Bec Kinderman

Bec Kinderman Entrepreneur, wife and mama consciously raising 4 kids. Free Birther, believer, business mentor

Bec has been married since December 2012, after a surprise pregnancy had her and her hubby, Jonathan, considering their future. They have moved back and forth between Australia (their home country) and the USA since they were married, and have landed themselves in Texas, to hopefully plant their roots. Through seriously tough times, dysfunctional relationships, terrible communication and strugglin

g to make ends meet, they have come out the other side stronger, more in love and with a stronger faith. They have three kids - Caprice, Haven and Tatum, and they are the driving force for everything they do. There have been parenting fails, marriage fails and communication fails. But their willingness to stay the course and never stop learning and growing, has enabled them wisdom to guide and encourage others in the same position. Bec has built a successful Young Living business, while home with the kids, through pregnancy, birth and that newborn stage, through multiple international moves, and many objections and bumps in the road. All while Jonathan has been working full time, and her biggest supporter, and sidekick. They aim to inspire and encourage you that no matter what life throws your way, you can do, have and be anything you want!

It’s move in day!! And yes I’m lying in bed already. I’ve been instructed to and I’m grateful because I need it. Plus my...

It’s move in day!! And yes I’m lying in bed already. I’ve been instructed to and I’m grateful because I need it. Plus my cushy bed back in my room I’ve worked so hard on feels SO good.

I wish I were more spiritedly today. I wish I could jump on stories and chat and walk and show you around. But, in due time…

I can’t believe it! The day we’ve been working so hard for since NYD - the day this house flooded!

What an absolute WHIRLWIND of a year.

It’s been tumultuous to say the least. The hardest things I’ve ever done. Not just the Reno, but the dealing with life around the Reno, the circumstances in which we had to Reno, the kids, everything. But we did it.

We managed to move into a rental, start the kids at a new school, fight hard with insurance to get what we deserved, planned the Reno, had our amazing friend Clint from .co help us out SO much and do the bulk of the Reno! Completely bringing my vision to life in every aspect! And our team of trades literally worked with me on my timeline to get us back in here today! I’m so grateful 😭

It’s been a full labor of love with SO much contribution from so many people to make this happen.

Here’s a couple snaps of my room, views from my bed into our beautiful bathroom and unfinished wardrobe.

Still lots to do but for now I’m letting myself rest because everything can wait now.

We are home 😭❤️

4 days before we move back into our renovated flooded house, & I’ve been absolutely smashed.Pushing myself way too hard ...

4 days before we move back into our renovated flooded house, & I’ve been absolutely smashed.

Pushing myself way too hard & not giving myself adequate time to rest & recover & my body is forcing it on me.

Worst timing.

There is so much silver lining to the flood, & often that’s all people on the outside see. I’m grateful for the silver linings, but often what is overlooked completely is what it actually took to “get” to the silver lining, & it’s about killed me.

It’s made me question everything & wonder if any of this is even worth it.

I’ve struggled to be a good mum, I’m not present like I want to be - physically or mentally… my body is tired, sore, malnourished, depleted.

We are on the home stretch & I should be there finishing things up. But I’m home lying on my couch unable to move after another night of fever chills, aches & coughing fits.

My body is begging me to stop & yet I can’t because our family relies on me not to.

It’s a really weird place to be. The guilt that I’m not doing enough, but knowing that if I don’t listen to my body it will take me out for longer.

The fatigue & chronic stress that my body is under from everything compounded this year has come to a head.

The reality that we move in 4 days & the house is only half packed, the boys are bored because I cannot leave the house today in my state, tv on non stop to try to keep them entertained, because I do not have the strength for anything.

I haven’t even scratched the surface on the things we’ve walked this year… the flood was just the beginning.

It’s been the most painful year of my life & managing the pain & hardship while still having to show up & parent each day & wishing things were different because you so badly want your kids to see a better side of you..

I won’t ever share every part of our life on here, but I hope that what you do see, you know it’s not fake, it’s not only the highlights (although those are good!!), but that you see that we are a real family & real humans with real life struggles just like everyone else.

