The Power of Birth

The Power of Birth The Power of Birth is a platform for promotion of women's health and all things mama related

Breastfeeding is often depicted as effortless and natural. Your baby is hungry, you pull down your shirt, unhook your br...

Breastfeeding is often depicted as effortless and natural. Your baby is hungry, you pull down your shirt, unhook your bra, help your baby latch on, and continue on. Some mothers walk while feeding, do the grocery shopping with a feeding baby in a carrier, feed while having a conversation, cooking dinner, or tending to other children. I've seen it all. Yet, the reality for many is far more complex.

When I had my first baby, I was completely shocked at how little milk I produced, how I couldn't calm my screaming baby with my b***s, how absolutely ravenous and thirsty I was all.the.time. I did not know that my baby had to learn to feed. I did not know how sore, bloody, and painful breastfeeding could be, or that it took up an average of 1,800 hours of my time in the first year (a full-time job takes 1,960 hours). The constant physical and mental load of pumping, feeding, burping, latching, and positioning was all so exhausting. Even not being able to leave for too long because your body is needed. Eventually, it got easier, but I never enjoyed it.

With my second baby, I had an oversupply issue, to the point she was drowning, unsettled, and it was such a stressful experience for both of us. By 8 weeks, she wanted no breast anywhere near her, not even a bottle, and had complete oral refusal. How could a baby reject the very thing that naturally keeps them alive? Three days later, after some emergency appointments, she took a bottle with extremely thick reflux formula that I believe saved her life.

I recognize the importance of breastfeeding and that many have wonderful, bonding experiences. However, we must also acknowledge the toxic narratives around it that make mothers invisible, and even traumatized (yes, breastfeeding trauma is real).

This World Breastfeeding Awareness Week, we must call for more than just encouragement to breastfeed. We need ongoing support and damage control to ensure that mothers are truly supported in their breastfeeding journeys. It's time to change the narrative and provide the resources and understanding that mothers and families deserve. Let's make sure every mother has the support she needs, not just the pressure to breastfeed.

M A T R E S C E N C E By now, you may have heard or seen this word floating around. That's because every single mother h...

By now, you may have heard or seen this word floating around. That's because every single mother has experienced this in some form. We just now have a name for it! I love this image because it embodies growth, and this is the lens I view motherhood. It changes you, and in many ways, it feels like it breaks us because "there is suffering inherent within it." But that is not the whole story.

Matrescence is the becoming of a mother, the rebirth of a woman. This transformation begins from preconception, right through to each developmental stage your child/ren reach, you are also continuing to develop, change, learn, struggle, grow..

This is a developmental passage of BECOMING. The change occurs biologically, psychologically, socially, politically, economically, and spiritually and reoccurs with each baby.

We BECOME mothers through
๐Ÿ‘‰ disorientation to reorientation
๐Ÿ‘‰ navigating endings and beginnings
๐Ÿ‘‰ letting go and starting over
๐Ÿ‘‰ deconstruction and reconstruction
๐Ÿ‘‰ loss and gains
๐Ÿ‘‰ push and pull
This is all part of matrescence.

When I created this page, back in April 2020, while anxiously anticipating the birth of my second bub, I wanted a name that represented what I knew but didn't have the words for. I named this page The Power of Birth, but matrescence is what I was referring to! I knew even before I had my own babies that women changed once becoming a mother, I saw it happen to others!

Can you recognise matrescence in your life?

Did you feel a loss of identity?
Did you feel an array of emotions; joy, love, sadness, empowerment, loss, conflicted, overwhelmed?
Have your likes/dislikes changed?
Have you re-evaluated who you spend your time with?
Have your relationships changed?
Was there existential questioning?
Do you have a new worldview or attitude towards things?

Those are just a few examples, and you may have said yes to some and no to others.

I hope this helps you understand your matrescence journey a little better โค

Aurรจliรจ Athan, Ph.D.
Alexandra Sacks, M.D
Nikki McCahon
Artwork: B.D.esigns

I'll be sharing some of the conversations I've been having in a bit of a different way because there is SO many gems in ...

