Do you currently have a video advert to share your "why"?
We create short, punchy and revenue generating adverts for businesses that fits within their budget. The advert project is delivered promptly and remotely and we are currently offering highly affordable rates.
With the internet at your finger tips & advanced phone technology, we could guide you in capturing self shot quality footage and we will also provide you with licenced sound tracks and stock video/images so you can share your advertisement on social media pages without any hassles of copyright concerns.
PM me and let’s discuss your vision.
ISO 2.0% Discount
I know times are tough right now,
Is cabin fever almost getting the best of you too?
Staying inside would not be your first choice of activities I’m sure... you love to travel, get out and see the world right?
So tell me what you are doing to keep yourself busy & entertained at the moment?
...For me? Well I have redirected my energy & have taken this opportunity to expand my passion!
Video editing and composition is something I’ve always loved to do, and I’ve now turned it into a business...
I am perfecting my skills so that I can better serve you, and I’m LOVING IT!!
So, while it’s tough staying in; why not reminisce on your incredible adventures and let me bring them to life, through a spectacular video montage for you?
This week ONLY we are offering a special ISO discount, so that we can help you remember those incredibly precious adventures forever!!!
Drop us an “ADVENTURES” below to claim your 20% Discount today!!
...And remember “Don’t let your heart close up” -keep your heart open to the possibilities, they are endless...
21 Day push up Challenge 2020 Montage
Montage of Sum & his boys on their journey of 3046 pushups each in 21 days in May 2020. Created by Sumit Pix2reel