Tomorrow I will put my big girl panties back on & keep going, because that’s the choice I make. I’ll rest & complain today & move on tomorrow!

A sight I never thought I’d see… walking around carrying a crow bar and a sledge hammer 🔨Here’s some very small but exci...

A sight I never thought I’d see… walking around carrying a crow bar and a sledge hammer 🔨

Here’s some very small but exciting progress on our house!

Pic 2: kitchen walls have been taken down to open up the whole space and welcome a new large open plan kitchen which I cannot wait for!

Pic 3: we moved the placement for our bedroom door from the center of the wall to the side so that one large closet can be built in to the left as you walk in!

Pic 4: we removed the taeom extension that jutted out from the house, to make it flush again, and moved the positioning for the window!

Pic 5: Cottage kitchen demo - including removal of a large brick bar to the backside of the kitchen cabinets.

Pic 6: progress on another aluminium window paint job!! This is literally such a huge job but it is sooooo worth it because my gosh it completely takes the external from old 80’s home to elevated elegance!!

Every single second I have, I’m here right now working!

We have a working bee this weekend and so grateful to any and everyone who is willing to come lend a hand with tip runs, and help jackhammering the tiles! Gonna be a massive weekend but it feels so exciting to see so much progress so quickly!

If I’m quiet… these are just a handful of some of the reasons why….So much goes on in people’s lives that you couldn’t p...

If I’m quiet… these are just a handful of some of the reasons why….

So much goes on in people’s lives that you couldn’t possibly begin to understand. Yet there’s this weird expectation on this app that you gotta show up anyway.

Or if someone still does, the content might be masking the silent suffering and then it does lack real authenticity…
I don’t believe being authentic means you need to share everything but when you’re portraying your life as fine or good when it really doesn’t truly feel that way IRL, then that lacks authenticity…

I jumped on this trend because I’ve actually always prided myself in being real and authentic on here. But of late it’s felt really hard to even be on here and to share. As I get older I’ve become more protective of what I share and how I share it.

I also don’t live a perfect positive life and most days right now I’m just spent and ready to throw in the towel. Except I can’t.

And the pressure that I have felt is immense. I’m tired of people’s expectations weighing on me.

So here’s a handful of things I’m struggling with, and honestly feel a bit sick about sharing because I don’t or don’t often share about on here…

And now I’m going to go back to my life and where I need to be in this season ❤️

Hi 👋🏽 it’s me! Bec… I’ve got quite a few extra grey hairs that I proceeded to pluck from my scalp this morning (hold the...

Hi 👋🏽 it’s me! Bec… I’ve got quite a few extra grey hairs that I proceeded to pluck from my scalp this morning (hold the lecture, it is what it is)..

The last 20 days… first 20 days of 2024, haven’t exactly been what I envisioned 😂

Our NY tradition is to write our goals and here we are on the 20th of the month and we haven’t even looked at last years or considered this years.

We’ve been living at my in-laws which has been both the biggest blessing and greatest challenge. Having 4 very intense but also greatly traumatized kids in anyone’s house is hard.

We finally got approved for a rental today (no one wanted us because we weren’t willing to sign for 12 months). We move Tuesday.

It’s relief, honestly.

We all need our own space, but particularly the kids need space to freely and safely express themselves

This week, particularly has been the absolute hardest on all of us.

We’ve NEVER seen the kids behave the way they have. It’s made me realize how much more traumatized we all are than I first thought. Myself included.

My capacity for anything right now has been cut by 50%, but the intensity of the kids and the pressure and stress we currently feel has doubled.

I’ve felt mildly depressed (circumstantial) and I’ve felt like I’d rather die than have to face another day as it has been. I do not say this for sympathy and I am NOT suicidal. But the deep deep level of stress and trauma combined with having to still carry on and mother so many children whose needs have increased too, has just taken its toll.

I BELIEVE wholeheartedly that there is light at the end of all of this.

I BELIEVE wholeheartedly that this is character building and immense opportunity to grow.