I'll be sharing some of the conversations I've been having in a bit of a different way because there is SO many gems in season 4 and I just don't want you to miss out!!

In episode 57: Navigating Prenatal Diagnosis I interviewed Pieta Shakes from about her journey with receiving a prenatal diagnosis in her third trimester and how that completely turned her world upside down and the mission she is on a mission to improve psychosocial support for parents facing similar challenges.

Swipe through the slides to read some of they key takeaways and insight into this epic conversation that I learned so much from. This conversations reshaped how I think about supporting families who experience pregnancy trauma and/or prenatal diagnoses.

So grateful for wonderful people like Pieta ๐Ÿฉท

๐ŸŽง Listen Now via link in bio or search Can We Talk About This podcast by The Power of Birth wherever you get your podcasts!!

Words I uttered to myself many times after the birth of my firstborn. I eventually stumbled across Matrescence: the deve...

Words I uttered to myself many times after the birth of my firstborn.

I eventually stumbled across Matrescence: the developmental passage of becoming a mother where changes occur biologically, psychologically, socially, economically, and politically. It helped give me perspective, and I have been diving deeper into these changes ever since.

Aside from normal developments, I couldn't ignore the profound impact of a woman's mental and physical health during this vulnerable time that the matrescence doesn't necessarily explain.

1 in 5 mothers have depression and/or anxiety
1 in 3 describe their birth as traumatic
1 in 4 report pelvic floor dysfunction
22% of mothers experience suicidal ideation postpartum
1 in 5 babies require SCU or NICU admissions
Roughly 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage
6 babies are born still in Aus every day...

I say this because over the years, as I have had the privilege of being with women and hearing their experiences and how they perceive and interpret them, I notice that it's not just about matrescence that explains how we can have a baby and never be the same, but by what happened to us before, during, after. We can no longer see ourselves as one person. It's a person before X happened, and a person after X happened.

So, how do you have a baby and ever be the same?
You don't. You won't. You can't.
You are forever changed.

So, while some people around you may seem unchanged, sometimes it is about what happened to you, or them, to help explain differences. Not to bid you against each other, but to deepen the understanding ourselves and the world around us ๐Ÿฉท

I'm 5 years into motherhood and bathroom breaks are still a shared experience ๐Ÿ˜…I remember in the early days I had some i...

I'm 5 years into motherhood and bathroom breaks are still a shared experience ๐Ÿ˜…

I remember in the early days I had some incontinence and urgency in needing to go to the bathroom and I remember the first time I had to take my baby to the bathroom while feeding... breastfeeding was HARD and one day I got him on after a painful latch I desperately needed to wee and I instantly panicked. How do people feed when they need to go to the toilet?! Do I take him with me? Do I have to take him off the breast, leave him screaming, go to the toilet then come back and try latching again? Uh how do people do this?! And with that I sped to the bathroom while continuing to feed. I felt so weird and awkward about it but it was all too much and that's where we ended up.

Through the years I've cuddled, soothed, answered questions, opened things, kissed boo boo's, all while in the bathroom.

Motherhood really has a way of getting you out of your comfort zone ๐Ÿ˜…

I just loved this image by
I feel haha here's to another week of shared bathroom breaks haha


Episode 55: Your Maternal Brain: Challenging 'Baby Brain' & Relearning How Motherhood Changes Our Brain (for the better!)

Have you ever considered that having a baby changes your brain in a way that is actually enhancing your abilities and function over developing deficits? Is baby brain real?

This is exactly what this episode is about. I chat with the brilliant neuroscientist and author of Baby Brain: The surprising neuroscience of how pregnancy and motherhood scult our brains (for the better), about multiple myths, changes, enhancements, and challenges around the maternal brain. We talk maternal instincts, intrusive thoughts, hormones, moving from "me" to "we", mental health, baby brain and even paternal brains.

There is so much humour weaved with information in this episode, and it was such a pleasure to chat with Dr McKay. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Œ

Her book is an eye opening read, I particularly had feelings about the fact that the maternal brain was only thought to be studied from 2009 ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ  we are still learning so much about motherhood, matrescence and the changes that come with the transition. As Dr McKay says, be kind to yourself ๐Ÿฉท


NEW BLOG POST ALERT!! I have been working on this blog for months!! And the timing aligned perfectly for   day! I hope y...


