💔 #poetry#heartbreak#fallinginlove#loneliness#lovepoems#sadpoems#breakup#BookTok#missyou
Her name is @nadyaokamoto and her company is @August 😍♥️ #bestfriend #bffgoals #periods #period #friendship #friendshipgoals #periodtips
Jehuda’s story. There is so much more to Jehuda’s story. Comment what you would like to learn more about for Part II.
Every time I visit Zahava she says the same thing to me, “When I was in kindergarten, my classmates would say ‘dirty Jew.’ I thought it was just words but within a matter of years - little
Thank you Anglers Hotel for bringing me to Miami! #miamivlog #kimpton #dayinmylife #authorsoftiktok #writersoftiktok #poetsoftiktok #authortok #writerslife
To answer your question - yes I get nervous every single time and if I’m not nervous I know there is a problem. #publicspeaker #spokenwordpoetry #poetsoftiktok #performersoftiktok #liveper
This is my story with bullying - from a moment of darkness to a moment of light. I put pen to paper and wrote it into a poem that i then performed for the first time in front of 18,000 peo
Who agrees 🙋🏻♀️ #sisterhood #womenupliftingwomen #womensupportingwomen #femaleempowerment #feminism #spokenwordpoetry #sisters
♥️♥️♥️ #poetry#heartbreak#Love#selflove#selfloveclub#spokenword#lovepoems#fallinginlove#inspiringwords
They’re saying “Don’t stand by, stand up.” 😊 #publicspeaker #authorlife #authortok #itgetsbetter #bullyingawareness #stopbullying #careergoals
Congratulations @awesomeshellbell, @sabrina101___, @emilykoush1234567❣️ You won the #DearGirl book giveaway! #yougothis#beinspired#girlpower##BookTok
Love you @nadyaokamoto 😘 Thank you @hbomax for having us to the Gentleman Jack S2 premiere! #nyclife #friendgoals #bestfriendscheck #dayinnyc #womensupportingwomen #authorlife #writerlife