setting up your bespoke 1-hour a-week marketing system tailored to your personality, strengths and situation.

You'll take this journey in an exclusive and intimate carriage to enable personalised attention and support by your experienced host, driver and conductor - yours truly! 👩‍✈️

The Marketing Me Express also includes 30-days post-journey personalised support for your personal brand activation, content and marketing! Helping you work through any 🚧 that pop up as you implement it.

Suited to: Thought Leaders, Experts, Authors, Speakers, Professional Services Specialists, Corporate Leaders and Creatives.

Departs 23 November from Melbourne and 22 November virtually from any location you are in!

This journey will be inspiring, energising and empowering as we get you activated and implementing those things you've wanted to do for ages but didn't know where to start or how to do it in a way that felt easy.

What a way to close out 2023 and get on the right track for 2024!

Ready to climb aboard the marketing Express? 🚉

Get your ticket here🎟

Big awards week! Yesterday’s adventure was the MediaWeek100 which was epic for so many reasons, including…🩵 Spending tim...

Big awards week! Yesterday’s adventure was the MediaWeek100 which was epic for so many reasons, including…

🩵 Spending time with Mediaweek Australia Publisher and MD Trent Thomas who has extended me such warm welcome into the MediaWeek family.

💗 Seeing my dear friend Rowena Michelle Millward absolutely shine on the stage as she shared about the epic new MediaWeek programs she’s delivering for agencies, clients and media industry professionals.

🧡 Sitting with Clive Burcham and also hearing the exciting news about the Global Citizen plans for Australia. After being blown away by the impact of this movement in NYC where I got to see the work in action plus experience Lauryn Hill, BTS and the Red Hot Chill Peppers live in Central Park a few weeks ago, I’m so excited that the Festival and the work it rewards is coming downunder. And also just for the priviledge of meeting Clive, who is awesome, and for the chat about my book!

💜 Meeting MediaWeek Deputy Editor and hearing such positive feedback on the column I’ve recently started writing.

💙 Hearing insightful panel discussions about the role of media in a changing world and the vital role it plays on many levels. Fascinating! The entertainment from comedian Dave Thornton was definitely a personal highlight too!

💛 Witnessing many much-loved media personalities and leaders get recognised for their work. (Random fact: I think the last time I saw Sonia Kruger IRL was when we sat next to each other at the Sydney Olympics Opening Ceremony in 2000!)

Very proud to be associates with MediaWeek and deeply appreciative to be invited to be part of the spectacular event yesterday. Also thrilled about working together and very excited for what’s to come in 2024!

Big awards week! Yesterday’s adventure was the MediaWeek100 which was epic for so many reasons, including…🩵 Spending tim...

Big awards week! Yesterday’s adventure was the MediaWeek100 which was epic for so many reasons, including…

🩵 Spending time with Publisher and MD .ent60 who has extended me such warm welcome into the MediaWeek family.

💗 Seeing my dear friend absolutely shine on the stage as she shared about the epic new MediaWeek programs she’s delivering for agencies, clients and media industry professionals.

🧡 Sitting with Clive Burcham and also hearing him share the exciting news about the plans for Australia. After being blown away by the impact of this movement in NYC where I got to see the work in action plus experience Lauryn Hill, BTS and the Red Hot Chill Peppers live in Central Park a few weeks ago, I’m so excited that the Festival and the work it rewards is coming downunder. And also just for the priviledge of meeting Clive, who is awesome, and for the chat about my book!

💜 Meeting MediaWeek Deputy Editor and hearing such positive feedback on the column I’ve recently started writing for the magazine.

💙 Hearing insightful panel discussions about the role of media in a changing world and the vital role it plays on many levels. Fascinating! The entertainment from comedian Dave Thornton was definitely a personal highlight too!

💛 Witnessing many much-loved media personalities and leaders get recognised for their work. (Random fact: I think the last time I saw Sonia Kruger IRL was when we sat next to each other at the Sydney Olympics Opening Ceremony in 2000!)