I have been working on this blog for months!! And the timing aligned perfectly for day! I hope you'll take this opportunity to learn more about HG and why we need more awareness, support and accessible treatment options.

Here is a snippet of the blog:
"I have heard stories of women who were refused medication from doctors and pharmacists due to fears it was unsafe for the baby, however, offered "therapeutic abortions". Yes, you read that right. Instead of providing women with adequate treatment options to survive a HG pregnancy, in fear of sabotaging the baby's health and safety, they were offered to terminate them instead. . For what it's worth, I was even offered an abortion in both of my pregnancies before further treatment for the condition was considered..."

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿฉท

๐Ÿ“ธ .and.feathered

Statistics are important because they tell a story. This story is one of despair. Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is more th...

Statistics are important because they tell a story.

This story is one of despair.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is more than just severe morning sickness; it is a debilitating condition that impacts every aspect of a woman's life. There is a dire need for better education and compassion within the medical community. The fact that 32% contemplate su***de and 52% consider terminating a much-wanted pregnancy screams at the severe mental and emotional toll of HG.

There is a ripple affect in terms of impact, but that ripple can also be for awareness, treatment, health and healing.

See for more support and info.

How do you know if you have Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)? There is a screening tool available to rate how severe your nau...

How do you know if you have Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)?

There is a screening tool available to rate how severe your nausea and vomiting is and if you require more intensive treatment for symptoms, and for your health during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, not all healthcare providers know about the PUQE-24 scale (love the name right ๐Ÿ˜‰) so if you do it yourself and introduce your healthcare providers to it, that helps! It's legitimate, scientifically valid, and reliable.

For more info check the link in my bio.

For more info and support please check out the orgs / websites of and there are people out there who know what you're going through and can help!

Info from NSW Health.

The impact of a Hyperemesis Gravidarum pregnancy is significant, with the impact seeping deep into every facet of your l...

The impact of a Hyperemesis Gravidarum pregnancy is significant, with the impact seeping deep into every facet of your life both during pregnancy and for many women, a long time after.

I did a post on the biopsychosocial impacts on my personal life a little while back but wanted to specifically do one for HG.

I have tried to put the information in this Infographic to make it easier to understand. Obviously not every person who has experienced HG will have all of them, but I guarantee you most of them will tick one too many.

Is there anything you'd add?
What impact did HG have on you?

Info was taken from

Just some red flags to look out for if you have   ๐Ÿซ 

Just some red flags to look out for if you have ๐Ÿซ 

I remember the day I felt like I was going to die. Sounds dramatic, but reality was I couldn't stop vomiting despite not...

I remember the day I felt like I was going to die. Sounds dramatic, but reality was I couldn't stop vomiting despite not eating or drinking for several days. I felt chronically nauseous all the time, I was in pain, I was alone with my 9 month old trying to care for him but I couldn't get my head out of a bucket. I was 12 weeks pregnant.

I called my mum to take me to this hospital because I really did feel like I was dying, slowly being poisoned, and nobody around me understood - hell, ai didn't even understand. I just knew something was wrong.

Thankfully the hospital didn't just tell me it was morning sickness, like other healthcare providers had, and admitted me for 24 hours, gave me several bags of IV fluids, checked on baby and gave me ondanzatron. I felt so hopeful, I left repeating the word "hyperemesis" to myself.

By the time I got home, I was uncontrollably vomiting again and crawled on my hands and knees from the car to the bed. That night, my mind went dark. I couldn't do this anymore, not again. The only answer in my mind was to terminate the pregnancy. I made a clear plan. I lived with that fantasy for a while.

If you have struggled with HG or know someone, please advocate for their health and needs, care for them, listen to them, and be with them if you can. HG is incredibly isolating and impacts every aspect of life.

