Mental Health First Aid Courses - Workplace Training Exclusively in Queensland for Community Leaders and organisations
These courses are fully funded by the QCGBF grant and in collaboration with the Multicultural Community Connect Queensland (MCCQ) and ECCQ - Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ).
Workplaces are increasingly aware of the effects of mental health issues on employees and productivity. Encouraging early help-seeking can foster a mentally healthy environment, and Mental Health First Aid training equips employees with skills to support colleagues and direct them to professional help. This training enhances knowledge, confidence, and helping behaviours while reducing stigma.
These courses are offered FREE with discount code QLDGCBF for community leaders, and organisations currently based in Queensland. Please email us at [email protected] for furthur details on discount code!
India News Multicultural Australia Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast - MCCGC Federation of Indian Communities of Queensland (FICQ) | Australia Fiona Simpson MP Ram Mohan Global Fair Mental Health Foundation Australia Cgi Brisbane