
Feminessence Feminessence is for the brave few - those who are ready to step forward into the path they pave for t Printed magazines. Best selling books. Stylish apparel.

We want to honour this feminine energy and the women who personify it in their daily lives. Feminessence will be unveiled piece by piece over the coming years. Memorable retreats. Even stunning Jewelry. Feminessence is the MOVEMENT you’ve been longing for.

Grateful that I am able to travel and help others do the same. 🥹 Eating Italian food in Honkers 😂. Why not!Love that peo...

Grateful that I am able to travel and help others do the same. 🥹

Eating Italian food in Honkers 😂. Why not!

Love that people are messaging me to learn about this proven blueprint. We need to be open to new ways of making money, to create our life by design.

Here’s to us 🥂

😫😤😠 Oh My God!!! 😳 Frustrated 😩. 😤 Angry. Annoyed 😠. Even a little sad 😢 because something I’d been working on didn’t wo...

😫😤😠 Oh My God!!! 😳

Frustrated 😩. 😤 Angry. Annoyed 😠. Even a little sad 😢 because something I’d been working on didn’t work out the way I wanted.

It’s so annoying isn’t it??? (Have you ever felt like this)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had an oh my god moment!!!

I remember one time I was organising a big event in Brisbane. Everything was arranged and I’d visualised it (yes I run the event in my head from start to finish many times before it happens 😂) and it was a success. And then boom 💥 the venue has a water leak and can’t host my event!!!

😫 😫 😫 and in my head I’m like wait, I’ve already visualised this and didn’t see any water. Check again 😂

But here we are. Days away from a sold out event and no venue.

I have two choices. Cry into my brownie (and you know how much I love these) or find a solution.

And guess what happened.

Another venue that was even more gorgeous (I always run events in stunning locations as my clients want an experience not just an event) had space, gave me a better room and deal as they wanted to win my business and the event was even better than I visualised. 💃


Life throws us curve balls. We can either get hit in the face with them OR (thank god there is an OR am I right) we catch them and throw them back!!!

My point is. Life is life. Things will often not go the way we planned. But maybe we need to be open to another way?

What if the universe is desperately trying to show you a better way to achieve your goals. 🤨 Maybe this post is a message from your higher self, trying to invite you to be open to another way to achieve your financial goals. A way to help you and your family that you never even knew existed?

Maybe this post is what you were meant to see today. I mean come on… how many people are on this platform and you happen to be reading my ramblings.

(And let’s be real with each other here, maybe you’ve been banging on to the universe about how tough life is for you and never having enough money to spend on your family or travel)

Coincidence. Maybe not!

Did you know that your posts only get shown to about 20 people or less.

Do you feel like the chosen one now 😂 (you’re welcome 🤗)

Seriously. Maybe someone wants you to see this because maybe you’ve been visualising travelling and meeting friends around the world and shopping, or paying your bills before they are due. I don’t know what goes on in that head of yours (and I promise you that you don’t want to see what goes on in mine 🤪) but there is a reason you are reading my post right now.

Only you know the answer.

So my friend you have two choices.

One. ❤️ Love this post and drop an emoji just to help more people see it ( and get on my Xmas card list)

Or two. Ask me more about how I help others travel the world while making money.

And no. I’m not selling you anything. It’s not MLM or affiliate. It’s a way for you to seize an opportunity in a booming industry that can fit into your existing day and bring some extra $$$ in. It’s an invitation to an easier life for you.

Either way if you’ve read down this far, you have just proven to yourself that you do have extra time every day to work on something else 😂

The next step is yours my friend. Which mission will you choose? And more importantly… which mission will your future self thank you for????

(Oooh that’s a big question to end with isn’t it)


On a plane. Travelling and profiting. Oh wait 🛑 that’s what I teach others to do…Landed 🛬 yesterday and a sale came thro...

On a plane. Travelling and profiting. Oh wait 🛑 that’s what I teach others to do…

Landed 🛬 yesterday and a sale came through on my phone. 🛎️

Anyone else want this kinda life or am I the only one (and 19 of my clients) 😜

PS. It’s not MLM or affiliate. If you have a phone and a few hours a day you can be here with me!

