It looks like our weather has finally come to an end... 2 whole weeks of heavy rain, flooding in many parts north of us.
It is SOOOOOO good to see the sun again!
Now to dry everything out enough to not squelch every where I go, and to go without all the mud freckles....🤣
Hopefully we can head up to Townsville on Saturday and check that Dittes place went alright, we're hoping the roads are all open by then if this sunshine keeps up 🤞
Food for thought, are you on track to becoming the person that you could be? The best version of yourself?
After years of what felt like, being at a stand still, just stuck on repeat, I feel like I am finally back on track! I am finally listening to myself again and on the road to becoming the best version of myself. If you feel stuck or feel like there is no way to change the path you are on, I'm here to tell you that there is a way forward.
2 years ago I found a business that I decided to do just for the extra money, but what I found was a whole new life style, I found a business that teaches you to put you first, it shows you how to grow into a better version of yourself, you get to be a personal development student, a mindset coach, a leader, and bring better health to you and your family through the health products it provides such as the water ioniser. And suddenly my life was transformed from feel stuck, like this was all life had to offer and feeling unfulfilled to opening my eyes up to a whole world of opportunity that lies there just waiting for you to go and get it.
It made me feel alive again, it gave me new hope, new inspiration, but it also have me the skills and tools I needed to navigate this new path I was on.
Suddenly I had a access to earning extra money, I could fit it in around my job and farm chores, I could built it at my pace. But I wasn't alone at it, I had access to a whole community of people wanting to see me succeed, helping me with everything I needed to get on the path I knew I needed to be on.
My future and my families future suddenly looks so much brighter, and stress free when it comes to money. For years I have lived pay cheque to pay cheque, just making ends meet, but they just weren't meeting, and I was getting really stressed about it, and the costs just keep going up and up! But even from the very first sale, in this business that sale is going to earn you between $800 & $2200AUD, and that commission just keeps going u
Most if my life I've been taught to be independent, to do everything myself, to not rely on other people, and I used to find it empowering.
But now I realise how much better and even more empowering it is when you don't have to do it by yourself, when you surround yourself with the right people, the right team, and work together achieve great things ❤️
That's where the real gold lies.
You don't have to do it on your own!
#youdonthavetodoitalone #teamsupport #community #support #empowerment #workingtogether #dreamteam #supportingeachother #onlinecommunity
#buildingasustainableincome #makinganuncappedincome
When you finally get your act together to talk to the camera... and you're outdone by the frogs 🐸 🤣
We've had a lot of rain in the last few days, and my thoughts go out to those affected by the floods! I am grateful to have a house that is high and dry.
The rain has meant that I haven't been able to spend my holidays doing the things outside that I had planned with my daughter while she is still home, but being forced to stay home and indoors is giving me a chance to do some much needed decluttering and clearing out.
Time is a funny thing and it's not that I don't have time to do the things I want, it is definitely that my time is not organised!
This year, I really want to get ahead, and the reality is, if I planned my time better, organised the physical things around me, cut back on the clutter it would give me more time in my day.
I have come to realise that when I make time to sit down and work on my business or spend time with my family, or get creative with some craft, my mind is not relaxed, it is focused on all the jobs that need doing and I feel like I never get on top of them, but there is often so much to do, that it gets overwhelming and I let it build up and then it takes forever.
So my aim is to declutter everything, do a "Spark Joy" clean up of my house and my garden, so at least house work and yard work is much quicker and more pleasing to the eye! And hopefully this will allow my mind to declutter too.
If you have any great decluttering tips, or organising tips for when you have lots of animals in your life, to feed morning and night, I'd love to hear them 😊
🥂 Here's to more time for the good stuff! Or for the things that will get you to where you want to be 😉
Don't let the pursuit of tomorrow diminish the joy of today!
This is something I need reminding of, to stop and be grateful for the joy of today, that doesn't mean you can't still be in pursuit of a better tomorrow, just a reminder to acknowledge that without the learnings of today, we wouldn't be where we are tomorrow.
