Gingin rate payers collective, Open discussion page

Gingin rate payers collective, Open discussion page For Gingin electors to discuss open topics with each other to seek advice re shire policy & decisions

REMINDER Annual Electors Meeting 21st January.The Annual Electors meeting is fast approaching with just 11 days to go.If...

Annual Electors Meeting 21st January.
The Annual Electors meeting is fast approaching with just 11 days to go.
If you have any concerns or issues with things that are happening within our Shire, or a personal concern that you'd like other rate payers to back you up with, this is the meeting to attend.
At the meeting, once you've signed in and crossed your name of the electoral list, you can stand up, and put forward (propose) a motion. The other rate payers in attendance will then vote on your motion (for or against) to support it becoming a council agenda item. If the majority of electors at the meeting support your motion, the CEO and administration will include your motion as an agenda item for the next council meeting.
You will have the opportunity to provide any documents to the CEO that councilors will have to read, and consider as part of the item being debated on as part of the agenda, before they vote.
If you want to explain more information to council before the item is considered by them at the meeting, you can email the CEO and president Balcombe to request a deputation. During a deputation, you can speak for up to ten minutes to provide a presentation on evidence or facts to support your motion.

This is a great way to have any of your concerns addressed directly by council as quickly as possible.
You must get the majority of electors in the room to support your motion, so don't forget to bring your friends and other rate payers to vote for you, and vote for other electors to have their motions approved, and debated/voted on by council.
Rate payers can all support each other here, and get everything addressed that they feel council has been dropping the ball on, or they may have simply not addressed at all yet, or to your standards.
The more information you provide with your motion, the more they will have to consider before voting on it.
This is our chance to have our say. This is the one meeting a year where the community gets to have a voice.
Come along on Tuesday 21st January at 6pm Granville Civic Centre, Weld St Gingin


Hello Folks - I'm sure we'd all like to welcome our new CEO and wish him and his family all the best for the future and every success in managing the Shire.

Just to follow up the CHRMAP, last time this was on the Agenda, the way fowrward was resolved by Council that:

• Lancelin District Community Association
• Lancelin Chamber of Commerce
• Friends of Lancelin Coast
• Ledge Point Community Association
• Seabird Progress Association
• Guilderton Community Association

would each appoint one member as a delegate to attend Steering Group meetings to consider amendments the CHRMAP following the public submissions.

We will be in touch with your groups in the next few weeks. In the meantime I'm sure Scott will want to get his feet under the desk and settle down before the CHRMAP is put out for Public Comment.

And on the matter of the impending doom from sea-level rise, you may have noticed the 15 October Council Meeting Corporate Business Plan (page 29) that the Shire has carried over from last year, the proposal to spend ratepayers money for the next 4 years to "actively seek political support and progress development" of the Ledge Point Marina. that Messrs Cook and Fewster who are on record supporting "Managed Retreat" have resigned, maybe sea-level rise wont be that much of a threat after all.... time will tell.

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CHRMAP feedback: 17 September Council Meeting.

Council resolved to defer consideration of the CHRMAP until the following has occurred-

1. it has been advertised for public submissions - so the public have a chance to comment on the current draft.

2. The Community groups listed below are to appoint one member each as delegates to attend Steering Group meetings to consider amendments the CHRMAP following the public submissions

• Lancelin District Community Association
• Lancelin Chamber of Commerce
• Friends of Lancelin Coast
• Ledge Point Community Association
• Seabird Progress Association
• Guilderton Community Association.

3. The draft amended CHRMAP will be independently peer reviewed.

4. After the peer review process has been completed and considered by the Steering Committee, the Council will consider a recommendation from the Steering Group as to when the revised document should be advertised for public submissions.

5. Public submissions on the revised CHRMAP will take place.

6. At the completion of the public submission period, Council will consider a recommendation from the Steering Group with respect to adoption of the amended CHRMAP.