🛑 We need to ALL be like this tree 🌴 Let me explain… ⬇️ We can either have excuses or solutions, but never both. So, thi...

🛑 We need to ALL be like this tree 🌴

Let me explain… ⬇️

We can either have excuses or solutions, but never both.

So, this tree had a choice. Grow very small under the house and probably die one day, OR grow sideways until it was safe to turn and grow strong and tall away from the house.

It didn’t sit there saying:

* I can’t do it
* other trees will laugh at me
* do my leaves look big on this trunk 😜
* what will the other trees think
* how long do I have to grow sideways for
* why couldn’t I have had a straight trunk
* I don’t have time for this

😂 😂😂😂😂

You get my point right?

You are being presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity to make daily income of US$900 a day, yet some people are using some of the above excuses rather than growing sideways first!

Who cares how you start.
Who cares what your journey is.
Who cares what others think!!!!!
Who cares what success looks like when you achieve it.

Stop worrying about what other people think as they are robbing you of your sunshine ☀️

Take control of your life and grow in any direction you bloody well want to (sorry about the word but I get so angry 😡 when I hear of people trying to rob other people’s sunshine!!!)

It’s your life and your financial future. 💴

YOU decide your future. This tree didn’t ask the others what they thought about its plan to take this path did it?

Quietly go about your business and tell the others who have an opinion about your life to 💥 GROW away from you 😂

Ok all puns aside… I’m serious.

🛑 My 2nd intake closes tonight. 😧

Let’s plant your tree and nurture it together (I had to get one more pun in 😂)

PS. No trees were hurt in the writing of this post. 🌴

PPS. I follow a PROVEN blueprint and it works. In 18 days I’ve made 18 sales. That’s one a day 💥


my 2nd intake closes tonight. Wonder who my last few clients are 🤔 ($900 a day)


Who else wants to know what my new business is?
(Hint… it makes US$900 a day 😮) ⬇️


Helping seventeen people. 💥

Change their lives…

Happy weekend friends

😫 I constantly felt overwhelmed, stressed and tired. 🥱 You see I used to be glued to my computer… every single day.😫. So...

😫 I constantly felt overwhelmed, stressed and tired. 🥱

You see I used to be glued to my computer… every single day.😫.

Sometimes there were days where I had 3 minutes between school pick up and my next mentoring call.

My kids knew my life and were amazing at getting on with it, but Mummy guilt was real. 😔

I was working back to back to provide the income to give them a great life, yet during these years I couldn’t always be there for sports days or to help with homework.

I’m sure I’m not alone here am I? 😞

That pit of the stomach feeling when another bill arrives in the mail. 😩

When new uniforms are needed at school or an expensive calculator is on the compulsory list (that by the way never got used 😠 😂)

Too many people think the old model of work hard (or to the bone!) to have a better life, is the only way.

It’s not. 🛑 And I’m so glad that I can now help others get off this treadmill.

It’s too late for me, but save yourself people 😂 😂 😂

Times have changed. I’m sure we can all agree on that one… 🙌

Strangers deliver our food now.

In fact, I was taught never to get in a strangers car and now I do it all the time and pay for the privilege thanks to Uber 😂

Cute robot machines clean our airports and most call centres now have an AI bot that helps you with your problems until you say





30 times while clicking your heels to speak to a human (or maybe that’s just me 😂)

💃 Enter stage right… digital master resell rights products.

A product that is the product.
A product that is not multi level.
A product that when you sell, you keep all the $$$ ✅
A product that doesn’t need a garage to hold stock.
A product that is essentially invisible.

👀 Yet this product is set to be a $7.5

TRILLION dollar industry by 2030. (According to Forbes)

That’s trillion … with a T! 👀

And how amazing is this…

How many businesses can you invest less than US$1,000 and get an ROI in 48 hours and better yet, profit! 🏦

Everything is built and ready for you to plug in your details. Proven systems and funnels. Copy written emails. Full extensive training and for me the most important part, was a positive supportive community of people ready to help me make US$900 A DAY!!!!

🇮🇹 Italy is calling me home. Russ has shaved since this photo but he did look very Italian with his face fluff 😎

We need a new gondola photo and I can’t do that if I’m tied to my computer now can I.

