30th birthday greetings from the acknowledged world authority on the Beatles, Mark Lewisohn. Many thanks Mark for your kind words.
30th birthday memories from the one and only Andrew Probyn. Andy was one of our original panel members, and did some absolutely legendary interviews for our show, including two with George Harrison. Thanks Andy!
Drum roll please🥁🥁We’re very excited to announce that WE WILL BE BACK broadcasting Live on the Radio each week (and streaming), from a new radio station home - very soon! We can’t give details of our new station or return date just yet, but full details will be issued as soon as we’re able to do so! Rest assured it’s the same on air team presenting the same fabulous show. We can’t wait!! 🎉🥂🍻
Another Monday without us is a Monday wasted. News is coming. It will be fab news! In the meantime here’s another fly on the wall video from 3 weeks ago. Enjoy 🎬
Another Monday without Let It Be Beatles?? No way! Here’s another fly on the wall video from our last Stereo 974 show two weeks ago. Don’t worry good news is coming... soon.
It wouldn’t be Monday without a post from your favourite Beatles radio show. Here’s a little behind the scenes video from last week’s Stereo974 farewell show. We hope to bring you some very good news soon, so keep an eye out for an announcement this month.
After more than 27 years on Stereo 974 we finally let Charlie Kneale play live on our last show.
Mark Lewisohn LIBB interview promo week 1
We're very pleased to have Mark Lewisohn back on our show, with a four part interview special commencing this Monday 24 September. We cover lots of interesting Beatles ground in a chat lasting more than 2 hours. Here's a brief extract from part 1 for your listening enjoyment. Look out for our Monday update with details and a link to Tune-In online
We're live on air right now
Live from studio 1 at Stereo974