Very proud to be associates with MediaWeek and deeply appreciative to be invited to be part of the spectacular event yesterday. Also thrilled about working together and very excited for what’s to come in 2024!

Had the best night of connection, community and celebration at the Australian Marketing Excellence Awards in Sydney last...

Had the best night of connection, community and celebration at the Australian Marketing Excellence Awards in Sydney last night - so fun, fresh and full of energy and festivities as the Australian Marketing Institute brought together marketing professionals from all walks, industries and stages of their career to recognise outstanding achievements in thr field.

As State Chair of the AMI in Victoria it was my honour and delight to celebrate with all of the finalists - and see their award-winning work. What stuck me personally was the volume of the work having massive positive social impact.

It was a joy seeing so many of my peers, friends and colleagues recognised for their outstanding achievement. As a grateful recipient of several of these awards in years gone by, this was definitely a highlight, as I know what a thrill this is and how much it means to a business or career.

However what I enjoyed most of all was the connections with so many with whom I have deep connections, fostered over so many years. When we have this special event each year it’s like a big business family reunion. With new members and friends continually adding to the fold 🙂

Being part of a thriving community is so important professionally and personally and I love the AMI and the industry and how it’s continually evolving to support marketers in a changing landscape.

But most for all for attracting the the people it does - and so thank you to so many wonderful people (way too many to name but thank you to all of you!) who were part of my amazing experience that was last night!

In my happy place for so many reasons as I fly to a Sydney to Celebrate with Australian professional Marketers at the in...

In my happy place for so many reasons as I fly to a Sydney to Celebrate with Australian professional Marketers at the industry’s night of nights - the Australian Marketing Excellence Awards.

As State Chair (Vic) of the Australian Marketing Institute, a volunteer role I’ve held for 6 years now I’m attending to support our members and community.

I also gain so much from connecting with peers, friends and emerging leaders and look forward to connecting with hundreds of you tonight!

As past recipient of multiple awards, including Certified Practicing Marketer of the Year (Vic), National winner of Best Marketing Agency (2018) and Life Member (2022) I know how much these awards mean and how special they are. And so will be delighted to celebrate with all the winners tonight!!

Special good luck to all the Victorian’s who are nominated. See you all soon! 💙

In my happy place for so many reasons as I fly to a Sydney to Celebrate with Australian professional Marketers at the in...

In my happy place for so many reasons as I fly to a Sydney to Celebrate with Australian professional Marketers at the industry’s night of nights - the Australian Marketing Excellence Awards.

As State Chair (Vic) of the Australian Marketing Institute (), a volunteer role I’ve held for 6 years now I’m attending to support our members and community.

I also gain so much from connecting with peers, friends and emerging leaders and look forward to connecting with hundreds of you tonight!

As past recipient of multiple awards, including Certified Practicing Marketer of the Year (Vic), National winner of Best Marketing Agency (2018) and Life Member (2022) I know how much these awards mean and how special they are. And so will be delighted to celebrate with all the winners tonight!!

Special good luck to all the Victorian’s who are nominated. See you all soon! 💙

“Don’t be alarmed, but we need to dump our fuel immediately” the pilot said, mid-way over the Pacific Ocean. My recent f...

“Don’t be alarmed, but we need to dump our fuel immediately” the pilot said, mid-way over the Pacific Ocean. My recent flight to New York definitely did not go as planned.

But there was a very powerful lesson in there - one that makes all the difference to sustaining our mental health and well-being as we build a brand and business that goes the distance.

And so I wrote about in this week’s column in Mediaweek.

Nina Christian: "This is why you need a brand building system that's aligned to your strengths, interests, and is super-duper simple"

“Don’t be alarmed, but we need to dump our fuel immediately” the pilot said, mid-way over the Pacific Ocean. My recent f...

“Don’t be alarmed, but we need to dump our fuel immediately” the pilot said, mid-way over the Pacific Ocean. My recent flight to New York definitely did not go as planned. But there was a very powerful lesson in there - one that makes all the difference to sustaining our mental health and well-being as we build a brand and business that goes the distance.
And so I wrote about in this week’s column in .

