It’s all here… #home
#greenform #storiesofthesea #capenaturaliste #bunkerbay #eaglebay #margaretriverregion
East Augusta Synergy ‘drop in’ session today, residents again turned up voicing their strong opposition. A truely special place that should NEVER be industrialised…
The drive in on Scott River Road, showcasing the rich biodiversity of this region 😍 #keepitwild
#nowindturbines #scottriver #eastaugusta
Wax on… Wax off
Thank you Peta Credlin and Sky News Australia for shining a light on what’s really going on at the Scott River ⚠️
We are seeing the same unethical tactics employed by international wind industry investors being used by our own state government led SynergyRED to lure landowners to sign up to contracts without knowing all the facts first!
There’s a certain style of grooming at play, seeking landowners to sign up to 30+ year land access agreements without providing all the information up front to make informed long-term decisions on business and lifestyle.
We would really like to see state and federal government shaping new revised policy around the wind industry to protect neighbouring landowners, prime agricultural land and biodiversity from unethical behaviour from wind energy proponents ⚠️
#nowindturbines #scottriver #notclean #notgreen #renewableenergy
Thank you @petacredlinao and @skynewsaustralia for shining a light on what’s really going on at the Scott River ⚠️ We are seeing the same unethical tactics employed by international wind industry investors being used by our own state government led SynergyRED to lure landowners to sign up to contracts without knowing all the facts first⚠️
There’s a certain style of grooming at play, getting landowners to sign up to 30-year land access agreements without providing all the information up front to make informed long-term decisions on business and lifestyle.
We would really like to see state and federal government shaping new revised policy around the wind industry to protect neighbouring landowners, prime agricultural land and biodiversity from unethical behaviour from wind energy proponents ⚠️
#nowindturbines #scottriver #notclean #notgreen #windturbine
Last wave before sundown
#greenform #margaretriver #westernaustralia #storiesofthesea #surfinglife #sundown #areyouexperienced #pattismith #margaretriverregion #westcoast
Listen to hydraulic and mechanical hum coming from the wind turbine motor and generator ⚠️ And the wooshing sound coming from the blades themselves. This produces a low frequency sound wave called infrasound and causes serious discomfort in people, livestock and wildlife. Wind turbines are destroying the amenity and lifestyle of many rural communities worldwide. Say no to #windturbines #scottriver #notclean #notgreen
At the Scott River, we won’t be able to distance ourselves safely from the noise, disturbance and shadows flicker from the wind turbines. The block sizes are too small, we simply can’t get far enough away from the low frequency hum and infrasound.
SynergyRED (the developer) is claiming it’s safe to run livestock under the turbines. However, many international studies have shown there are serious health effects for livestock with deformities like joint defects, eyesight issues and miscarriage. It’s been shown that some livestock actually die from the stress and lack of sleep, as they simply can’t rest with the noise and disturbance from the wind turbines. So you have the noise that you can hear measured in decibels and then you have the sound that’s produced ultrasonically by the blades, that’s called infrasound. We don’t hear that as such, it’s more like a frequency and a vibration and it’s measured in below 20 hertz.... Infrasound easily travels through the walls of your home and into the human body. This creates serious discomfort in people. Causing sleep disturbance, balance problems and headaches.
Please share widely #greenform #lowfrequency #infrasound #synergy #synergyred #hum
I was out yesterday afternoon chasing the sunset off the coast and a slow moving rain band came through, blurring things out on the horizon. The chopper was getting wet and the lens had water on it… So I turned around to come in and dry off and was greeted with the Wilyabrup cliffs all lit up…
#greenform #wilyabrup #margaretriver #westernaustralia #rainbow #sunset #westcoast #wathedreamstate #margaretriverregion #inspiredbynature #lightshow #storiesofthesea #skybangerz #voyaged #australiassouthwest
Wilyabrup Brook 17 August 2024
#greenform #gralynestate #wilyabrup #margaretriverregion #westernaustralia #storiesofthesea
So close you could reach out and touch them
#greenform #wilyabrup #margaretriver #westernaustralia #storiesofthesea #cloudappreciation #westcoast