Surviving 11 days backpack hunting the rut! Fallow Buck taken at 8m heart shot! Now live on YouTube!
New video live on YT! The fallow rut continues and a join my mate Josh on a new property! Turns out after keeping our hunting blocks that we have access to secret we were on neighbouring properties and Josh was kind enough to invite me across the fence to some amazing land that I had been looking at for years! I was up to a week in the bush at this stage and fatigue was starting to set in, come join us on a rad adventure and spot and stalk to see if we get it done. Link in comments! #deer #hunting #bowhunting
How chunky is this gold from a small creek! Full video on YT! #gold #goldnuggets #prospecting #hack #goldhunter
🧑🏼🌾 Send this to a buddy that’s hitting the Sunday markets this weekend with his new girl, while you’re going hunting with the boys! #bowhunting #hunting #laydemrulesdown #dontbeamarketguy
The hardest animal to hunt with a bow and arrow! Deer hunting for meat in Australia- there’s more to@it than you think! #bowhunting #BackpackHunting #freerangemeat #hunting #deer #deerhunting
Tresure hunt! Gold nuggets found in a meter wide creek! 24hr sucking up gold day and night prospecting! New video live on YT #gold #goldhunting #goldnugget #backpacking #backpackingadventures #treasure
NEW GOLD HACK! Throw that old gold pan away and replace it with a tomato sauce bottle! This new method will make you RICH $$$$ #gold #prospecting #goldhunter #gold #goldnuggets