Find out all the details here:
..... One of the questions I get asked a lot is, "How do you live in the world and succeed whilst evolving spiritually?"
There is this misconception that somehow if you are spiritual, that means you can't be successful or make money, or you have to retreat from the world and live in the Himalayas like a monk with no material possessions
. Part of my journey having spent seven years with a spiritual leader as a mentor, and having spent so much time traveling, has been to explore how to live fully in the world, giving my gifts and simultaneously being connected to the core of my Being and spirituality. It's when you share your gift and add value to your community and surroundings that you become successful. It’s then that you will be rewarded. The key is not to chase these external things, but connect to who you really are and give your gifts. One of the reasons I created The Free Spirit Revolution Club was because I saw so many incredibly talented, spiritually evolved folks who were broke, struggling to pay the rent, or simply financially barely surviving. Trust me, I know the feeling. I have been there in the past. When you are in survival mode, it's sometimes hard to fully share one's gifts with the world. I believe that as more spiritually evolved human beings step into the world, make more money, create more abundance and success on every level, they will use their resources to make a difference for the evolution of humanity. This is one of the reasons I created The Free Spirit Revolution. My intention is that this Community has a profound impact on your life, giving you the practical tools to take you from where you are to where you want to be. And inspires you to not only take action, but live your life in the most authentic way, fulfilling your true soul's destiny. My intention is that this Club inspires you to give your gift, live your purpose and share your love with the world in a BIG way. We are getting closer to starting the Club, so if you haven't signed up yet, watch the special video and register for The Free Spirit Revolution. Miracles await you. Find out all the details here:
See you there! Love & Grace