Great places to find more information and support are
Hyperemesis Australia

To all the women and families who have faced the brutality and survived HG, the battle may not be over, but you are not alone ๐Ÿฉท

Many women enter motherhood and are shocked at how angry they feel. The intensity, frequency, and duration are important...

Many women enter motherhood and are shocked at how angry they feel. The intensity, frequency, and duration are important to consider here, but I would like to talk about why mothers feel so angry.

In episode 54 of Can We Talk About This podcast, I chatted with psychologist Yara Heary, who said, "we have so many reasons to be angry," and I couldn't agree more. Mothering in systems that weren't designed for us makes it incredibly difficult to not only meet our family needs but also our own. It is easy to feel unsupported, overwhelmed, overstimulated, and with the demands of motherhood so high, our own needs, physical and emotional, often become a last priority - anger is a signal of an unmet need.

Our attention is split, we are working with little peoples emotions, usually in isolation, sleep deprived, carrying the mental load, trying to make sense of our new life, identity and all the changes that come with it. It's a lot.

When I asked community what triggered your anger I had loads of responses including: touched out, being needed 24/7, no one is listening, meal refusal, never getting a break, mothering alone, sickness, unsettled baby, everyone talking to me at once, constantly repeating myself, constant noise, how hard it is to do anything for myself. I SEE YOU!

There are other explanations such as perimenopause, PMDD, trauma, sleep deprivation, depression, and anxiety that are also worth considering.

Is your anger protecting another emotion? Your body is trying to tell you something. What do you need?
Does something feel off about your anger?

Learning to identify your anger-related triggers and managing your stress can help, but if you feel like you need more support, I urge you to get it (which can be easier said than done, I know ๐Ÿฉท).

Listen to episode 54 We Have So Many Reasons To Be Angry: Unpacking Anger & Rage on the podcast! Link in bio or search Can We Talk About This podcast by The Power of Birth wherever you get your podcasts!!

Link to episode:

Its Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month! When I first saw this, I thought it was brilliant and wanted to share it wit...

Its Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month!

When I first saw this, I thought it was brilliant and wanted to share it with you. Created by which provides a visual representation of various nervous system responses to perceived threats, organised into categories such as fight, flight, freeze, and fawn.

Each category correlates with specific physiological and emotional states that people might experience when reacting to stress or danger.

๐Ÿ‘‰ "fight" section includes descriptors like "energetic," "hot," and "tense," indicating an active and aggressive response.
๐Ÿ‘‰ "flight" section features terms like "flighty," "trapped," and "coiled," associated with the urge to escape.
๐Ÿ‘‰"freeze" is depicted with words like "cold," "heavy," and "numb," reflecting immobilization and shutdown responses.
๐Ÿ‘‰ "fawn" includes "attentive," "aware," and "slow," which are associated with appeasing behaviours to mitigate threat.

This tool is designed to help individuals recognise and articulate their emotional and physical states in response to stress/threat, aiding in self-awareness and emotional regulation. You can download a copy from bio ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Do you recognise your activated parasympathetic nervous system state? I'm a fighter ๐Ÿ˜…

Do you find this helpful?

Just in case you needed the reminder to give yourself grace ๐ŸฉทRepost from

Just in case you needed the reminder to give yourself grace ๐Ÿฉท

Repost from

I have the privilege of interviewing Ariane Beeston in the coming weeks and have just finished her book - Because I'm No...

I have the privilege of interviewing Ariane Beeston in the coming weeks and have just finished her book - Because I'm Not Myself You See: A Memoir of Motherhood, Madness & Coming Back from the Brink.

What a wild ride motherhood can be, but to experience postnatal psychosis and live to tell your story - there are just no words!

Ariane is so poetic, profound, inspiring, raw, and real in this book. Giving us some insight into the mind and life of a mother who is experiencing "psychotic depression," who never really discloses what she is experiencing due to fears of having her baby taken from her.

I laughed, I cried, my heart ached, I saw myself in some of her thoughts, and I wholeheartedly agreed with her take on stigma, diagnosis, and lack of support for mothers and perinatal mental health. This book is so important for the world to read.

Her book is available May 21st, 2024, and her podcast episode with me will be released shortly after if you are keen to listen.

