Should you get your graphic design done by your assistant/VA or engage a dedicated professional to take care of your designs for you?
It’s a conversation that comes up with fellow business owners regularly, and I GET IT.
I get that hiring another service provider when you already have support in your business can seem like a double up.
But something I often mention that's worth considering is this:
👉🏼 When you work with a dedicated designer over an assistant or all-rounder VA for your business designs, you don't just end up with a general design, or worse - a Canva template that your well-meaning assistant pasted your details into that you'll still spend time reworking and not love.
What DO YOU get? The focus of a professional and designs custom to your business that are backed by research, communications and consumer psychology, and that build up your brand in a way that gives you confidence.
So while there are always options available to you, it’s important to find the right one to help you achieve your goals.
Want to chat more about having a custom designs for your unique brand so you never worry about blending in again? DM me "Design Support" and let's chat.