1. This brings to a close a very regrettable period where the Shire President and the CEO treated the community's overwhelming rejection of the 2023 CHRMAP with complete indifference - both sought to have Council adopt the CHRMAP in the June Concil meeting.

2. We will be intouch with the Community groups shortly. Our job is to disseminate information into our communities and get consensus on what to feed back to the Steering Committee.

Thanks to all of the support from the coastal towns - this is a very serious matter and your future depends on getting this right.

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Today is the dayThe Shire of Gingin has plowed on with the Managed Retreat idea even although they are now aware that th...

Today is the day

The Shire of Gingin has plowed on with the Managed Retreat idea even although they are now aware that the local science proves that there has been little or no ocean level rises in Western Australia over the last 100 years

The agenda at todays meeting is to have everyone (Local groups, the Steering committee, the councillors etc.) discuss the Managed Retreat option in the current rewritten document.

There are not an agenda items to discuss changing the CHRMAP to Protect and Accommodate.

If you want your home to be worthless and be forced to move inland then this is not a problem.

However, if you believe that this is wrong then please write, call and email all councillors and the CEO with your concerns.

Come to the meeting today at 3pm, 7 Brockman Street Gingin to instruct them what you think is right for our Private Properties.

Here is the legislation for the Managed Retreat — it is rather concerning.

A "perfect" storm is about to hit


At the Council meeting for tomorrow, the CEO on behalf of the Council has proposed to defer further consideration of the CHRMAP and

- appoint members of the community to the Steering Committee (SC) as observers
- Reinstate the SC
- Amend the CHRMAP as recommended by the SC
- Conduct a Peer Review
- The SC will consider the Peer Review and make recommendations whether the CHRMAP is ready for public submissions
- Public Submissions will be referred to the SC for consideration
- The SC will amend the CHRMAP as they see fit and send to Council with a recommendation to adopt or not.

I kid you not - this could be a script from “Yes Minister”!!

First and foremost, it is wholly improper to have unelected bureaucrats participate in decisions on our behalf. Besides, that is not the role of a Steering Committee to determine the contents of the CHRMAP and never has been.

Mr Cook is proposing that the Council delegate its responsibilities to the Steering Committee. That’s not going to happen. Not on our watch.

It’s solely up to Council to represent the interests of ratepayers otherwise it makes a farce of the community consultation.

When have you ever seen a bureaucrat disagree with the State or State policy? The Steering Committee can only provide general advice and guidance. It’s NOT going to determine our future. What a stupid suggestion.

Second, the Councilors have never considered the first round of public submissions from 2023 - there were over 290 with a 90% rejection of the CHRMAP recommendations.

Once again CEO Cook is going off like a lose cannon and creating a process outside the agreed CHRMAP process. Frankly it’s unbelievable!

Page 257 of the CHRMAP says that changes are justified to the CHRMAP and “once Council has reviewed and endorsed the changes, the consultants will finalise the CHMAP” - well Council has never considered the changes and now Cook want to play Yes Minister and hand the process to unelected bureaucrats.

It’s not on. We’ve had our say and the Council needs to consider the community concerns and rewrite the CHRMAP taking us into account including the issues that have been raised in the 2024 community meetings.

I suppose the silver lining is with the deferral of the CHRMAP process there is no longer a need to keep Mr. Cook employed.

Hopefully the majority of the Council have the sense to reject the CEOs recommendation and proceed as set out in the current draft CHRMAP.

Kate is a massively talented researcher of government legislation and the written agenda of the WEF, WHO, UN etc. the no...

Kate is a massively talented researcher of government legislation and the written agenda of the WEF, WHO, UN etc. the non elected NGO's (Non Government Corporations).

She backs up what she says with the paperwork.

This is not a conspiracy.

Check out her latest post.

It may shock you as the agenda has very serious consequences for us all — not just the Lancelin locals.

This is a must read.

A "perfect" storm is about to hit

Councillor Jason Weeks interviews Kate Mason who explains the legislation on Managed Retreat.How it will affect us all (...

