Need a little writing inspiration this weekend?
The @willylitfest is on and our author friend @jess_tsigros will be there sharing her journey from self-published to traditionally published through author @hardiegrantbooks
Her first book, We Live In A Caravan, is a wonderful Aussie camping adventure. Inspired by her own family journey across our incredible country.
We’ll be popping in to meet Jess IRL after just working alongside her on her latest manuscript, which is another magical kids book!
You’ll find Jess at The Willy Lit Fest on Sunday 18 June from 11:30 am in the Williamstown Town Hall.
Tickets are free, but you can get your entry here.
Posted @withregram • We are SO excited to announce that we are OPEN FOR FECKING BUSINESS, BABY!
Sweeeeeet deals available on foundation memberships … like, seriously … a huge saving (that will end at midnight on June 30! Eff the ATO! Give us your $ instead! 😂)
Who are our foundation members?! Is it you? It’s you, innit!? Will you be joining us at our very very special and EX-BLOODY-SCLUSIVE foundation member party?! Yes???!!!
Link in bio!
#badwritersclub #writersofinstagram#writersofmelbourne #writingcourses #editingcourses #writing #editing ##smallbusinessau #supportsmallbusinessaustralia #hustleandheart #socialmediaau #contenteditor #womenofthewest #ladieswholaunch #intentionalbusiness #sustainablecollective #mumpreneurs
Here’s a little peek at some work we did for @melbourneconventionbureau earlier this year.
It’s so nice to see our words published and as they should be used.
This is an internal brochure for Victorian hospitality and tourist venues describing the benefits of MCB membership for a prosperous future.
MCB Are a great team to work with, and we’re looking forward to our next project together.
Cheers to valuable business relationships! 🥂
#businessinspiration #9tothrive #igeditors #editorlife #womenwriters #smallbusinessmelbourne #freelancingfemales #ausmumpreneur #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #traditionalpublishing #businessbydesign #smallbusinessowner #mumsinbusinessaustralia #smallbusinesslove #creativecopywriter #innerwestwomeninbusiness #creativeentrepreneur #digitalmums #lmbdwbrisbane #shemeansbusiness #copywritinghelp #authorsofinstagram #womenwhohustle #contentwriter #heartcentredentrepreneur #digitalmarketingstrategist #womensfiction #smallbusinessmatters #australiansmallbusiness #hersuccess
Have a book the world needs? 📖🤗
Avatars and Copywriting
If marketing your small business makes you feel icky at times, you're not alone.🤔
Traditional marketing techniques laud rankism, meaning when you market, you often market down. But doing this can make us feel uncomfortable about selling our products and services, even though we're good people with good intentions.
Rather than focussing on convincing your ideal client avatars to buy from you, how about creating relationships with people who share your personal and business values? That way you can do business with the people you like and trust, and they'll choose your business over a less-aligned one every time.
Read the full article here:
Words by @donitawrites
Illustration by: Ashley Ellis Creative
Image text: Slide one is an illustration that shows five people holding signs. The first is a dressed in dark blue trousers, a yellow fluorescent vest, and a yellow hard hat. They’re holding a white sign with black text that says ‘diverse’.
The second is holding a white sign with black text that says ‘clients’ and wearing black leggings and a cropped yoga top, their left leg is folded and resting on the inner thigh.
The third person has brown hair and holds a sign reading ‘with’ and is dressed in blue hospital scrubs.
The fourth is holding a sign that reads ‘shared’ and has long black curly hair and is wearing a short black dress.
The fifth is holding a sign that says ‘values’
He is wearing a turban, brown trousers, and a green shirt.
The text on slide two reads:
Avatars and Copywriting
One part of copywriting is developing a solid tone of voice for your business, and a way to get there (you might have heard) is to create an avatar of your ideal client. Typically, this entails asking their age and gender, what music they like, what car they drive, and what books they read, creating a stereotype of the kind of person you’re talking to in your copy and hence ‘want to work with’.
The text on s
Copy of MWC_AdsforEditing
Trying to drum up a little creativity? Me too...but it's hard going right now, I have to dig deeeeep to hit the well. 💪
I'm a terrible patient, and I hate being on forced rest, especially when I feel like I've so much to achieve.
But, I'm recovering from a full shoulder reconstruction, so as I sit here typing with one hand, I resign myself to a few more days off the clock.
While I'm like this, I'm seeking out ways to keep my mind progressing and attempting to drum up some creativity. I'm reading books by Olivia Laing and Courtney Zoffness while the kids do their school work and am diving back into Brand Plan with Serena @speakoutstudio.
I started this course ten weeks ago, and I'm currently exploring week five 'Brand Values' yes, I've got a bit of catching up to do, but what I've learned so far is invaluable to Mighty Writing Co.