Thank you for saying the hard things out loud so others can be seen but also so we can learn and do better ๐Ÿฉท

So much love to you ๐Ÿฉท


All 6 episodes of the Mental Health Mini Series are now LIVE!! I wanted to offer you some basic psychoeducation and prac...

All 6 episodes of the Mental Health Mini Series are now LIVE!!

I wanted to offer you some basic psychoeducation and practical strategies to help you navigate the emotional intensity of motherhood.

Ep 4: Mindfulness
If you struggle to be present in the moment, live in the past or future, rush through life or feel too much in your head, this episode is for you. Mindfulness is not just meditation. I take you through 2 exercises using your senses to bring you out of your head and back into your body, there here and now, helping to ground yourself and just be. So much power in applying mindfulness in your life, even in the smallest ways.

Ep 5: Acceptance
I talk about the full range of human emotions and how at times we don't allow ourselves to feel them all. I debunk some myths about acceptance (hint: it's not giving up or just tolerating yourself ๐Ÿ˜‰) and take you through a meditative acceptance practice, giving you the chance to consider that no emotion is permanent and to ride the emotional waves.

Ep 6: Make Self Compassion Your Superpower
So many people I meet lack self compassion. How can we be kind to others and not ourselves? I talk about challenges of practising self compassion, how self compassion precedes gratitude, self compassion on your brain, and strategies for changing your inner dialogue.

Have you tuned in yet?!

Which episode is your favourite?!?!

or search Can We Talk About This podcast by The Power of Birth wherever you get your podcasts!

"We have so many reasons to be angry" - Yara Heary  To me, no truer words have been spoken ๐Ÿ˜† I had the absolute privileg...

"We have so many reasons to be angry" - Yara Heary

To me, no truer words have been spoken ๐Ÿ˜† I had the absolute privilege to chat to Yara from on anger and rage in motherhood, a conversation I have been wanting to have for a very long time and she did not disappoint!

Have you ever experienced anger? Exploded at your kids or partner? Felt out of control, helpless, or just irritable all the time? Yeah. Me too. Like Yara said, it's because we have so many reasons to be angry. Let me just list a few:

๐Ÿ‘‰ The mental load
๐Ÿ‘‰ Default parenting
๐Ÿ‘‰ Reparenting yourself
๐Ÿ‘‰ Identity and relationship changes
๐Ÿ‘‰ Sensory overload
๐Ÿ‘‰ Lack of support or breaks
๐Ÿ‘‰ Unmet needs
๐Ÿ‘‰ Lack of freedom / spontaneity / creativity
๐Ÿ‘‰ Lonely and/or isolated
๐Ÿ‘‰ Societal expectations (and our own internalised beliefs) of perfect and intensive mothering
๐Ÿ‘‰ Perinatal trauma
๐Ÿ‘‰ Work like you don't have children and have children like you don't work

Is there anything you would add?

It is only natural to have feelings of anger when we are living in systems that weren't designed for mothers to thrive, and so we just survive.

Stay tuned for this chat dropping on Can We Talk About This podcast next week!!! I can't wait to share it with you.

Have you tuned into the mini series yet?! I have episodes dedicated to teaching you nervous system regulation techniques...

Have you tuned into the mini series yet?!

I have episodes dedicated to teaching you nervous system regulation techniques, as well as giving you some background info.

I wanted to offer some direct support so you could add some of these skills to your mental health toolbox. This is what I consider to be self care!

So far, I have released exercises including
Body Scan
Box Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Each of these exercises brings you out of your head and back into your body, fostering self awareness and relaxation. The purpose is to bring you from dysregulation to regulation, through small manipulations of mind, breath, and muscle (so far ๐Ÿ˜‰).

Have you tried them yet?! What did you think?!

Stay tuned for 3 more episodes dropping this week!!!

Listen here:

or search Can We Talk About This podcast by The Power of Birth wherever you get your podcasts xx


Say their name!