Councillor Jason Weeks interviews Kate Mason who explains the legislation on Managed Retreat.

How it will affect us all (not just Lancelin) and the rest.

Shire Meeting next Tuesday 17th September
Gingin Shire Offices
7 Brockman Street, Gingin

Please come along with questions as THE SHIRE OF GINGIN is pushing this for Lancelin where there is no science to back it up.

Last week I was asked by a Western Australian Councillor Jason Weeks to present to the small community of Lancelin, which is facing managed retreat. Lanceli...


The Council meeting next Tuesday 17 September at 3pm and will again address the Coastal Hazard Management Strategy. If you can, please attend.

At the Special Electors meeting on 13 August, there was unanimous rejection of the “managed retreat” recommendation in favour of “protect and accommodate”.

The CHRMAP authors agree there is no scientific justification for the managed retreat recommendation:

quote “Whilst it is recognised that coastal hazard assessments are predictive in nature, and that no specific impact can be known with any certainty, the technical accuracy of the document is based on agreed policy.” (2024 CHRMAP page 163)

The “retreat” recommendation for the coastal towns has no underlying factual or scientific validation. In fact, its 100% contradictory to the 107 year record for the WA coast.

CHRMAP authors also state:

“..that retreat is a complex proposal, and there is no detail regarding any long term plan for this possibility. Planning for retreat requires a significant strategic planning exercise..” (page 263)

“Planned or managed retreat is an option that can be applied to manage coastal erosion and inundation hazards; however, this option requires a significant investment of public resources to fund acquisitions. (page 150)

"From a practical perspective, implementation of managed retreat may require the State or Commonwealth to provide the majority of funding to acquire property.”

“Funding programs offered at the State level do not currently provide amounts which facilitate property acquisitions, and there has been no indication to date that this situation will change in the near future.” (page 150)

“Notwithstanding, it is clear from the 259 responses received during this phase, which is a very high number for a public consultation phase, that the local community and the broader visitor community requires greater clarity, more information and ongoing education regarding the purpose and intent of a CHRMAP”. (page 257)

Any Councillor that votes in favour of a “managed retreat” before these important issues are resolved is acting in reckless disregard for your interests. There is no timeline for a CHRMAP, and what your Shire and Council should be doing is pushing back on the State.

Neither Shire Management nor Councillors have any idea what “managed retreat” means or how it will work, nor does the State nor do the “experts” that wrote your CHRMAP.

The CHRMAP cannot be allowed to proceed with anything less than an “accommodate and protect” recommendation until and unless these essential policy and practical issues are resolved.

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Councillor Jason Weeks Interviews Kate MasonPrivate Home Ownership is now under serious threat due to already passed leg...

Councillor Jason Weeks Interviews Kate Mason

Private Home Ownership is now under serious threat due to already passed legislation and "Climate Change" computer modelling (not real science).

This is happening world wide.

The Shire of Gingin current CHRMAP "Managed Retreat" is just the start of this global land grab by the unelected private corporation that is called the United Nations.

We can stop this by forcing certain members of our council to use the real science that shows that there is no or very little ocean level rise.

Real Science
BOM records show 0.01mm rise since the 1990's and The Department of Transport records shows a minor change since the 1890's less than six inches in 100 years and this is probably land subsistence as occurs with heavy buildings and ground water extraction.

Please support us to stop this.

Come to the council meeting where this will be discussed.

Write, email and ring the councillors the CEO and let them know what you think.

Here is the full interview for those interested, it is very well worth the watch.

The role of infrastructure ownership in the upcoming wide spread managed retreat swindle

Just a reminder this is on tonight.Jason Weeks Interviews Kate Mason — Managed Retreat ExpertThe Lancelin Sand Hotel dow...

Just a reminder this is on tonight.

Jason Weeks Interviews Kate Mason — Managed Retreat Expert

The Lancelin Sand Hotel downstairs bar
From 6-8pm
On Wednesday the 4th of September

Please come along and ask Kate questions about what "managed retreat" is and how it will affect your property.

