The idea of the name tandemVox (tandem/shared and vox/voice) was to demonstrate quite literally our strategic method and outcome.
– Understand their key relationships;
– Engage with like minded stakeholders and communities;
– Effectively and efficiently communicate for shared outcomes.
Why do we do it?
Our ability as human beings in organisations and communities to influence change, forge partnerships, solve problems and collaborate is at the heart of tandemVox.
We have strategies and methods that help unlock the potential of your organisational relationships and work towards mutual benefit and shared voice.
When organisations work with stakeholders, outcomes that are more sustainable and meaningful can be achieved. And that’s good for everyone.
What drives us?
We want to work with people and organisations that have values we share – including honesty, integrity, transparency and responsibility.
This approach to values-driven behaviours ensures that outcomes with a purpose are part of the service. And, as a proud regional business, we have a strong focus on supporting the economic and social wellbeing of Geelong and regional Victoria.