But that doesn’t make it any less hard.

I’m leaning so deeply on God’s Grace right now and so unsure how anyone goes through hardship without God, because He is my ONLY strength most days.

I’m grateful for my husband who is my rock and my family who haven’t tried to fix anything but just let me feel what I need to feel and love me and hold me through it.

What carries me is knowing I’ll look back on this one day and see the beauty in all of its lessons and the journey to the other side ❤️

I almost didn’t post this, but I thought if I’ve been feeling this there has to be others…Although our 2024 started out ...

I almost didn’t post this, but I thought if I’ve been feeling this there has to be others…

Although our 2024 started out with a flood to our home and evacuating the kids at 5am and losing so much, I know there is SO much to be thankful for.

I really believe that gratitude is the antipode to sadness. It’s impossible to feel both emotions at the same time - try it.

However, no matter how grateful I am for so much, I feel as though I’m in a never ending season of not thriving but just surviving motherhood.

Certainly the flood experience has affected them and we have grace for that, but the challenges have been there long before the traumatic experience of NYD. But now even more heightened.

I love my kids all so so much, it’s the deepest love I’ve ever felt for humans, and yet yesterday was probably one of the absolute hardest days I’ve ever had. I cried maybe 4-5 times and just felt like there was no way I could go another moment.

Today, however, I’ve had a beautiful reset. The boys at kindy (and I’ve missed them all day 🥴🤪) and a day with my oldest. It’s funny how your emotions can rage from one extreme to the next within 12 hours.

I sit here at my parent’s house, writing this while my daughter watches a movie and I work & chill before I pick up the boys.

I’m learning that the expectations we put on ourselves to be a certain parent can often be the very things that kill your sanity.

There is a culture that glamorizes moms who’re with their kids 24/7, and vilifies mothers who put their kids in daycare.

But what about the mothers who feel if they don’t get a break they could actually go mentally insane?

I believe in being a presence in my home raising my children, but I equally need a creative outlet AND time away from them or I will quite literally check myself into an institution.

Social media is such a beautiful & ugly place all at once.

My kids are my everything & right now I feel as though they may send me to my grave.

If you feel the same, Find a way to get the time & space you need. Today has completely reset me& it will allow me to love them as they need me to tonight 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Festive Coconut Chocolate Bark 🎄Super simple recipe to whip and have as a yummy cold summery treat!1.5 cups coconut yogu...

Festive Coconut Chocolate Bark 🎄

Super simple recipe to whip and have as a yummy cold summery treat!

1.5 cups coconut yogurt (we used )
2 scoops collagen (I use )
1 tsp vanilla

Toppings of choice (we used):
cacao crunch toppers
smooth hazelnut chocolate (healthy Nutella y’all)
Both I grab from

Mix the yogurt, collagen and vanilla together in a bowl.

Pour out onto a baking tray lined with baking paper, and smooth into a thin layer

Add toppings and then pop in the freezer to set.

Cut into slices and enjoy!

Store in freezer in a container!

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Let me know if you try this out!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

The number 1 thing I focus on 👇To support my stress and energy, is minerals!Minerals from food - YES, absolutely.But whe...

The number 1 thing I focus on 👇

To support my stress and energy, is minerals!

Minerals from food - YES, absolutely.

But when our bodies are under stress, we need more minerals and sometimes that needs to be between meals!

Regardless of whether you think you need more energy or less stress, or not, EVERYONE benefits from minerals because they are responsible for virtually every function in the body!


It's all connected and minerals will support all of it.

And until TUESDAY in Australia, you can get the 2 of the 3 mineral products I use to make my cocktail daily, at a discount!!


Comment or DM 'BLACK FRIDAY' to claim 🤌🏽🤌🏽

Cannot wait to support you on this journey 🤍

The acupressure mat that I simply cannot live without!I get messages all the time:“What do you REALLY think of it?”1. I ...

The acupressure mat that I simply cannot live without!

I get messages all the time:

“What do you REALLY think of it?”