Here is the link for one interview about Managed Retreat that Kate has done.

Our page has short videos of Kates talks.

See you there.

The Australian government is "transforming" private property ownership using catastrophic climate modelling


"Managed Retreat" explained by Kate Mason
Lancelin Sands Hotel
Wednesday the 4th September

If you are unable to make it to the Lancelin Sands Hotel here is the link to join the zoom.

This is a very important meeting for everyone.

Kate explains the beachside is just the beginning of Climate Change Managed Retreats for us all.

This legislation has already been passed and it affects all of us, not just the Coastal People.

Kate will show what will happen when you are forced to vacate your home due to "managed retreat" she covers;
Who benefits financially from Managed Retreat
Who loses financially
What will happen to Insurance
Who will own our Infrastructure
Who will own the land that you have been forced to vacate
Who pays for the destruction of your home and the relocation
Will your beachside land be rezoned and onsold
See you at the Lancelin Sand Hotel or please join us with the link.

Bring your questions for Kate - Jason Weeks will be interviewing Kate and asking the questions for you.

For anybody who would like to find out more about Kate Mason we have provided a link in our post this morning

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...

Jason Weeks Interviews Kate Mason — Managed Retreat ExpertThe Lancelin Sand Hotel downstairs barFrom 6-8pmOn Wednesday t...

Jason Weeks Interviews Kate Mason — Managed Retreat Expert

The Lancelin Sand Hotel downstairs bar
From 6-8pm
On Wednesday the 4th of September

Here is Kates substack - she is a wealth of research into the legislation regarding "managed retreat"

Please come along and ask Kate questions about what "managed retreat" is and how it will affect your property.

See you there

The Australian government is "transforming" private property ownership using catastrophic climate modelling


More from Kate Mason


This short video introduces Kate Mason



Kate Mason who appears in this interview will be holding a live virtual Q&A between 6pm and 8pm ground floor at the Lancelin Sands Hotel on Wednesday 4 September. You can attend in person or on line. Details will be posted shortly. This session has been arranged by local coastal Councillors to give you Kate's in depth knowledge as Australia's foremost researcher into the diabolical and disasterous consequences of CHRMAP to your property and individual rights. Please put this in your diary, and details of how to attend on line will be posted soon.

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We're on the same coast as the rest of WA, but our Shire is on another planet. This is what’s happening elsewhere:

Town of Cambridge (Floreat and City Beach):

• Accommodate coastal hazard risk through implementation of planning controls to allow for the continued use of current infrastructure until such time the risk levels require a managed retreat pathway
• Protecting infrastructure at the beaches in the short term through beach nourishment and through the construction of further coastal protection (likely groynes), and maintenance of existing groynes
• Continuing low cost, soft protection measures, such as dune fencing and revegetation programs, to strengthen dune systems under the assumption that government funding and volunteer input can assist implementation
• Planning for the eventual managed retreat of assets along the Town’s coastline (should the theoretical global inundation model prove to be accurate).

Busselton (Smiths Beach, Yallingup, Bunker Bay, Eagle Bay, Dunsborough Marybrook, Siesta Park, Abbey, Broadwater, Busselton, Port Geograph, Wonnerup, Forrest Beach):

• Protect the beach, beach amenity, fore dune, infrastructure and buildings, maintain existing fore dune and beach as much as possible, and install coastal protection structures, such as seawalls or groynes, as necessary
• construct a buried seawall and/or bank stabilisation structure
• In the meantime, sit tight and review the situation in 10 years.

We had “groynes to be investigated” along the coast in the 2019 CHRMAP but these have dropped out of the 2024 CHRMAP – Councillor Fewster and CEO Cook have assured us these documents are the same. They are not.

Surely your Councillors can see the common sense in accommodating and protecting our coast and assets to allow for the continued use of current infrastructure until such time the risk levels require a decision for managed retreat pathway - if that ever occurs. And we have 107 years of data to say it never ever will in WA.

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Gingin, WA



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