If our marketing is giving us the “icks” then chances are that’s what it’s doing to our audience too. But guess what.......

If our marketing is giving us the “icks” then chances are that’s what it’s doing to our audience too. But guess what....the opposite is true too! The marketing that makes US feel good is also the marketing that will resonate with our audience. 💚

With people tuning out, feeling fatigued, and becoming more selective about how they spend their time and money, and where they put their attention, the appetite and tolerance for marketing messages has plummeted.

Our audiences are not just numbers to be marketed to, and each interaction is not just a “lead to be converted”. The key to success is establishing meaningful connections with your audience, as people.

So, how do we establish meaningful connections?

The secret is to connect with your authentic identity in a deep way, so that everything you do with your marketing is congruent and strategic.

Everything becomes so much easier and you spend way less time "doing marketing" and way more time "being yourself" and "sharing a message that impacts".

When you successfully do this people don’t just notice you, they form a deep bond with and are drawn to you.

This might sound odd if you've only consumed mainstream internet marketing gurus over the last few years. But as a marketer of almost three decades, I can tell you that this is where we are right now.

I unpack a bit more about that in this blog - and whole lot more in my book Marketing Me - that will be published next month - so stay tuned for that!

Love to hear what you think. I’d you’re a personal brand how do you feel about sharing about the work you do and the impact you’re creating?

Talk about being like a kid in a candy store! Today I hung out at Google HQ in NYC with a longtime friend and marketing ...

Talk about being like a kid in a candy store! Today I hung out at Google HQ in NYC with a longtime friend and marketing buddy Andrew Pagonis who heads up Global Product Marketing for Shopping and Commerce at Google, and this year was feature in the Forbes 30 under 30 list!. One of the most extraordinary young people I know.

It was so nice to catch up in person after so long and an absolute treat to do that in Manhattan too.

Having friends and connections around the globe is something I’ve fostered over many decades. So to have auch warm and welcoming hospitality such a fascinating and enriching conversation about all things marketing, tech and social impact was an absolute highlight of this trip.

The icing on the cake was the Google Cafe which completely blew my mind. (No words, it’s up there with the best restaurants I’ve ever dined at, and I don’t say that lightly!).

So grateful to Andrew for the warm welcome, so inspired by the work you do, your commitment to social impact and moreover the person you are!

And last but not least, for making today so fun!

One of the most impactful things you can do in business and for your career is to get in the right rooms. To connect wit...

One of the most impactful things you can do in business and for your career is to get in the right rooms. To connect with amazing people - who inspire you, lift you higher and stretch you.

I travelled to NYC this week to do just that. To hang out with and learn from extraordinary people doing truly phenomenal things in the world at the Innovation Festival.


Global leaders of change.

Super smart tech pioneers.

Socially responsible humans doing phenomenal things for the world.

Challengers of the status quo.

My mind has been stretched, expanded and uplifted - not just “seeing what’s possible” but actually “living what’s possible” as i spent the week hanging out with those who are innovating and forging new paths.

Sitting squarely at the intersection of , , and . Totally my jam.

Your “right rooms” will probably be different to mine but the encouragement is to think about what and where yours may be and then find a way to get there.

It’s so, so worth it!

Fast Company Innovation Summit in NYC is underway and I’m here for all of it. So many highlights from today, including:🤯...

Fast Company Innovation Summit in NYC is underway and I’m here for all of it. So many highlights from today, including:
🤯 Meeting Ray Dalio, author of the modern classic Principles”
👶 Hearing former supermodel Christie Turlington talk about women’s health.
🧠 Meeting extraordinary entrepreneurs of all walks solving some of the largest global challenges.
📝 Hanging out with US based journalist for the magazine I’m now a columnist for, Amy Shapiro.
🥗Getting my fresh salad lunch from a vending machine!
So many inspiring interactions. From the presentations, the forecasts, the corridor chats. Looking for to many more “New York Moment” tomorrow!

Extremely excited to share that I am have made my debut as a columnist for Mediaweek. I'll be writing a regular opinion ...

Extremely excited to share that I am have made my debut as a columnist for Mediaweek. I'll be writing a regular opinion piece for the magazine on marketing, and my first column has just been published!

I'll be bringing a fresh, relatable and forward-thinking approach around how to connect with consumers and audiences in a change-fatigued world, with a strong focus on injecting more humanity, joy and ease into our marketing.

This first piece looks at how we need to think differently in constantly changing environment that's shifting as we all juggle more, feel more, and change more and how we can do it in a way that's both strategic and fosters empathy and connection.

Enjoy the read and would love to read any comments you have about this topic below!

Nina Christian: Traditional methods of marketing are no longer cutting it, as people’s capacity to process information has diminished.

“I hate marketing”..... I felt sad when I saw this comment in a community I'm part of recently.Sad because has received ...

“I hate marketing”..... I felt sad when I saw this comment in a community I'm part of recently.

Sad because has received such a bad wrap over the years.

A tad frustrated because this has often been often for good reason too.

As people have done all sorts of shady, icky, less-than-ideal things in the name of getting attention and spreading their message.

I don't blame good people for the stereotypical view they hold.

BUT I do feel like I want to offer a helpful and empowering perspective on it.

A reframe, if you will, especially if you are a "personal" brand - where "you" are the product.

This is what I've learned in the last five years as I transitioned from hiding behind a "logo brand" and a company name, to one where the brand is "me".

It doesn’t have to be hard.

Or icky.

Or burdensome.

Or overwhelming.

Much of that is determined by the mental frame from which we approach it.

In the same way that we can reframe “icky sales” to “a powerful act of service”…

When you are a , marketing is simply about letting people know "who you are, what you do, how you can help them, and why they should can you."

If you have the Icks about it, that’s going to come through whether it’s you, you delegate that to an assistant or a marketing team.

So don't think that delegating is going to be your magic wand.

The vibes don't lie...

We need to have agency over our brand and how we show up in the world.

And not give that power away.

I'm all for enlisting logistical support (and I do lots of that!), but if you want your brand to connect authentically there are elements that absolutely need to emanate from YOU if you want to truly connect and build trust and desire.

Because if you’re not connecting it’s just noise and work and effort and it won’t stand out anyway.

And of course it will deplete you!

I ran a marketing agency for 20 years, and totally get that "marketing ourselves" brings up a lot of stuff for people.

It did for me too when I first started out to do it for myself as a “personal brand”.

But I was determined to find a better way.

As a mum of five, I’m also very practical and for the last year or so have embraced the philosophy that if you’re a personal brand and you spend more than an hour or two a week on your basic marketing system, it’s just not sustainable.

Because you know what? isn't!!

And consistency is so important in building trust and your digital footprint.

So what's the solution?

It’s finding the expression of “marketing” that truly lights you up and brings you joy, because then it’s all about “you being you” rather than doing a "task" of marketing.

And I so love helping people identify what this is for them.

Because it's the golden key to unlocking the you need to let people know about what you do, in alignment with how you enjoy showing up in the world!


Melbourne, VIC


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Meet Nina...

Nina Christian is a passionate marketer, with a career of over 24 years in marketing spanning technology, not-for-profits, tourism, fashion, sports, education and more. In 2000, Nina founded boutique-marketing agency Braveda (Winner, "Best Marketing Agency" at the 2018 AMI Awards) and in that time has worked with hundreds of marketers, agencies and award-winning clients around the globe helping them to make their marketing exceptional.

Even with a rich background in traditional marketing, Nina was an early adopter of our industry’s digital toolset – recognising changing buyer behaviour and the need for marketers to adapt.

Nina founded, grew and successfully exited a startup of international renown, is the Co-Founder of social enterprise EntreprenHer, and through her agency Braveda, has created a thriving online community of thousands of young marketers starting out under the @Launch Your MarketinLaunch Your Marketing Career brand.

Nina is the State Chair of the AMI in Victoria, an AMI Fellow, Winner of Certified Practicing Marketer of the Year (Victoria) 2018, and serves on multiple marketing advisory boards.

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