Travelling is so much more fun when shared with friends. ✈️

Like good wine 🍷 but brownies are best eaten alone, in a cupboard with the door locked 😂 (if you know me you know about the brownie)

Who wants to join me in Italy 🇮🇹 and make daily money???

(3 spots left in my 2nd intake) 💨

💥 💖 Client wins are somehow a little sweeter than your own wins aren't they!BOOM  💥 - 1st sale and an ROI within days. L...

💥 💖 Client wins are somehow a little sweeter than your own wins aren't they!

BOOM 💥 - 1st sale and an ROI within days. Love this new system and LOVE helping my clients win 🥳🥳🥳

(PS: I have 3 more places in my 2nd intake to help you make USD$900 a day)

☺️ Imagine waking up to this every day. 🙌 Or stop imagining and get in on this 💥 BOOMING 💥 industry today!!!𝐈 𝐂𝐀𝐍’𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑...

☺️ Imagine waking up to this every day. 🙌

Or stop imagining and get in on this

💥 BOOMING 💥 industry today!!!


(What would you do with this money every day… tell me)


Friends list having another clean out today... saying goodbye, so I can say welcome :-)

I'm so excited 🥳💖💥 My 2nd intake is nearly FULL.  💥Boom shakalaka BABBBYYY...I love helping people make extra $$$. How l...

I'm so excited 🥳💖💥 My 2nd intake is nearly FULL. 💥

Boom shakalaka BABBBYYY...

I love helping people make extra $$$. How lovely is it when you get messages from people thanking you for showing them another way.

It feels goooooooood 😍💖💥🥰

As I ate this traditional Thai leaf filled with yummy stuff near the beach, I made a sale. 💰 🏦 💴 Love this proven system...

As I ate this traditional Thai leaf filled with yummy stuff near the beach, I made a sale. 💰 🏦 💴

Love this proven system and that I get to help others travel and profit 😊 💃 ✈️ 🛍️

😒 I remember it like it was yesterday... that anxious feeling seeing another debt collector chasing money. Gulp 😳... how...

😒 I remember it like it was yesterday...

that anxious feeling seeing another debt collector chasing money.

Gulp 😳... how I was I meant to pay?

Feeling overwhelmed and quite honestly, worthless, I opened the email.

Nervously I picked up the phone and called them... 😒

"Hi it's Shar Moore here you just sent me an email about our business debt, you see we were affected by the floods and our business closed'.

I'm sure you can imagine how soul destroying these calls were. One after the other. Every single day for weeks...

At my lowest point emotionally and financially, I made this promise to myself.


And from that day, I turned everything around.

This was 13 years ago, yet I remember that pit in the stomach feeling sometimes. Can you relate?

Since then, I wrote my first book aptly entitled 'From Broke to BMW', have grown a few successful businesses and now I am blessed to have stumbled onto a goldmine in the digital space. 💥

I never want anyone else to feel how I did. Not when I have a proven system that can bring daily cashflow into your life, on top of what you already generate.

Gosh I wish I knew about this then!

My future now will be what I design it to be. Travelling. Meeting new people. Making money working a few hours in the morning.

It's too nice a day to be sitting inside right?

Can I ask you... 🤔

What would you actually do with an extra US$900 every single day? What would you spend it on?

PS: This photo was taken 10 years ago!


Who would like an invite to a webinar that teaches you how to make US$900
a day???

😢 💔 What a horrible few days. There is no amount of positive thinking and mindset work that will pull you out of losing ...

😢 💔
What a horrible few days.
There is no amount of positive thinking and mindset work that will pull you out of losing a fur baby. None. And I should know.

Apparently I’m the queen of positivity 👸

Staring at her photo, breaks my heart 💔

Yesterday we drove around the island 🏝️ and found a cute place to sit and reflect.

A place to grieve and heal. A place to be still.

I can’t bring her back. Ever.

But I can choose to remember all the sassy things she did. And there were plenty! 😊 Sassy truly lived up to her name! 🐶

In amongst all this pain and sadness, my clients were busy getting ready to launch their businesses. Reading their messages and hearing their excitement made me, (even for a moment) feel happy. 😊

You see I found an opportunity recently in the digital space, that quite simply blew me away.

