We live in an amazing time.
A time where more women are leaning into their talents.
Where more female entrepreneurs are backing themselves and striking out on their own.
A time when more women seem to be rising to the top as leaders.
But one key ingredient seems to be missing.
Yes, women are on the rise. But it’s not enough. In fact, in Australia only 30% of all entrepreneurs are female. And in leadership roles, only a mere 17%.
These are disappointing numbers.
Because as women we are strong, intelligent, brave, unique. We are everything we need to be to step out of the shadow and into the light. Yet still so many of us doubt our abilities. We compare ourselves to others. We worry about being judged and we play small in the fear of being pulled down.
In fear, we grasp onto our masculine energy, feeling the need to be stronger so we can fight the fight to stay in the game. Masculine energy is wonderful - it’s the energy that drives us forward, that focuses our attention and that gets stuff done. And it’s what you have to have in order to succeed... at least that’s what we’ve always been told.
Because of this many women have pushed aside their feminine essence. They’ve lead with their masculine energy. In business that’s meant embracing the tough sell, the cold calls, the tough, unfeeling exterior just to get through the day.
But is that really who we are? Is that how we find our true success?
What if the opposite is true? What if time has changed things for us? What if the energy we really need to succeed as women is, our feminine energy.
Our feeling energy. The energy that comes when we’re surrendering and feeling in flow. This energy, is actually your secret weapon.
Because a woman’s best tool for success is her feminine essence. It’s been one of our greatest assets for centuries. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, we lost the ability to connect to this sacred ingredient. We’ve become conditioned to believe that the feminine energy is less than - that it’s worth is only good in the home, or with our children.
Michelle Obama, an incredible female leader, and former first lady, says, “Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”
Your feminessence embraces that notion of success. It allows you the space to create your own world, your own business and your own success, on your own terms.
And It’s time ladies… it’s time we lean back into our feminine energy and unleash our Feminessence.
Unapologetically. Confidently. Gracefully.
We want to honour this feminine energy and the women who personify it in their daily lives. So, we’re immensely proud to announce the Feminessence brand.
Feminessence will be unveiled piece by piece over the coming years. Printed magazines. Best selling books. Stylish apparel. Memorable retreats. Even stunning Jewelry.
Feminessence is for the brave few - those who are ready to step forward into the path they pave for themselves, knowing that by doing so, others will follow their lead.
Feminessence is the MOVEMENT you’ve been longing for.
Apply to be profiled in our magazine or book today: https://www.sharmoore.com.au/feminessence-application/