The way I think about my business and the industry I'm part of has changed significantly. I used to feel like I was teetering around the edges of both - as a sole trader, it's easy to self-judge as you often don't have anyone to bounce ideas off or ask questions of. But in this space, I've examined myself and my business and how to coexist, and as I come to understand these things, the business has organically expanded. We're a team now and produce interesting and well thought out written work for our clients. We can achieve so much together. We're small but bloody mighty!
A few weeks ago I decided that MWCo's values are: Curiosity, Creativity, and Community, chosen because darn it! I love alliteration, and also because these three words encompass so many others. Our values will evolve over time, but right now they mean:
🌟We are curious about our strengths and weaknesses, gently enquiring, questioning each one, and taking note of what we need to adjust within ourselves and the business.
🌟We are curious about others and their thoughts, feelings, ideas, businesses, and messaging.
🌟We are curious about making changes in t
What a day!
A productive day HQ with the developmental editing of @charliegolding_author new book!
It was so fab working with Carmen @pumpy.boy discussing the flow of the story and the illustrations.
I can’t wait to show you the finished product.
🌻What's your creative practice? Do you have one?
In the small-biz life, it's easy to plow ahead day by day, a little mindlessly.
Always focussed on the next goal, finishing one job, and starting the next, promoting ourselves, then waiting for the work to come...
It's a bit of a hamster wheel at times, right?
So, it's no surprise that at times, it all gets a little too much. But, how do you break the cycle when there's so much to do.
📢At the risk of sounding like a motivational speaker; there is truth in creativity and at exactly this stage of burnout is when you need to find it.
I believe business and a creative practice go hand-in-hand. 🤝
When you're in a business slump, instead of berating yourself for not meeting your own expectations, try doing something creative.
📝Write for ten minutes.
🖍️Draw a picture or doodle on a page.
📃Read poetry.
🎸Listen to a genre of music you wouldn't normally choose.
💃Dance around the lounge room.
It doesn't matter how you feel about your creative abilities, the magic is in the process. Allowing yourself the time and space for creativity is not selfish behaviour. You deserve it and so does your small business.
That's why at the end of April I'm running an event for local small business owners called Write for Your Life.
Write for Your Life is a chance to put your head down and your bum up and dive into that personal or business writing project you've been avoiding.
Write for Your Life is the chance to take 2020 and put it into words.
Write for Your Life is gives you the space to write whatever you want to.
And it is a space to share your writing ups and downs, your knowledge gaps, and what you'd like to be doing with your writerly life.
This event has sold out but I will be running more in the future. If you're a local of Melbourne's inner west and you'd like to come along to the next one. Please join the Inner West (Melbourne)
Feast your peepers on this one, friends.
I’m sharing another post from @studio__work this morning because this new website is so rad ✌️
Check out how well Sarah’s graphic work and my copy stand up together - it’s like they’re bloody holding hands or something 👊🏻
Super proud of the work here 😎
How to Work with a Copywriter
New Blog Post⠀
Get on the same page as your writer through shared values, communication, and collaboration. 📣⠀
If you're a small business owner, you probably know what a copywriter is; you may have even worked with a copywriter or be considering it. With so many of us creating brands, bringing dreams to life, and having the courage to do it, the role of copywriter sits right alongside the position of sales manager for any small business.⠀
Read my blog about aligning your core values to your work values and ensuring great relationships with the people who support you in business.
Parisian Dogs on Mondays
Parisian Dogs on Mondays be like...⠀
I don't know about you, but my inbox is currently bursting with marketing EDMs about how to attract the right customers to my brand. ⠀
It's a multi-faceted topic that covers marketing and authenticity. There are many things we can do to 'attract' the right clients. ⠀
But I believe that until we understand ourselves, even just a little bit, we won't be able to surround ourselves with the people we want to work with. You can schedule content until the cows come home, but it will be a waste of time. ⠀
So do yourself a favour.⠀
When you sit down to work out your #smallbizgoals and your business values, take a moment to think about YOUR core values. What drives you, must drive your business, and when the two align - that's when you attract the right audience. ⠀
My core values begin with honest communication; I'm upfront about my capabilities and limitations. ⠀
I have integrity - I'm not afraid to admit when I don't know something, and it no longer shames me to admit I need to learn something. Instead, I see these gaps as a great opportunity to dive deeper into understanding business and the needs of my clients.⠀
I'm not afraid to ask for help. I learn from others and I surround myself with people who are constantly challenging themselves, personally and professionally. ⠀
I accept constructive feedback, and I endeavour to change. But I have boundaries and I do not accept nastiness or bullying.⠀
The key to attracting the right people to you is having a constant curiosity for others, communicating wholly, and applying your learnings to each new day. ⠀
This week one EDM I received cut through the noise of all the rest. A fresh voice and take on finding your way in life and business. Sign up to @jacklynfosterart newsletter as she has just released an event: ⠀
"YOU DO YOU FAM" Zoom Master Class⠀
10am Thursday 8th of October 2020⠀
Tickets are $36.⠀
Only 10 spots availa