This is life 🤟
#murraycod #canberra #australia #carpfishing #australiancapitalterritory
This healthy little Cod was an unexpected by-catch whilst chasing carp to use for bait for an upcoming coastal trip. It was also a welcomed first for this wonderful lady 👌🥰
#OutfishedAgain #First #Fishing #ACT #Canberra #MurrayCod
How many of you braved the weather over the weekend? This was us on Friday afternoon/evening. A quick session and sausage sizzle at Lake G before the rain set in completely...
These ladies outifished me with one fish each and me with a big donut! 🥰
#Canberra #LakeG #MudMarlin
You wouldn't think it but a few of these on a circle hook has been my go to for quite some time in Canberra's local waters. Carp love them and I've also caught Cod and Yella's on them on many occasions.
Throw back to Cody's first mirror carp.
#Carp #CBR #Cotter #Campground
Was going through some old footage today. This short bank on Lake G is always worth the walk. Here's a small reddie from a while back.
#CBR #LakeG #Belco
Release of a small Murray Cod we caught Sunday Evening. Great to see so many Cod being caught here but lets keep releasing most of them and not taking more than we need guys 😉😎