1. I will never promote something I don’t love!

2. It hurts but it’s a GOOD hurt! It actually helps to relieve pain, relax and restor

mind and b
Have you ever done acupuncture??

Who would have thought that sticking tiny needles into your skin would actually relieve and support SO MUCH.

But it does…. And this mat is like a variation of at-home acupucture.

Obviously it’s not puncturing the skin, but the pressure works the same on different points on your body!

If I get the opportunity to lie on this when I have a headache, I will do that + LOAD up on minerals and it relieves the tension!!!

👉PRO TIP: Mamas don’t try and do this with kids around! You have got to relax into it. And ain’t nothing relaxing about kids wanting to jump all over you while you’re lying on a bed of spikes 😂😂😂

They’re having a Black Friday sale and I’m excited to offer you early access!!! Comment PRANA and I’ll send you the link with my discount code!!!

Making Halloween fun and not scary at Light night tonight at  🙌🏽 kids are stoked!!Can you see a bit of Tatum’s wild pers...

Making Halloween fun and not scary at Light night tonight at 🙌🏽 kids are stoked!!

Can you see a bit of Tatum’s wild personality in these pics? 😂😂

A decade ago I became a mama….I’m sure I’m not the only mama here that had a massive conscious realization about everyth...

A decade ago I became a mama….

I’m sure I’m not the only mama here that had a massive conscious realization about everything they were using and allow I’m their home, after having kids, amiright?!

I was already on a holistic journey, but man, when I say I was sooooo freaking stressed about absolutely everything I used on and around my baby, I mean it.

It can feel really overwhelming learning new info too, and feeling like you need to change everything all at once!

But you don’t… in fact most people realistically can’t…

Taking small baby steps is so freaking powerful!

Don’t ever underestimate the POWER of one small change at a time.

Has anyone read The Compound Effect? That book was sooo amazing and eye opening, and helped me feel less overwhelmed, knowing that everything I did, whether positive OR negative, compounded over time…

It really empowered me to make small, conscious, positive changes towards the goals I had for our family’s health!

Here are some super simple steps you can take, and let me tell you, the starter bundle is truly the worlds simplest and most convenient ways to start the process 🙌🏽🙌🏽

Don’t let the overwhelm hold you back, no one is pressuring you to do it all now, but you… take the pressure off yourself, reach out and let’s have a convo so I can best help you with your needs, and show you how easy and simple it can be ❤️

Comment BABY STEPS or DM me BABY STEPS and we can have a no pressure chit chat ❤️

And before you @ me ✋🏽 about humans being the only species to drink another species milk, I’d like to kindly remind you ...

And before you @ me ✋🏽 about humans being the only species to drink another species milk, I’d like to kindly remind you that we are the only species to do a lot of things 🙃

Like the fact you’re on your phone right now, maybe using data or WiFi, you drive a car, live in a house with electricity that you pay for with a job you have to go to everyday…. Shall I keep going?

Literally that argument doesn’t even hold up with me anymore (and don’t worry, I was the one aggressively trying to convince people of it for a decade too, so I get where you’re at).

It’s truly wild how freeing it is, to actually not be clouded by the vegan scam anymore.

Sadly I believed for way too long that dairy was the problem (not taking into consideration AT ALL, the way that dairy was produced and processed). I believed it was inflammatory and harmful. All the while, loading up my smoothies with 2 cups of almond milk and 3 tbsps nut butter. With a literal belief that I was better off and healthier for it.

Now.. give me raw milk and yoghurt in my smoothies!!

Warming raw vanilla milks in the evenings…

The enzymes, the probiotics, the vitamins and minerals and the no processing and no pufas… there’s a HUGE difference.

If you’re wanting to transition back to cows milk, you may have to go slow and even take some extra lactase enzymes to help you digest it at first. And you might do better on A2/Jersey milk.

Was this helpful?

Do you drink raw milk?

What other questions do you have? Let me know below 👇🏽

Trying to get a photo consists of loud sudden noises to try to get everyone’s attention, and saying “Taty finger out of ...

