Break A Leg
Break A Leg
All it took was a legit Leg Break for Dave to move into Radio... only it wasn't his leg! Making the best of a bad situation!
#legbreak #showbiz #radio #funny #serendipity #bigbreak #siezetheday #carpediem #life #lifelid #lifelidpodcast #podcast #fyp #follow #davematthews
Be Authentic
Be Authentic
In a world where there is so much "fake-ness", so much vanity and curated content that is so obviously just a highlight real, I think most people are just craving authenticity. So just try to be authentic in everything you do, the people who don't like that will move away and that's fine, you don't want them in your circle anyways, but what it will do is attract the kind of people who really like you, for you and that is who you want in your corner.
#authenticity #authentic #radio #lifeadvice #fake #bereal #justbeyou #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #life #podcast #davematthews
Ho Dog
Ho Dog
Sometimes the mistakes you make, are the most entertaining part.
Take nothing too seriously and enjoy yourselves out there!
#lol #hodog #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #podcast #funny #storytime #fun #rude #havealaugh #jokes #bigreddog #costume #davematthews #commercialradio
First Date
First Date
What can we say? The heart wants what the heart wants... even if that comes with ADHD and weird animal noises 😜
#lol #love #firstdate #fun #funny #goofy #beyourself #authentic #authenticity #life #lifelessons #lifelid #lifelidpodcast #davematthews
Waiting for "The One" is probably a venture in vain. There's 7 billion people on this planet, and to assume there is only 1 person for you out there is absurdity.
Relationships are built over time. Time spent consciously making decisions to be with that person and to work on things in order to benefit them and the relationship as a whole, building something special together. Hitting milestones together, celebrating each other's ups, but also being there for each other's downs, creating memories and inside jokes, all of those things make it easier to choose the right path when faced with a crossroads in the relationship itself.
#relationships #insidejokes #girlsdontfart #fartsarefunny #humour #lol #funny #laughs #milestones #relationshipadvice #single #davematthews #life #hardwork #lifelid #lifelidpodcast
Content for Dave was always very personal, and having a partner who was all in, totally on board, but more importantly communicated honestly and openly with him around what was important to her, to be kept private.
#content #partner #wife #communication #radio #radiohost #91FM #sunshinecoast #australia #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #fun #funny #lol #davematthews
Losing Confidence
Losing Confidence
It doesn't matter what it is, most skills you have in life outside of the basics required to live, are perishable. So when you take time off from them, or stop doing them for a while your brain will automatically start telling you that you can no longer do that thing, and sure, after a while you may be a little rusty, but at the end of the day, trust yourself. You can do it. Have the confidence and belief in yourself, push through that mental barrier and get back on the horse.
#fyp #follow #confidence #skills #radio #podcast #backonthehorse #backyourself #life #lifelid #lifelidpodcast
We all know of or have dealt with at least one "Karen" in our lives.
The question is what is it about these people that gives them such a sense of entitlement? Why are they, the way they are??
Regardless, I had no patience for them even at a young 15 years of age.
#karen #painful #rude #ijustworkhere #coles #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #life #podcast #follow #funny #youngens
Perpetual Victimhood
Perpetual Victimhood
There are always going to be people who take advantage of legitimate causes and use them in order to feather their own nest. Whether that be Veterans Issues, Aboriginal Issues, Gay Issues, the list is endless.
We have come to a place in society where people get social "brownie points" and their social value increases by being seen as a Victim, and perpetuating their victimhood/victim status allows them to cash in more and more of those brownie points.
It doesn't matter what the trauma or what the oppressive circumstances were, remaining in a state of perpetual victimhood isn't ever a good thing. It stops your ability to grow and evolve. There comes a point where you have to accept that yes, horrible things have happened to good and innocent people who didn't deserve them, but those things and/or events don't define who they are, they're so much more than that. In order to grow and evolve, these things don't need to be forgotten, but they need to be moved past. You can't drive anywhere if all you do is stare into the revision mirror.
#healing #exploitation #grow #evolve #life #trauma #victimhood #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #podcast #hestonrussell
The world and particularly Western Society has become obsessed with Labels.
Labels which help them immediately identify where you fit into their understanding of the world, where they should put you. Are you Black, Gay, Asian, Veteran, Criminal etc etc, whatever is easiest for them to immediately identify which box to put you in.
Labels can be helpful but it's so important not to get too wrapped up in them, and end up tying your entire identity to them. Let those labels be a PART of who you are. Don't let them DEFINE who you are.
#labels #westernculture #society #gay #straight #life #individual #mentalhealth #fyp #realtalk #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #podcast
Maslow's Hierarchy
Maslow's Hierarchy
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is an extremely helpful tool anyone can use whether that be bosses with employees, friends tracking the mental health of friends, or even on an individual level keeping track of ourselves.
If 1 or 2 of the layers begin to exhibit issues within the same time frame, that is an immediate red flag we can use, to signal "hey, it we might need to check in with *pick a name* and just see how they're doing". It's obviously not the be all and end all, but having something in place that you can use and refer to can help you keep track of those you care about before things spiral out of control.
#mentalhealth #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #podcast #maslowshierarchy #maslow #hestonrussell #suicideprevention #checkin #checkonyourmates #itsnotweaktospeak #itaintweaktospeak
Yourself First
Yourself First
People around you and close to you, may be able to spot the warning signs that you're struggling but often they're all so busy with their own lives that the little signs go unnoticed until they become very large signs or potentially it's too late.
Nobody knows you better than you. So it's important to keep track of yourself and how you're actually doing. Tools like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are a great way to help you keep track of people's states of mind within you circles but also within yourself. It can give key indicators of when is a good time for you to perhaps reach out someone in your support network to just have a chat about how you're doing before things get to the point that they feel out of your control.
#maslowshierarchy #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth #suicideprevention #speakup #itsnotweaktospeak #itaintweaktospeak #livin #lifelidpodcast #lifelid #hestonrussell