โ๏ธ Day 29: People Marketing (the last of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ปHere, I walk through how u
โ๏ธ Day 29: People Marketing (the last of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ปHere, I walk through how using your people and teams can deliver a superior customer experience, brand loyalty and ultimately - revenue/sales. ๐๐ปI share an example of who created a brilliant people strategy through "Apple Geniuses" to get people in the Apple ecosystem and stay there! For Apple it is less about a single product like the iPhone - it is about the entire ecosystem because that ensures brand loyalty. Day 29 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! #brandexperience #training #trainingstaff #marketingstrategy #marketingplan #marketing #brandstrategy
โ๏ธ Day 28: Place Marketing (the fourth of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ป Here, I walk through how
โ๏ธ Day 28: Place Marketing (the fourth of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ป Here, I walk through how place marketing works in marketing strategy and the 5P's - arguably one of the most overlooked of all of the P's in marketing planning. ๐๐ปI share an example of who created a brand experience that changed their brand through a new place strategy. A great example of how to use place marketing to recreate how your customers experience your brand. Day 28 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! #brandexperience #marketingstrategy #marketingplan #marketing #brandstrategy
โ๏ธ Day 27: Promotional Marketing (the third of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ปHere I walk through
โ๏ธ Day 27: Promotional Marketing (the third of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ปHere I walk through how promotion works in marketing - probably the one part of marketing that most people recognise as promotion and digital marketing often fall hand in hand. ๐๐ปHere I'll share examples and a great example by and how they built their entire business around promotional marketing. ๐๐ปI also talk through the owned, earned and paid model that segments your activities that fall under promotional tactics along with examples to explain each to identify the difference betwween advertising vs marketing vs promotion. Day 27 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! #promotion #promotionalmarketing #ownedearnedpaid#marketingstrategy #marketingplan #marketing #brandstrategy
โ๏ธ Day 26: Price Marketing (the second of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ปHere I walk through price
โ๏ธ Day 26: Price Marketing (the second of the 5 P's of marketing) ๐๐ปHere I walk through price marketing and how to use price positioning to draw new customers into your brand, business or service. By thinking about how you define your price - you can create much more effective marketing. ๐๐ปAldi is a great example of how a business can position the business entirely based on a price position (and quality!). Day 26 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! #pricestrategy #marketingstrategy #marketingplan #marketing #brandstrategy
โ๏ธDay 25: Product Marketing (the first of the 5 P's) ๐๐ปHere are some examples of product mark
โ๏ธDay 25: Product Marketing (the first of the 5 P's) ๐๐ปHere are some examples of product marketing tactics, product marketing ideas and a brand that has put product marketing at the centre of their business and created a true product marketing strategy from it. ๐๐ปProduct Marketing is not all marketing! This is a great intro into product marketing for beginners and explains the difference between product marketing vs marketing vs customer marketing. ๐๐ป I also share a fantastic example of product marketing strategy Day 25 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! #productmarketing #productmarketingstrategy #marketingplan #marketingstrategy #marketing #brandstrategy
โ๐ผ Day 24: How to Create a Marketing Strategy in 30 days - the 5p's of marketing. The 5 P's of
โ๐ผ Day 24: How to Create a Marketing Strategy in 30 days - the 5p's of marketing. The 5 P's of Marketing explained by a Marketing Director. Product Price Promotion Place People #marketing #marketingstrategy #brandstrategy #marketingplan #marketingplanning
โ๏ธ Day 23: Marketing Funnel Explained ๐๐ปHere I share my template for a marketing communicatio
โ๏ธ Day 23: Marketing Funnel Explained ๐๐ปHere I share my template for a marketing communications funnel. This is arguably one of the most important parts of helping inform your marketing channel choice, messaging and moment. Day 23 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! What is a marketing funnel and how to use one. #marketingfunnel #marketingfunnelexplained #marketingstrategy #marketing #brandstrategy
โ๏ธ Day 22: How to create your own Brand House, a walkthrough! ๐๐ปHere I share a template for a
โ๏ธ Day 22: How to create your own Brand House, a walkthrough! ๐๐ปHere I share a template for a brand house or brand architecture that is used by big brands all over the world. I'll walk you through my brand house template, how to do it yourself so that you can be more consistent in communicating your brand. Day 22 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! #Brandstrategy #marketingstrategy#proposition#USP#brandhouse #values #brandcommunication #businessadvice
โ๏ธ Day 20: How to create a target audience persona with examples. ๐๐ปThis is an example of a p
โ๏ธ Day 20: How to create a target audience persona with examples. ๐๐ปThis is an example of a persona I created for the investment category and shows how you can really bring to life all of the target audience research you have done into your target audience so far and put it into a once page summary. Don't guess - make sure you use real data to abck up your claims! 25+ years in marketing has helped me perfect the target audience persona and I'm excited to share it with you. Day 20 of how to create a marketing strategy in 30 days! #targetaudience #targetaudiencereached #persona #targetaudiencepls
โ๏ธ Day 16: How to research your target audience (part 2) ๐๐ปThis is my favourite free resource
โ๏ธ Day 16: How to research your target audience (part 2) ๐๐ปThis is my favourite free resource for researching your target audience - whether that be families, couples, businesses or locals. This will show you everything you need to know about how to reasearch your target audience, how to know your target audience and more. #targetaudienceresearch#targetaudience #population#research#marketingstrategytips
โ๏ธ Day 15: How to research your target audience (part 1) ๐๐ปHere is the most commonly used way
โ๏ธ Day 15: How to research your target audience (part 1) ๐๐ปHere is the most commonly used way to research your target audience used by big brands and marketers across the globe. Target Audience Segmentation. How to create a marketing strategy in 30 days. #customers #targetaudience #targeting #targetaudiencereached
โ๏ธ Day 17: How to research your target audience (part 3) ๐๐ปIf you're in the world of digital
โ๏ธ Day 17: How to research your target audience (part 3) ๐๐ปIf you're in the world of digital marketing - this digital marketing trends MEGA report is a must for understanding and researching your target audience. #digitalmarketing #targetaudienceresearch #digitalmarketingtrends2024 #digitalmarketingsecrets #digitalmarketingtips