SBS Maltese

SBS Maltese SBS is the national multilingual, multicultural & Indigenous media organisation for all Australians.

SBS is the national multilingual, multicultural, and Indigenous media organisation for all Australians. Use of this account is subject to SBS Terms and Conditions

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From its beginnings in 1975, SBS has evolved into a contemporary, multiplatform and multilingual media organisation with six distinctive free-to-air TV channels in SBS, Nati

onal Indigenous Television (NITV), SBS VICELAND, SBS Food, SBS World Movies, and SBS WorldWatch; an extensive radio, audio, and language content network providing more than 60 culturally and linguistically diverse communities with services in their preferred language; and an innovative digital offering, including streaming destination SBS On Demand, available to audiences anytime, anywhere. Follow us on Twitter:
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This page is a way to get updates, the latest information, promotions and more for SBS and our shows. We'd love for you to leave comments, share photos and videos here. However, please always be respectful of others otherwise or we might need to take down your comments. We also reserve the right to remove spam, reposts, repetitive comments, and those that attempt to interrupt or derail a conversation between other members of the community. Whilst we welcome contributions to our page, we do not endorse the content of those contributions. Contributions should comply with SBS' Network Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy which are linked clearly below. Network Terms and Conditions
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Mill-bidu nett tiegħu fl-1975, l-SBS evolva f’organizzazzjoni tal-midja kontemporanja multilingwali u fuq diversi pjattaformi, b’sitt stazzjonijiet distinti u bla ħlas fuq it-televiżjoni, l- SBS, it-televiżjoni indiġenu nazzjonali (NITV), SBS VICELAND, SBS Food, SBS World Movies u SBS WorldWatch; netwerk estensiv b’kontenut tar-radju, awditorju u tal-lingwi li jipprovdi iktar minn sittin kommunita’ kulturalment u lingwistikament diversi b’servizzi fil-lingwa preferuta tagħhom; u servizz innovattiv diġitali, li jinkludi xandir fuq SBS On Demand, li huwa aċċessibbli
kull ħin, kullimkien. Segwina fuq Twitter:
Segwina fuq Instagram:

Din il-paġna ta’ Facebook hija mezz ta’aċċess għall-aġġornamenti, l-aħħar informazzjoni, pubblicita’ u iktar, għall-SBS u l-programmi tagħna. Nieħdu pjaċir bil-kummenti tagħkom hawn, qsim ta’ ritratii u filmati. Intant, nitolbukhom turu dejjem rispett lejn kulħadd oltrimentri jista’ jkollna bżonn inneħħu l-kummenti tagħkom. Nirriżervaw ukoll id-dritt tagħna li nneħħu spam, posts imxerrda, kummenti ripetittivi u dawk li jippruvaw jinterrompu jew ifixklu l-konversazzjoni bejn membri oħra tal-kommunita’. Filwaqt li nilqgħu il-kontribuzzjonijiet għall-paġna tagħna, ma napprovawx il-kontenut ta’ dawn il-kontribuzzjonijiet. Il-kontribuzzjonijiet kollha għandhom jobdu t-Termini u l-Kundizzjonijiet tan-Netwerk tal-SBS u l-etika tal-Privatezza li huma provduti hawn isfel. Termini u kundizzjonijiet tan-Netwerk
Etika tal-Privatezza


Federation Square
Melbourne, VIC


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