I am sure some people thought I was crazy when I said I want to take people to Bhutan. It didn’t really matter because I was going anyway - even if it was on my own. But with 2 visits and a third planned for the Laya Royal Highland Festival in October 2019 I am so very pleased that not only have others travelled with me, I have educated many about the serenity and majestic scenery that becons each and everyone of us to bask in the life force that is so strong in Bhutan.
Not only that we have made so many new friends that some are now like family like Rinzin and Sangay seen here putting together Goh for our boys to wear at the Kurjey festival this year. For Australians it is something you cannot compare any other journey with.
I am always saying to travellers - who want to listen- that there is a feeling you get when you visit-something you cannot imagine- something you will only experience when you experience it yourself. I have had friends conquer fears , perform feats that they thought impossible and others who felt a change but couldn’t quite grasp it at the time- not until they returned home. Getting there is not easy- a few f lights from home- but the rewards are second to none. If you do one thing as a traveller, google Bhutan and then come travel with me.