Like you, my inbox is filled with people finding the next best thing and wanting to share it with me. I always reply… always! 🙌

And more often than not I tell them how happy I am for them that they have found something that makes them this excited, however my dance card is full right now.

And it has been. Honestly.

That IMPACT book has been my main focus for close to 3 years. As we are in production now and pre marketing hasn’t started, I had a few minutes spare 😂

And my loved ones know that a bored Shar is a pain in the 🍑 😝

So when I saw this proven program, I was curious. 🧐

Let me explain…

We spend most of our time on an 🏝️ .

Some days I wear underwear, other days I don’t 😂 because those days I have swimwear on 👙 (you thought I went commando didn’t you 😂)

And some days I have lunch with a friend, or go to painting class, so the thought of starting another mentoring company and trading time for money quite honestly, made me sick 🤢. Back to back sessions with 3 minutes to p*e in between. No thanks. Been there and done that 😩

There had to be a way that I could spend a few hours a day and make the same $$$.

> And then I found it. 🙌

There are so many things I LOVE 🧡 about this proven program 😎.

Strap in… here they come (that’s for those still with me that is…)

1/ all I need is my phone
2/ all training is provided
3/ everything was built for me
4/ in a few hours a day, I make money

(Scroll back through my previous posts and I share my early results)

Even the busiest person has time to do this.

And let’s be real friends… even if you don’t understand the digital space, would you really turn away about a thousand US dollars a day because you didn’t know how the digital space worked yet?

Really??? Nah I think you’re smarter than that!

You don’t know how electricity ⚡️ works but I’m darn sure you flick that switch on in the middle of the night when you know there’s leftover brownie in the fridge!!!

Oh wait… maybe I’m the only one who does that 🤔. Now I see why my shorts are tight. Darn. I need to re hire the laundry lady. Maybe she didn’t shrink my clothes after all 😂

But come on… just because we don’t fully understand something, shouldn’t mean we sit and watch others travel and live the life you desperately desire should we?

You’re scrolling socials anyway right?

Why not be the person in the photos that others are looking at?

Everything in life is a choice. Everything. 🙌

And right now you are choosing not to comment below and tell me to ‘SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY SHAR’. ⬇️

By choosing not to, what are you telling yourself is that you would rather struggle. 😫

Rather scrape to pay the next electricity bill. Rather look at others travelling and have one holiday a year. I promise that I’m not saying this to be cruel. Quite the opposite actually. I’m saying this because I’ve found a way to help you and it’s one of the best ways I’ve seen… like ever!!!

🤨 Do you think I would risk my reputation over a new fad? Heck no!!! 😠

I’ve been in business 20 years. Been in the magazine space, had an Oprah style tv talk show for a hot minute, darn… I’ve even stood on the red dot and delivered my tedx!

I’m not saying that to impress you as I know you’ve done some great things too.

Hopefully, I’m opening your mind up to another stream of income. One that will allow you to travel more. Shop more. Buy a house. Pay a house off. Help others in need. Retire your partner. Whatever it is YOU want. 🙌

This system is proven and been running for years. It takes work. It’s not a get rich quick scheme or MLM or anything like that. (And no I have no issue with those options, this just isn’t that)

It’s your business and if you’re teachable, can find a few hours spare a day, then I have 4 places left for my 2nd intake to help you make money daily. There are 16 of us in the collective and I only started 2 weeks ago (do the math 🤔)

The next step is yours my friend…. I’ll leave you with one last thought (then I promise I’ll stop typing 😝)

If you say YES 🙌 , what will you be doing this time next year?

If you say NO 😔, what will you be doing this time next year?

😍💥💖🥳 OH MY GOODNESS... My EA is so bloody good!!!I sent her my ramblings of what I wanted my new brand to look like. It ...

😍💥💖🥳 OH MY GOODNESS... My EA is so bloody good!!!

I sent her my ramblings of what I wanted my new brand to look like. It went a bit like this...