Life is far more fun and it feels more like we are getting somewhere if we see the everyday joy in the small things, we celebrate our wins no matter how small they are, this is what gets us to tomorrow.
Usually when it is bucketing down outside, I am supposed to be somewhere else like work... but right now I'm on leave and I can just sit back and enjoy the fact that I can't get anywhere, but I also don't need to be anywhere.
I haven't been down to check the creeks, but I can hear them raging, it feels so nice to not have to worry about when I can get out or if I do, when I can get home again!
This is one thing I look forward to most, when I have built my business up enough to not have to go to "work", to just be able to work from home, or where ever I choose! And not worry about things like the weather.
This is something I've dreamed for since my daughter was a baby (she is now 22years) while I didn't get to achieve it then, I always believed it was possible.
I am now on track as I have found the right vehicle for me, and I am working towards this being completely possible by 2 years from now. Replacing my current income, not with something that requires constant hustle and the same amount of work hours, but with something that uses up-to-date technologies and is able to be automated, giving me back more time.
Days like these, when you are forced to just stop, really reminds me of why I am building this business, for more days like these, when you can just sit back and enjoy them, and not have to always be somewhere else.
Choose wisely.
If you start today imagine where you'll be in 12 months time.
Listening to Mel Robins new book "Let Them" and I have to let you in on a little secret, one that I am discovering more and more!!
Do you ever stop yourself from copying something someone else is doing, even if it is something that's really going to grow you as a person, or benefit you, because you are afraid that they will think you copied them? I've been there many times!!
Well Mel says "Let them" chances are they copied it from someone else too.
When someone is successful at something, they have probably followed a formula, and there is absolutely no point in reinventing the wheel when it has already been worked out and proven many times over that this formula works! There are formulas for everything, even making reels and engage people more.
"Let you" be ok with copying something that's proven to work so that you can get ahead faster.
That's why I joined the business I'm in, the hard work has already been done for me and the step by step formula to making this work! And work for anyone who follows it. It saves you time, money, heart ache and tears! And people here want you to do well, to achieve, so they willingly share what they did and you don't even have to feel bad about copying them! That's the beauty of joining a business that is focused on helping you.
So life hack - copy the formula and you will succeed, (and it is ok to copy it, in fact it is there for you to copy!) You don't have to try and work it all out by yourself!
I think everyone deserves to fill their days with the things they love to do. For me its spending time at home with all the animals in the peace and quiet of the country. That's what I really love ❤️
#dowhatyoulove #justdoit #lovewhatyoudo #liveyourdreams #takebackyourlife #passiveincome #onlinebusiness
Simba having a good smooch, so good to see because sometimes he gets a little overwhelmed by the even the smallest things 🥰
Today is going to be a good day! 2025 is going to be a GREAT year!!
And 3. Most importantly....
Have a strategy or plan that is achievable!!
The best way to do that is to have your end goal in mind, when you want to achieve it by, and work backwards from there breaking it into bite sized manageable daily steps that you can achieve. Otherwise it just gets too overwhelming if all you do is focus on the end result, especially if the result you want is big! Like earn an extra 100 K for the year.
Applying these 3 simple steps to my online business is what saw me have the most growth in the past 12 months!
If you are on here growing your account, but not getting paid for it, then I can help you. If you want to turn your page into a lucrative and sustainable business, YOU'RE in luck because I have some very exciting NEWS coming up, so be sure to follow along so you don't miss out!
I can't wait to help you make 2025 your best year yet!
#mumssupportingmums #mums #mumsonline #onlinebusiness #freedom #choice #timefreedom #beyou #money #affiliatemarketing #affiliate #commission #passiveincome #ruralmums #lifehack #womeninbusiness #empowerment #takebackyourlife #financialfreedom #locationfreedom #freedomlifestyle #mumentrepreneur #moneytips #mumsinbusiness #highticket #remotejobs