๐ฏ๐ What Are Your Goals? ๐๐ฏ
Sloan Wilkins, Founder of Executive Financial Coaching joined me on Share Podcast last Friday to share his insights and thoughts from his extensive experience working in the banking and finance industry.
I loved this section he spoke about "Goals" and how we look at goals and how instead of being just about money, linking them to the real benefit and what truly will help us stay on track.
His passion for helping people become more "financially fit" and the flow on effect that can have on how we feel, how our relationships feel and how we ultimately feel about our future.
Link is here ๐ https://bit.ly/3RH1u3Q to hear the Full Episode ๐ง๐ถ
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๐๐ชซ๐ Disconnect to Reconnect ๐๐ชซ๐
Are your personal batteries feeling a little low? Is life feeling like it's moving at a rapid pace without stopping? Maybe you don't feel yourself...physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually?
Well, pop the headphones on ๐ง, kick the shoes off and ground yourself ๐งโโ๏ธ somewhere in nature โฐ๏ธ while listening to this superstar of a human being, Mr Tim Jack Adams, as he takes us on a journey in this week's episode.
He's an extremely passionate wellness warrior who devotes his time these days, when he's not on the beach โฑ๏ธ or in nature with his family ๐จโ๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ฆ, to helping share the benefits of nature to help organisations and individuals stay healthy, happy ๐ & well ๐โค๏ธ
Pop a โค๏ธ in the comments if you love getting out in nature ๐
Click to listen to full episode - https://bit.ly/3RH1u3Q
#share #sharepodcast #timjackadams #greenx7 #watersportsguru #kingscliff #nature #water #environment #wellness #benefits #disconnect #reconnect #life #lessons #stories #reflections #passion #purpose #battery #justoneperson
๐๐ Our Language Matters ๐๐
I'm this week's episode, Glenn and Steve discussed how important the language we use is and the fact that the words we say, we hear and internalise.
One of the examples we used was the simple but very common statement that starts with "JUST", especially when talking about various roles we hold.
Just another sneak peek of the episode, listen to it in full by clicking the link ๐ https://bit.ly/3RH1u3Q
#share #sharepodcast #glennazar #notdeadyet #project180 #buildingbetterhumans #newyear #resolutions #language #health #fitness #military #adventure #personaldevelopment #rethink #life #story #inspiring #kokoda #yukon #kilimanjaro #family #podcast #justoneperson The Building Better Humans Project