"Well I love the feel of the Hess sisters and also I adore Paris and beautiful dresses, oh and shopping and having coffee of course. And I want it to look arty but classy and not too much colour but a bit elegant"

Is anyone else feeling sorry for her like I do 😂😂😂😂 (and feel sorry for me as this all goes through my head)

These are the ramblings that rattle around in my brain, however Rey has been with me 2 years now and she somehow sees what I see now.

(drum roll please)....

Here is our new banner.

Did we nail it or what?

I mean come on... all that's missing is a french poodle 😁

Our brand is all about travelling and profiting and I'm sure this will evolve over time, but for right now I'm one happy gal.

(sometimes I feel entrepreneurs work silently for hours and hours in the background and forget to share what goes in to our finished product. Hence my share today).

Let's all celebrate each others journeys more - who's in? 😇

Now to get back to actually helping women make $900 a day... and putting the cake down so one day I can actually take this photo 😂🤣🤣

💥.   𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡. 𝐋𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲. 🦁 A powerful day indeed. What are you manifesting for yourself today??? 🤔 Me? 😎 To h...

💥. 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝐭𝐡. 𝐋𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲. 🦁

A powerful day indeed.

What are you manifesting for yourself today??? 🤔

Me? 😎

To help 100 people earn $900 a day by 30 November 2024.

She Travels ✈️ and Profits 💰 14 women are inside my collective in 8 days 💥Women who are willing to give it all they’ve g...

She Travels ✈️ and Profits 💰

14 women are inside my collective in 8 days 💥

Women who are willing to give it all they’ve got 💥

Women who don’t have all the answers but said YES 🙌 to themselves.

Women who didn’t ask a million questions or let their past experiences stop them from inverting in their future

Women who are of all ages and stages of life

Women who want to travel and profit.

I couldn’t be prouder of them all and I know so many more are coming.

How do I know you ask?

Because the times have changed. 🙀

Job security is long gone. 💨

Cost of living is sky rocketing 🚀

Bills are mounting up and people need a new way of creating wealth.

And I found it. 🙌 And rather than keep it all to myself, I decided to share it with others.

Others who are open minded.

Others who are fully aware that the digital industry is booming and want IN.

Others who are comfortable with being uncomfortable.

I ask you… would you rather be right or rich? 🤔

This week another 10 women will join my collective.

The conversation inside is palpable. 💃

Busy women sharing their work days and how they also found time to do some training.

Women who are introverts, yet found 20 seconds of insane courage and shared a post on social media and now have 14 leads!

Women who are cheering and supporting others in the collective even though they don’t gain anything from doing that. 🙌

I don’t know about you, but there is nothing more powerful and sexy than women supporting women. Am I right?

So my dear Facebook friend. As I enjoy my mini trip, ask yourself… how would extra money coming in to your account on a daily basis change your life?


>>> Old thinking could be keeping you broke… 😫There I said it...Some people will not love me so much after this, and tha...

>>> Old thinking could be keeping you broke… 😫

There I said it...

Some people will not love me so much after this, and that’s ok. Because at this moment, I believe that what I am saying is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth 🤣…

Let me explain…

If you’re like me and you have reached the cool 50’s, business for us is either trading time for money (coaching/mentoring etc) which I used to do. Or selling a physical product.

Our demographic is used to this style of doing business. So let’s say I open a shop or website selling irons (PS; Russ will confirm I NEVER iron so it will never happen, but for this example I will).

I purchase my irons from a supplier, set up my shop or website, add my profit margin and bling them with crystals (yes if I’m forced to sell bloody irons, then they will have crystals on them! 😂) and start letting people know that SHAR’S HOT IRONS are now for sale.

Boom… I get a sale. Money comes in and I’m in business. And someone is now the proud owner of Crystal 😇. An iron with personality (again if I have to sell irons, they will be bespoke)

Now here’s what I want you to understand… well those interested in the new digital world and how most days I make at least one sale a day, or more!

Keep reading, it gets interesting…

Enter stage right… the digital world. (MRR, AI and the like)

I become a master resell rights entrepreneur. I purchase a digital program from someone, I ‘sharanise’ it (yes that’s a word in the Shar-ictionary😂😂😂). I then offer it to others and they buy it from me.

