Be Part of Something Extraordinary In 2023, we marked the pinnacle of success in the festival's 16-year journey. Record number of entries, viewers, voters and free screenings right across the globe. Excitingly, 2024 holds even greater promise, with an an
Be Part of Something Extraordinary
In 2023, we marked the pinnacle of success in the festival's 16-year journey. Record number of entries, viewers, voters and free screenings right across the globe.
Excitingly, 2024 holds even greater promise, with an anticipated surge in entries from a wider array of countries. Once again, we aim to shine a spotlight on the remarkable achievements and abilities of individuals with disabilities.
How can you be a part of this exceptional festival? Craft a short film, five minutes or less, showcasing the accomplishments or capabilities of people with disability, and submit it to us by July 12th.
As an added incentive, this year's festival boasts prizes totaling over $100,000. For more details and to view over 3,800 previous entries, visit our website here
Any questions? Just hit reply and send them through, always happy to help.
We look forward to your participation.
All the team at LINK HQ wishes everyone a Happy First Day of Spring. Have a wonderful weekend.
By the age of 50, 25% of women in Australia are caring for both children and their older parents.
Nikki knows all too well the challenges that come with being a ‘Sandwich Carer’.
Nikki’s 13-year-old daughter, Savannah, lives with ASD. Nikki’s Mum, Kay, is also an NDIS participant.
Meet Nikki, Savannah, Kay and the people providing care and support they found through Mable, to understand the difference having regular support has made to the whole family.
To find out more or to sign up for free, visit today.
#NDIS #ndissupport #ndisserviceprovider #disability #disabilityinclusion #asd
When Nick discovered the Mable website, he found that he could connect with a diverse range of people who provide care and support services. He’s built a growing team of supports that allows him to follow his goals and passions such as art and running.
For real choice over your NDIS supports, sign up to Mable today.
#NDIS #ndissupport #ndisserviceprovider #disability #disabilityinclusion
LINK a highly recognised and trusted publication in the disability sector can keep your brand and message in front of the disability sector through print & digital advertising. If your business provides services or products to the disability sector, please see what we are offering for the June issue. In the June issue LINK will be covering subjects around Automotive and Assistive Technology for people with disability. For more information or to book advertising contact Michelle Stevens on 0419 822 717 [email protected]
Want to keep up to date with what's happening in the disability sector? Then make sure you subscribe to What's News in Disability. Link's FREE weekly e-newsletter which is blasted out every Thursday morning to over 5,000 subscribers. To subscribe go to the Link website
Introducing the Willshire Mobility High Level Assessment Vehicle.
Our Volkswagen Caddy is fitted with the latest of assistive technologies including a Tripod Lowered Floor Conversion, two different Turny Swivel Seats, Electronic Radial Hand Controls and more.
It is available for Occupational Therapist, Carer and End User Client demonstrations with one of our Mobility Experts.
Autism assistance dogs training
Guide Dogs SA/NT has designed its Autism Assistance Dog program to improve quality of life for children with autism and their families by focussing on three key areas: safety, independence and inclusion. You can read all about it April edition of Link magazine! Credit to Guide Dogs SA/NT for this great video about AAD training! #autismawareness
Link team giving away Link Disabilty Magazines at Sounds and Vibes music festival at Wayville showgrounds. Waiting to hear Justice Crew.