Trying to get a photo consists of loud sudden noises to try to get everyone’s attention, and saying “Taty finger out of your nose. Taty! Taty take your finger out of your nose! Tatum! Tatum finger out come on one pic bud please!!” Etc etc etc……


My crazy crew!

I come from the era where talking about your body, puberty, sex…. Was all extremely awkward and uncomfortable, and only ...

I come from the era where talking about your body, puberty, sex…. Was all extremely awkward and uncomfortable, and only happened when you were going through it… no preparation or normalizing leading up to it.

I absolutely do not have hard feelings about this.. our parents were doing the absolute best they could, and they weren’t taught how to do this (and mine were in the church in the days where these subjects were absolute taboo - so THEY weren’t equipped with how to talk to us)

BUT, I really wanted to do it differently with my girls!

Here’s some tips on how I’m preparing my daughter for her first period.

This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means, and lacks detail because of space… but if you are curious to know more about these specific points I might start creating short videos on each of them to explain them in more detail- let me know if that would be valuable to you!

However, guys… if you would like to feel more equipped in the world of cycles and periods and all the things that pertain to being a woman (including supporting your own disgusted through the transition too) then I really urge you to grab the Cyclical Woman’s Collection before it’s gone for good!!


$17,000 of value for $97 😭, I really don’t know how else to explain just how much you get!! I just did a live video this morning with and her course alone is going to blow your mind!

🔅Comment ‘CYCLE’ below and I’ll DM you the link to purchase!


Every time I share about  acupressure massage set I get asked these questions:1. Does it hurt?2. Does it really do anyth...

Every time I share about acupressure massage set I get asked these questions:

1. Does it hurt?
2. Does it really do anything/is it worth the money?

So I thought I’d share!

1. Yes it does 😂😂 BUT if you allow yourself an opportunity to relax into it, the pain turns to a deep soothing pressure. It’s hard to explain but it’s kinda wild how it happens!

2. Yes it is actually really good! I’ll admit I don’t whip it out as much as I should or would like , but when I do, and I ACTUALLY take the time out to just rest into the mat, I’m always so so shocked how I feel afterwards!

Not only does it reduce inflammation and increase circulation, but it (believe it or not) makes me so relaxed and a little bit energized too! Just as I believe that all bodywork has a beautiful result in multiple ways (such as chiro, acupuncture, massage, cranio) this is like your home acupressure treatment! Something you can use at home in between those other treatments!!

As a mama I am constantly going and pushing my body beyond it’s limits, so being able to support it in anyway I can at home - is VITAL!

Great for reducing inflammation, improving circulation, back pain, tension headaches, anxiety and so much more…

And I’m SUPER excited to share that is having the biggest sale they’ve had since Black Friday!! You can get up to 30% off sets by using my code and link!! Link in bio and use code BEC

Jump on it while this sale lasts!!!!

Happiest Birthday to my man, !!!We are so beyond grateful for you and all you do for our family!11 years ago we were fre...

Happiest Birthday to my man, !!!

We are so beyond grateful for you and all you do for our family!

11 years ago we were freshly dating and had no clue that we’d be pregnant, married and living in San Diego within the next 5 months!

Especially after I went along to your 30th bday party because you begged me to be there, but then didn’t talk to me most of the day for fear of your parents finding out I was your new gf and not wanting to answer all their questions 😂🙄

It was awkward and uncomfortable for me and I wasn’t sure if this was at all the person I wanted to be with 😂😂

But I soon learned you were actually the kindest, most caring and loving guy!! And you’ve been an incredible husband and father ever since!

Grateful to have been able to celebrate 11 birthdays with you and many many more to come!

I know your only birthday wish was to have no kids fighting or screaming at you, so I’ll do my very best, but I can’t make that sort of a promise ☠️🥴😂

But just know that you are so so loved and one day we will miss the chaotic birthdays when it’s just us and we have no kids waking us up and handing us their homemade special cards, more excited about our birthdays than we are 😂❤️❤️❤️

Love you 😘

Do you struggle to keep nourishing snacks on hand for your kiddos (or even yourself?)I’ve been a mama for a decade now a...

