I've never really been someone to be considered 'popular', all the way back to childhood. If we were talking 'fitting in', I'm a sqaure peg and the world (and the people in it) have consistently been a round hole.
But, if there's one thing that hosting Shades of Punk for the last two years has reinforced for me, it's that 'popular' is not synonymous with 'great'.
The people that say things few people want to hear are saying the most important things; the people that enjoy activities that are denegrated by the masses are finding their ultimate happiness; the people putting other's needs ahead of their own are the ones worth idolising.
I'm not promoting the show, I'm telling you that you'll find no genre of music more focused on introspection, positive social & political change, or the calling out of evil than punk.
Just fu**in' get on board.
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