104. WDBC Fettlers Shed HO/OO Layout Outside Track Inspection Camera Car Run Sat. 16/11/2024
View on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cUVPY5FsFsE?si=jL-LpaSTeuHNiGhM
[Select Highest Resolution ~ 1080p to view video] It's been a while since we've run the camera car around the Outside Track to check on its condition. Only the station track loops we missed out on.
A Time Code has been added in the Top Right of the video which can be used to reference anything you might pick up as you watch the foward looking view of the camera car.
The loco being used to push the camera car is a Auscision Models NR class NR55.
Please use the Time Code Top Right so we can send out the the maintenance crew to investigate.
Video in 1080p30HD for a better viewing experience!
103. WDBC Fettlers Shed 'Afternoon Tea' and Train Run ~ Sat. 16/11/2024.
View on Youtube: https://youtu.be/T78HX0dJVQk?si=d652JCAwKE848bIY
For something different for our 3 month get-together on the evening of the Open Day we decided to start a little earlier than what we've done a few times before this year being a Pizza and Night Run and have a Afternoon Tea and Train Run starting at 3:30pm. Everyone was ask to bring along a plate and we had plenty of food as we stopped at about 4pm for a cuppa and a chat.
Some other videos recorded were the Track Inspection by the camera car which we haven't had it out for a while checking the Inner and Outer Tracks.
Video in 1080p30HD for a better viewing Experience!
Continuing works on the ‘N Scale’ layout filling in between the layers.
Tuesday 29th October 24
N scale ~ Tue. 15/10/2024.
Transport Heritage Expo 2024 ~ Central Station 6-7 October
Today’s run on the ho layout with special feature of the track cleaning wagon.
Zig Zag
Passing V set 3:54pm at Zig Zag Bottom Points. Sunday, 22/09/2024.
Epping Intermodal Freighter
NR103 & NR50 Intermodal Freighter through Epping 12:51pm. Was waiting at Rhodes. This station person on platform 3 showed me the digital map train tracking screen. Had just left Rhodes. About 10 minutes to Epping.
101. WDBC Fettlers Shed XPT Run at our August Pizza & Night Run Sat. 17/08/2024
Here we have a junior member with their "fast" Intercity XPT.
Another great video effort by Pete C. which takes time and resources to get them up on our channel.
100. WDBC Fettlers Shed Pizza & Night Run Diesel Action Sat. 17/08/2024.
Two words to describe our August [One month late!!] Pizza and Night Run: "Just Wow", Sat. 17/08/2024.
Absolute ripper from those that arrived at about 4:50pm and had their trains rolling by 5pm [See video soon]. Pete C. had a 12 car Intermodal Freighter, and Andrew S. had a double header hauling his very nice set of blue coal wagons.
Pete rigged up the outside track for DCC Ops with the Sheds NCE PowerCab whilst Andrew's coaly was DC powered on the Inside track. Going in opposite direction they looked good.
At about 6:30 Ish we did the Pizza calculations for 16 that were present making sure everyone got a good feed whilst keeping the co$t low. We had copies of the menu for all to look at and decide which flavour of Pizza they liked. As the BIG ones get cut into 8 made calculating a bit easier.
We were treated with some cakes thanks to those who brought them in. The Sheds Coffee dripolator coffee machine was heated for those that grabbed a coffee to have with their sweets.
Video in 1080p30HD for a better viewing experience.