Do you struggle to keep nourishing snacks on hand for your kiddos (or even yourself?)

I’ve been a mama for a decade now and I’ve always made it such a priority to feel my kids well. But since having a 4th there have been more than a few times I’ve fallen into a bit of lull where I’ve opted for convenience, out of necessity for lack of time.

But the days that I actually set aside a few hours to bake up 3-4 different things - I feel so accomplished, and much more grateful that my kids are eating wholesome snacks over store-bought. AND the kids love them too!! Win win!!

These breakfast cookies have been a hit! And this recipe is one of MANY included in the Well Rounded Woman program which is launching in TWO DAYS!!

I have had an overwhelming response from you guys wanting to get in on this, so this is one more call to action to make sure that if you’re interested, to contact me and get access before we kick off!!

Comment the word WOMAN or send it direct in a DM and we can chat ❤️🙌🏽

Too much. It’s just too much.Motherhood is such a wild roller coaster of emotions!!!I was up late working last night and...

Too much. It’s just too much.

Motherhood is such a wild roller coaster of emotions!!!

I was up late working last night and up early today so my patience hasn’t been at it’s peak, but on top Beckett has been overwhelmingly emotional, and Tatum had been literally rebounding off the walls!

But in the next breath I’m looking at them in such awe and wonder!

A mama asked me for advice yesterday on what I do with my kids right now because she’s struggling with the emotions and meltdowns - especially when they’re happening out in public.

I’m no expert. I certainly don’t have it all together, but I know that getting them outside - ESPECIALLY the boys, but any child, first thing makes the BIGGEST difference.

It’s hard when you want to have a slow morning and just ease into your day (is that even possible with kids?! 😆🫠) but if you give them your attention first thing AND bonus points if it’s outside, I feel like it’s easier to then come back inside/home and do the things you want to do, and they tend to be happier.

When their needs are met, there isn’t as much chaos or intensity… so meeting their needs first will always help the day go a little smoother.

Also.. take all of this with a grain of salt 😂😂 kids are unpredictable. They have emotions, that they can’t regulate fully, and there are lots of factors as to why even if needs are met it still feels intense and hard. Trust me.. I’m there with you…

I know for the boys, when I’m outside with them, they are so happy just to play and even do their own thing, knowing I’m there and involved…

Ps. Don’t scroll into Beckett’s running nostril 😂😂😂

Happy Mothers Day! Being a mother is the hardest, most rewarding role in the world. It’s my favorite hat to wear, but I ...

Happy Mothers Day! Being a mother is the hardest, most rewarding role in the world. It’s my favorite hat to wear, but I wouldn’t be even half the mother I am, if it wasn’t for my own mother, ! You dedicated your life to us kids, and im so so grateful to have been raised by you! Thank you for everything you’ve ever done, and continue to do.. thank you for setting the bar high so I have to keep working at this thing even when I want to give up and have no clue how you actually had 4 kids and survived, yourself 😂😂

And thank you for raising an incredible man who I get to call my husband, who is the absolute greatest dad to our kids, and it’s because of the role you played in his life and the way you raised him!

And and .. my beautiful sisters who are mamas - you are both amazing mums and you both inspire me daily!


Salad dressing…. Something used to dress salad… salad that we eat to be healthy… but we’re often dressing it with someth...

Salad dressing…. Something used to dress salad… salad that we eat to be healthy… but we’re often dressing it with something that not only causes the nutrients to be null and void, but wreaks havoc on our own health too!

You might be surprised to know a little more about the ingredients present in store-bought dressing. There is a process and a whole lot of ingredients required to keep it preserved for a long shelf life, and to keep the color from turning old and brown.

I’ve been making my own salad dressings for years! My girls will even whip one up too when I ask them too!

It’s so simple and easy to do, and typically only requires ingredients most households already have anyway! Once you get the hang of how to make a dressing, you’ll realize just how fun it is to create them yourself, instead of purchasing them!