BUT… there are some distinct differences between the two and I want to point these out, as I got some feedback from a dear girlfriend yesterday which prompted me to write this post (and yes I will send it to her and she knows I love her dearly).

1/ Unlike the traditional way of doing business, I don’t add a margin on top. I’m not an affiliate, I’m a master resell rights entrepreneur. So I buy it for the same amount I sell it for.

2/ The product is the product. I don’t add any crystals (so sad) or bling, it sells as is.

3/ That person is not under, over, or anywhere else on me. They are their own business. It’s not MLM. (all power to MLM, this just isn’t that)

4/ AND the best part, I get to learn all the marketing and business strategies inside the program that I can utilise in our other businesses.

Forbes predicts that the digital industry will hit 7.3 TRILLION dollars by 2030. (read that again) 💥

Oh how I love pie… and this is a pie I want a piece of. Wouldn’t you?

We really should open our eyes to what is happening in this industry. If people are offering you an opportunity in this space, be open to it.

Like me for an example.

I’ve done a bunch of cool ‘traditional’ businesses over 20 years, in a few different countries. But ALL of them required me to be dressed and present in person. Yesterday my BFF called me from Australia while I was in the pool and someone bought this program from me. Some people think I make this stuff up, I don’t. It’s happening.

I’m not doing anything fancy. No dancing tik toks here… 😂 I’m following a proven blueprint and that’s it.

Programs work. People don’t. 😫 Ouch… but true.

My inner circle sold out in a week (10 clients). I’ve just opened my Collective group and want to share my pie with others. And if you know me… I never normally SHARe pie… 😂

Don’t let old thinking keep you broke.
Let’s travel and profit together.

No crystals were hurt in the writing of this post 😂 😂 😂 😂

🤨 NEVER DIM YOUR LIGHT 💡 🛑Never… if your light is to bright for others, buy them some shades 🕶️ 😉 Why should we play dow...


Never… if your light is to bright for others, buy them some shades 🕶️ 😉

Why should we play down our wins, successes, accolades and excitement so someone else can feel better about themselves????

We shouldn’t!!! 😡

I have NEVER talked about my monetary wins on socials before. Like ever. And last week I did over $15k in sales, many of them came in when I was lunching, swimming or sleeping.

For the first time I decided to share that in the hope of inspiring, encouraging and motivating people to either look at the system I’m following OR find something they can do to bring extra income in for themselves.

And I was met by some people with… you’re kidding right and this must be a scam 😩 why would you do that!

For those that truly know me, you know that I am the most helpful and supportive person. I’m the one you call at 2am!

And me sharing my win last week, was purely because I want to help more people get out of this JOB (just off broke) treadmill they are on. 😧

Or constantly trading time for money coaching people 1-1.

I thought if they could see my results and learn a new way of business. One that is a trillion dollar industry, maybe their life would change. Maybe they could be less stressed. Maybe they could travel more… ✈️

Well, 10 people saw my vision and jumped in. Actually 11 now 😜 (go me!!)

My point is, we should never dim our light, so others around us feel better about themselves. What we need to do is go find people out there who cheer you on and say ‘well done you’. 🙌 You’ve got this 💥

Find people who are proud of you stepping up. Learning something new and embracing the new digital age with all they’ve got. Let’s face it. It’s here to stay and the old way of making money and doing business has changed.

I know this week I will have at least another 10 people who are ready for things to change in their life and they are long overdue for someone to see them for who they can be.

These are the people I will travel the world with and help make more money than they can ever spend 💃 💃 💃

My friend. Never let anyone tell you that you are not friggin awesome or your light is to bright!!! If you need to borrow my sunglasses 🕶️ to give them, let me know 😝

Go be you. Let’s slay this week 💥

I said YES 🙌 And I’m so glad I did. And now so many women I know are saying YES. 🙌 They don’t completely know what they ...

I said YES 🙌

And I’m so glad I did.

And now so many women I know are saying YES. 🙌

They don’t completely know what they are saying YES to, but they know they needed to say YES. 🙌

This is what it looks like when you back yourself. I do love people who back themselves and take action.

Remember the magic is always outside of your comfort zone.