Nayara & Nabela

"Sadly, in our country around 100,000 families go through miscarriage every year and a further 3,000 experience stillbirth, neonatal loss or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)" - CEO Red Nose

Do you know the power in saying their name? Never underestimate the impact a name can have. You are acknowledging someone who is missing from the family. Say their name because they did exist, they are apart of the family and they will never be forgotten ๐Ÿฉท

My hope is that we continue to do better in acknowledging and supporting families who have lost.

has a wonderful Hospital To Home program supporting parents after loss which you can refer yourself or refer a parent on behalf of them to the program. ๐Ÿฉท

Sending love to you all today ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฉท

Season 4 has dropped with 3 new episodes! I began the season with a Mental Health Mini Series for mums that will be six ...

Season 4 has dropped with 3 new episodes!

I began the season with a Mental Health Mini Series for mums that will be six episodes in total. Every episode is short in timing as I know it can be difficult to listen to podcasts when you're in the trenches of mothering. The idea is to help give you some psychological tools and techniques and further resources, packing your mental health toolbox full of strategies to get you through those challenging days, weeks or months. I want to help you manage, survive and thrive!!

Episode 48: Body Scan
I give you a run down of what it is and why it's helpful, and then we go into the how, and we do a body scan together.

Episode 49: Box Breathing
Breathe with me in this very simple technique that helps you not only regulate, but helps you have better quality sleep!

Episode 50: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
My all time favourite technique that I still use to this day! It's proven to help with many mental health challenges, including perinatal depression and anxiety but also for overwhelm, rage, exhaustion and other experiences and emotions we have as mothers. Tune in to get a 15 minute PMR, you'll thank me later!

I would love to know what you think about them!?!

Stay tuned for the next 3 episodes!!



SEASON 4 OF CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS PODCAST COMING SOON!!! I'm releasing not one but three episodes this week!!! I am SO ...


I'm releasing not one but three episodes this week!!!

I am SO excited to share season 4 with you all, I am having some EPIC conversations and I even have a little treat for you in a mini series form.

I love offering you as much information, tools, and resources as I can to help make mum life that little bit easier and I absolutely LOVE having these important conversations.

Make sure you've subscribed to the podcast to know when we drop the first 3 episodes!

Thanks for listening, sharing, posting and reviewing the poddy. I love doing it and every listener matters to me ๐Ÿฉท I do it for YOU! ๐Ÿฉท

Has anyone seen the recent comments made at the Australian Birth Trauma Summit held this week? If you missed it, an OB h...

Has anyone seen the recent comments made at the Australian Birth Trauma Summit held this week? If you missed it, an OB had the mic after several women shared their stories of birth trauma and explained that unrealistic expectations of birth and being all about the *experience* was problematic.

*face palm*

Completely missing the point.

Self blame is a huge burden almost all women with birth trauma carry and I just want to let you know that you having certain hopes, aspirations and plans for your birth did not cause the problem.

Our expectations are rooted in basic human rights.
โœ…๏ธ the right to respectful maternity care
โœ…๏ธ the right to informed decision making
โœ…๏ธ the right to privacy and confidentiality
โœ…๏ธ the right to dignity
โœ…๏ธ the right to choose
โœ…๏ธ the right to protection
โœ…๏ธ the right to bodily autonomy
โœ…๏ธthe right to be listened to
โœ…๏ธ the right to support
โœ…๏ธ the right to compassion
โœ…๏ธ the right to open and honest communication
โœ…๏ธ the right to advocate
โœ…๏ธ the right to woman centred care

Often, in maternity care and practice, we fail to meet these rights due to a variety of systemic, institutional, and cultural challenges.
- the overmedicalisation of childbirth
- lack of individualised care and continuity of carer
- power imbalances and communication barriers
- limited access to alternate birthing options
- disrespectful and abusive practices
- insufficient support for hospital staff
- hospital policies over evidence based practice
- bias and discrimination

I mean, I could go on and on, this is all just off the top of my head!!

It just shows we have a longggg way to go.

We've got a fragmented system, and working and birthing in such a system comes with its challenges for both sides. It's not just about improving individual experiences, it's about transforming a system that continues to fail in honouring women's rights, choices and voices.

For the sake of future mothers.


Gold Coast, QLD


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