Now I have to take meds again...I know I need them, I know I need help, but they suck!
Eight years I went...doing it on my own, unassisted by pharmaceuticals, I ran out of energy, strength, where did I go wrong, what didn't work, I'm starting over...again.
I miss my friends, I miss laughing, I miss the richness of life, it's so hard through the fog and the haze.
I am so angry that I can't manage, so disappointed that I wasn't stronger, that I'm not stronger.
Do you know how hard it is to go to work each day drugged and hungover, pretending to be awesome and feeling like crap.
This is so many people's reality...so many of us have s**t we deal with and we're expected to mask it, hide in plain sight so everyone around us feels comfortable.
Why do my friends run to the hills when I'm not well? I know it's because they don't know what to say, they're sick of it, he's doing "that" again...who wants to be around a sad depressed drugged out husk of a human or they are just scared?
There are beautiful people all around you fighting battles, fighting horrendous battles and they just want to know it's going to be okay...that they're still worth it.
Ask someone if they are okay...hear them. Thank you to those that ask, I appreciate it, I appreciate you.
And the people that care for those with these illnesses and conditions, check that they're okay too because f**k it's hard on them too.
The drugs are kicking in now, I'm mellowing and growing heavy again, until tomorrow...
Love N