earHD® - High Definition Hearing
earHD® - High Definition Hearing
In order to receive higher levels of detail from the front, earHD® acts like a satellite dish.
It uses a precise acoustic lens that focuses sound uniformly into one central location.
This focused sound is then accurately reflected straight into our ears, revealing higher definition sound from where you are facing.
To find out more, head to the link below https://www.flareaudio.com/products/earhd?variant=32304926392423
Beginnings of a stairway at Headley Grange in 1970.
Beginnings of a stairway at Headley Grange in 1970.
Space Farm 1972
Space Farm 1972
Country of Origin - New Zealand
"Space Farm: An Experiment in Chemistry", an essay conjures the splendid image of a series of unstable compounds thrown together in a beaker then heated up with the Bunsen Burner of rock'n'roll.
Beer versus LSD. Long-haired hippies versus mainstream straights. Rugby versus rock. Young versus old. A half-arsed national Christianity versus drug-assisted dabbling in Buddhism, Hare Krishna, Astrology.
It was a time of change and experimentation, Not just in music, but also in society, as the young in New Zealand in growing numbers began to question the prevailing culture of rugby, racing and beer, the country's involvement in foreign wars, and the values of earlier generations. Some sought political change, others looked for alternatives in drugs and spiritual beliefs.
For such seekers, Space Farm provided the ideal soundtrack and confirms that good music can a originate anywhere on this planet of existence or matrix plug in
Listening to that Space Farm record now, 47 years later, it's quite a trip.................. Enjoy it all in full direct
Who is destroying music ?
Why new music is sh*t
Headley Grange Revisited
Insanities on stage
Amusing dummy spits and battles between performers and fans
Ray Manzerek from The Doors on "Riders on the Storm".
Ray Manzerek from The Doors describes how the track
"Riders on the Storm" came together.