Our documentary, PUMPHEAD, is still going strong - now being accessed for streaming on Vimeo-on Demand in 14 countries, and selling DVDs in many countries as well. Feedback has been amazing, and the film continues to help new cardiac surgery patients, ex-patients, families and friends.
For more information see the Ronin Films website: https://www.roninfilms.com.au/video/845/40/13773.html
Photo is of Peter Gallagher, the first patient who volunteered to tell his story in the film, and who really kick-started the project.
Thanks to all those who participated - Jessica Caudwell, Peter Gallagher, Lisette Breukink in the Netherlands, Peter Lynskey, Kerri Cargill, Allan Coop, Graeme Sutton, the late Rosemary Mangiamele, and psychologists from the wonderful Australian Centre for Heart Health in Melbourne (Prof Alun Jackson, Dr Barbara Murphy and Dr Rosemary Higgins), and Pamela Cohen. And thanks to the film's production team - camerawoman Zhenshi Van Der Klooster, editor James Lane, sound designer Tim Duck, and musicians David Pereira, Chris Latham and Edward Neesom. It was a great, therapeutic experience to work with you all!
And heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed financially through the Documentary Foundation!