Our Story
Big Rigs serves the transport community and reports on the lives of people and companies working on the road.
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Big Rigs is part of APN, a well established newspaper and multimedia company. Big Rigs is a much sought after media source with a diverse readership that includes government departments, white and blue collar personnel within transport companies, transport hubs, truck stops and roadhouses, new and used dealerships, spare parts outlets, manufacturers, tyre centres, workshops, as well as private subscribers making it a favourite within the transport community.
Published every fortnight, Big Rigs has played a huge part in the Transport Industry since the early 1990s, delivering industry specific news and advertising to the transport community Australia wide. Big Rigs is essentially a single industry, special interest, niche publication designed specifically to target the transport sector that circulates around 26,000 copies nationally, (to every state and territory). Big Rigs is the only National Road Transport Newspaper produced fortnightly giving it the ability to deliver more frequent and breaking news along with the latest product releases within the industry ahead of other publications that only deliver to the market on a monthly basis.
Big Rigs National Road Transport Newspaper encourages users to share, debate, and discuss points of views on this page. Everyone has the right to express themselves and should also respect other users. Please avoid excessive anger, criticism, swearing and name calling.
Big Rigs National Road Transport Newspaper reserves the right to remove posts (including comments, photos, and links) which are illegal, vulgar, obscene, threatening, violent, sexist, racist, homophobic, defamatory, pornographic, paedophilic, and privacy and copyright violating.
Big Rigs National Road Transport Newspaper reserves the right to remove advertisements and promotional posts which do not relate to or comply with our policy. Please do not post chain or junk messages, as these too will be deleted. We reserve the right to ban users who violate this policy and defy common laws and customs.
Please be advised that content created on this page such as comments or posts could be reproduced on the Big Rigs National Road Transport Newspaper website or in the Big Rigs National Road Transport Newspaper newspaper.