I’m sharing 6 easy recipes that I love to make here - but for the most part you’ll see me making the vinaigrettes more than anything!!!

Ps. Side note - the balsamic is superb with goats cheese 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽

Save this post so you can refer back to it, and chuck out all the long life dressings!

I don’t think that the lows & hard parts of entrepreneurship gets talked about often enough.I think it comes from fear t...

I don’t think that the lows & hard parts of entrepreneurship gets talked about often enough.

I think it comes from fear that people won’t want to join you in your venture… possibly? But the thing is…. Not everyone will have the tenacity to take their entrepreneurial journey all the way… so when we withhold the truth about what it REALLY looks like, we *can* end up attracting the wrong people, who aren’t willing to do what it takes. And assume it’s just going to be a smooth sailing, easy ticket to freedom…

If it were easy, there would be far more successful entrepreneurs in the world, let me tell you.

So here’s some truth for you

Business doesn’t always feel fun & glamorous.

Consistency isn’t sexy, but it is an absolute MUST if you want to succeed.

What you see on social media is the highlight reel. What you DON’T see behind every successful entrepreneur, is the hours slogging it out, getting uncomfortable, psyching themselves up for the day, checking in with their mindset regularly, constantly improving their self talk, learning how to develop a thick skin to handle rejection, getting back up again & again & again & again.

So why do some keep going while others quit?

The ones who keep going are living from their imagination and vision AND are connected to the FEELINGS they want. It’s not the GOAL/OUTCOME. It’s the FEELING you actually want. More peace, less stress, more passion, excitement for life, fulfillment, purpose, knowing you’re making a difference.

When you’re connected to the goal only, you will FEEL disappointment when it doesn’t happen when you wanted, or the way you wanted. It’s easy to quit.

When you are deeply connected to the FEELINGS or emotions you want, ohh boy look out… because you might just be unstoppable!

The reason people chase entrepreneurship and money isn’t because of greed. It’s because of the pursuit of personal freedom.

Is your DESIRE for personal freedom strong enough?

When you tap into that energy.. dang!! You’re doing the things that most won’t, so that you can live like most can’t! FREEDOM.

If you’re ready to pursue personal freedom with me through thick & thin, comment FREEDOM & I’ll send you some more info❤️

A HUGE highlight of our YL cruise was the fact that our Aussie market teamed up with the European and Latin America mark...

A HUGE highlight of our YL cruise was the fact that our Aussie market teamed up with the European and Latin America markets (which almost never happens for incentive trips unless they’re a global wide incentive) … so that meant I got to meet one of my AMAZING German silvers , who also earned the cruise!!

Such a special opportunity that doesn’t come around often..

Something I LOVE about this business is that you can build globally!

We have members in over 40 countries and while I feel like I know so many of them, there’s nothing better than meeting face to face and getting spend time with them!

Truly… community has been a huge part of my why behind this business. I need to do life with people, and while so many of my closest biz partners aren’t even local to me, it feels so good to know that I have built-in friends, in almost every country I’d want to visit anyway 😂🙌🏽

The trips are truly an icing on the cake to what this business can give you. But it’s a perk that has me REALLY excited, because I love to travel… my husband and I get itchy feet and get bored really easily, so we love to feel like we’re working towards something fun and adventurous and exciting!

And….. we’re gonna do it all again with the next incentive trip in November, which all details will be announced on MONDAY!!

If you’re ready to let go of mediocre and hello to a purpose-driven life, serving others in wellness and this business, let’s chat, because there’s no better time to start than now!


Sicily!!! Wow Ortigia you are stunning!!! Getting lost in these streets and then seeing the water (and  jumping in) was ...

Sicily!!! Wow Ortigia you are stunning!!! Getting lost in these streets and then seeing the water (and jumping in) was everything!!!

Definitely up there with places we’ve loved seeing and exploring!

We then had lunch right on the water, visited a rocky beach, collected some sea glass and then finished off with gelato!!


Gold Coast, QLD


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