Say Yes and see what happens 🙌

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR !!!! 😂🥳😍💖Actually, I opened it a few days ago and these sales came walking right in. 💥I promise I am...


Actually, I opened it a few days ago and these sales came walking right in. 💥

I promise I am NOT sharing this to brag or say look at me. I actually don't like posts talking about money... BUT I am showing you this to encourage, inspire and motivate you.

The digital world is BOOMING 💥... and I'm so glad I am learning this space now.

So this is what happened...

(scroll back through my last few posts to see the journey)

> I released this program officially on Monday.

> Tuesday I set up more automated systems, watched more trainings and followed the proven blueprint step by step.

> Wednesday I tweaked the automated system, watched more trainings and followed the system.

> Thursday I spent the day working from bed, as I woke up feeling a bit under the weather AAAANNNNNDDDD....

All of these sales came in. 🥳

I can assure you, I am literally following a proven system and getting the results.

How would results like this change your life? Your families life?

Would you travel more?
Go out more?
Pay your bills on time?
Buy a house...

I mean come on friends... the breadcrumbs are all here for you to follow.

The website is built for you, the email sequences are all done, the training is all there and all you need to do is follow it.

My Inner circle will be 💥SOLD OUT today for sure and these 10 lucky women & men will get me (hahaha that could also be the b***y prize lol) helping them inside a private Messenger group to help them realise their goals.

One client told me she wants $10k a month. Another wants $50k a month... it's all possible if you can spare a few hours a day and are teachable.

There are no magic pills here, no flying unicorns or MLM and no get rich quick schemes. You keep what you sell. (no issue with MLM but this isn't that)

So it brings me to my last point.... what the heck are you waiting for????

Why haven't you shown up below saying 'SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY'??? 😂💥


Ooh La La....🥳😍💖 Any minute now, my inner circle will be FULL... (in less than 4 days!)10 women.  Willing to be teachabl...

Ooh La La....🥳😍💖

Any minute now, my inner circle will be FULL... (in less than 4 days!)

10 women. Willing to be teachable, do the work, follow a PROVEN system and make an extra US$900 a day for their family.

Pinch me.. how did I get so lucky to travel the world AND help women create their life by design...


My new inner circle is nearly FULL with women wanting to earn $900 a day! 🤯


How would you have responded to this…

🧽  Time to do some FB Housekeeping 🧹 I cleaned out about 400 contacts this week. People who have never engaged or commen...

🧽 Time to do some FB Housekeeping 🧹

I cleaned out about 400 contacts this week. People who have never engaged or commented in 10 years. Ciao friend ✌️

And guess what happened… 😮

The algorithm sent me over 50 quality connections. Many of whom have already communicated with me 🙌

Loving this new system and blueprint I’m following. Can’t wait to show other women how to generate organic leads without being salesy!!!

$900 days are coming my friends. Excited to see who the other women will be in my success circle of 10!!!!

Let’s do this 💃 💃 💃💥💋🏖️.

PS. When you make passive income you can travel to places like this ⬇️ OMG!!!


Wowza... 🥳 38 new leads today for my new digital program, all organic.

Great first day back in the big chair. I'm well on the way to having my first 10 Women!!!

Can't believe how much I LOVE 💖 this product. Only wish I knew about this years ago OMG....

I’m back!!! 💃 💃 💃 and I’m ready 💥 Woo hoo!!! 🙌  The past 7 weeks we have been travelling and had visitors and today is m...

I’m back!!! 💃 💃 💃 and I’m ready 💥

Woo hoo!!! 🙌

The past 7 weeks we have been travelling and had visitors and today is my first official day back in the big chair! 👀

My focus this week is to bring in the rest of the women who are ready to make $900 💰 a day so we can all do this together. 🙌
How fun 🤩

LOVE my life and can’t wait to meet my 10 ladies 💃. Let’s do this 💥


You know what I wish… I wish I knew about this blueprint 10 years ago 😩. I’m on a mission to tell others now so they don’t have to hustle like I did!!!


Gold Coast, QLD


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Feminessence… it’s time to unleash yours

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Where more female entrepreneurs are backing themselves and striking out on their own.

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