Surgeon Case Study
So many people think they are soo busy, I couldn't possibly regain them lost time. In fact, it is often the opposite. It's the busy people who constantly underestimate how much time they are wasting.
For example one of my clients Brian is a world-renowned surgeon. Working enormous hours and often travelling to China and the US, Brian was shocked when I managed to regain him 30 hours of lost time.
Want to regain 30 hours of lost time every month?
Facebook is Free?
Facebook is a free Platform, right?
Unfortunately not, it is costing most people on average $18,000 per year.
If your hourly wage is $50 and you are spending an hour a day on Facebook, then you are spending approximately $18,000 of your time on Facebook!
And nowadays people are spending significantly more than an hour per day...
What else could you be doing with this free time?
- Spending time with your kids?
- Working on your business?
- Reading a book?
- Going out with a loved one?
An hour may seem small but when you multiply it over long periods it adds up to a phenomenal amount!
How many hours are you spending on Facebook or other social media apps? Tag someone in the comments below who needs to get off Facebook!
Want to regain 30 hours of lost time every month?
Best use of your energy
Use your energy strategically!
If you are at your best energetic state right now, why are you on Facebook?
It is really important to understand your energy flow during the day, you need to recognise when you are at your very best, your most productive.
For many people, it is early in the morning, for some it might be late in the afternoon. But when you are at your best it is crucial you don't waste any of that time scrolling through your newsfeed or responding to pointless emails.
Utilise that time and focus on important and creative tasks that require all of your attention.
Want to regain 30 hours of lost time every month?
Device Management
Yes, you are literally addicted to your phone.
The average person checks their phone 85 times or more throughout the day, most of the checks are for 15 seconds or less. That's a hit for your addiction!
It is time to take control of your device usage. This is your wake up call. Start batching your phone usage throughout the day. Your iPhone shows you how many times you check your phone each day. Try to get that number down.
Focus on batching your time so it isn't spread out sporadically!
Want to regain 30 hours of lost time every month?
Are you multitasking right now!?
Are you scrolling through Facebook while sitting at work or watching T.V? Only a tiny percentage of people are able to successfully multitask without losing productivity.
For the rest of us mere mortals, our productivity goes doe by 40%!!
That's the equivalent to losing 10 IQ points or an entire nights sleep!
It is time to stop multitasking, get off your phone and go back to work, dedicate a period of time during the day where you can go on your phone and relax, but not while you are meant to be doing important tasks.
Do you agree?
Want to regain 30 hours of lost time every month?