Madison Moffat
Madison Moffat (She/Her) is a remarkable trans woman with an impressive background in advocacy and media. As a former board member of Transgender Victoria, she has played a significant role in promoting the rights and visibility of transgender individuals. Additionally, Madison served as a consumer advisor to the Monash Gender Clinic, where she contributed her insights to improve the experience of transgender patients.
Her involvement doesn’t stop there; Madison is the facilitator of the TransCreative Network, a platform designed to empower and connect transgender creatives. She is also the editor of ‘The Trans-creator,’ a new zine dedicated to showcasing TGDNB (Trans, Gender Diverse, Non-Binary) culture and community. Madison’s passion for media is evident in her enthusiasm for editing, where she brings stories to life with her keen eye.
Moreover, Madison is a talented radio presenter and producer at Queering The Air on 3CR, offering her voice and platform to amplify diverse narratives within the LGBTQ+ community. Her commitment to fostering understanding and representation makes her a vital figure in the continued fight for equality and acceptance.
Queering The Air: Unplugged feat: @simonespittle
In the forthcoming episode of Queering The Air scheduled for this Sunday, we are excited to announce that Surty, our talented new co-host in training, will be accompanied by Onir, a renowned film director hailing from India. Together, they will delve into the intricacies of his most recent cinematic creation, “My Melbourne,” which is slated for a grand premiere at the prestigious Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2024. We cordially invite you to tune in live to witness the fascinating dialogue and dive deep into the world of Onir’s remarkable accomplishments in the realm of cinema.
Sunday 11th August | 3-4pm (AEST — Australian Eastern Standard Time) on 855am @3crmelbourne or stream live:
During the upcoming episode of Queering The Air this Sunday, Sasja will be joined by the remarkable individuals from @trans_creator. Her guests include Madison Moffat, who is one of the co-founders, and other members of the team. Together, they will engage in a discussion about the highly anticipated Trans Creator Launch Party. This event marks the introduction of a platform in Australia that aims to facilitate and nurture creative connections within the community of individuals who identify as TGDNB (Transgender, Gender Diverse, and Non-Binary).
Sunday 28 July, 3-4pm on 855am @3crmelbourne or stream live:
Trans Creator Launch Party:
In a recent episode of Queering The Air, Sasja had a conversation with her childhood best friend about their experiences with police brutality in Singapore. They shared how transgender women often face imprisonment simply for existing in public. They expressed gratitude for finding a welcoming home in Australia, where they are treated with dignity and can freely be their authentic selves without discrimination.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who generously donated to our radiothon last Sunday. Your support for our independent radio station is invaluable. A special shoutout to T, the founder of @euphoria_social, for their invaluable assistance in fundraising. Your unwavering support is deeply cherished by all of us at @3crmelbourne!
You can still donate:
This upcoming Sunday’s episode of Queering The Air is dedicated to fundraising efforts for our beloved 3CR community radio station. T, the esteemed founder of Euphoria Social, will be accompanying me in the studio as we come together to raise funds for this important cause. Additionally, we will be offering a live stream of the event on our respective Instagram pages, providing an interactive platform for our audience to engage and support the initiative. For those wanting to contribute via online is or phone us at 0394198377 on Sunday, June 16th, from 3 to 4pm.
Thank you for being part of our journey and for standing with us as we navigate the complexities of queer media landscape. Together, we can continue to make a difference, one show at a time.
Hari Raya / Eid Mubarak Special Broadcast
This Sunday episode of Queering The Air, Sasja reached out to the Queer Melayu community living in Naarm, inviting them to delve into their thoughts on the importance of Hari Raya in their lives. Together, they explored the nuances of celebrating this cultural festival in their current environment as opposed to their native land, navigating the intersection of tradition and identity. Sasja, in turn, will take a moment to introspect on her journey of reconnecting with her roots by participating in Hari Raya festivities with her local community. Through this shared experience, she found solace and camaraderie among her peers, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and understanding within the Queer Melayu diaspora in Naarm.
Sunday 14 April on 855am 3CR Community Radio 3-4pm or stream live: