The Bunyip- News Wrap Up January 15
Welcome to our News Wrap-up for the January 15 edition. Make sure to pick up a copy in-store or head to our website for the e-edition.
🎉🎉Here's to 2025🎉🎉
A new year means fresh hopes and exciting goals for the local community. What would you like to see come to your town this year? Drop your wishes in the comments below- we want to hear them!
The bunyip team are down at the Agricultural Learning Centre hanging with these cuties
Mayor Karen Redman welcoming the Gawler community at this year's Gawler Show 🎪🎉🎉
Gawler Youth Band heating things up at Gawler's Fringe opening 🔥🔥
The 2024 Gawler Fringe is officially.. open!!! 🎉🎉
The Bunyip crew are out at the Gawler Fringe opening event with the Kuma Kaaru welcome to country. Non stop local talent will be performing until 10pm tonight- come say hi! 🎸