Gawler’s Military History: A Story of Bravery and Resilience
Gawler’s Military History. Display by RSL Gawler sub branch and Gawler Cultural Heritage Centre, here at the Gawler Civic Centre room G.3
Monday 20th May - Friday 24th May 10am - 2pm
Wow, what a few days can do. We are fortunate to have wonderful volunteers, dedicated contractors and supportive colleagues. Shout out to Gawler National Trust Museum for their prompt retrieval of their objects. The launch of the Threads of Life exhibition is on track please RSVP to: Jacinta Weiss on 8522 9268 or [email protected]
Down the Line exhibition is now closed.
Today we reached The End of the line. Thank you to all those involved with the creation of this amazing project. We have enjoyed every moment. Thank you to all our visitors who have supported us through this journey.
Heritage Gallery will be closed until 2nd May 2024.
Morse Code
Our visitors to the Down the Line exhibition over the last two weeks may have noticed the new edition. A text to morse code translator to convert your chats to morse code. It is audio only and gives the user a sense of the length of time it took to communicate through morse code. Note: it is best to keep your messages short as each letter is sounded out!! Also, a standard text message charge does apply.
Gawler Civic Centre
Gawler National Trust Museum
Thank you to all those that supported and visited the Behind the Scenes exhibition. The Heritage Gallery at the Gawler Civic Centre will remain closed until 10th May 2023, when a new and exciting exhibition will open.
Town of Gawler
Gawler Public Library