SBSW 86 - Pop Culture - Fave Characters
Skye talks of her love of Anne of Green Gables, while Sean discusses the chracters in the Taylor Swift Folklore love triangle, Betty, James and Augustine.
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SBSW 85 - True Crime - Bondi Junction Massacre & Malcolm Naden
Hold on to your headsets while Sean covers the Bondi Junction Shopping Centre massacre and Skye covers Malcom Naden.
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SBSW 83 - Special Episode - The Coffin Confessor
SBSW Season 7 Finale - Interview w/ The Coffin Confessor
Listen in as we invite our special guest, Bill Edgar aka The Coffin Confessor to share insight into his unique occupation providing services for the dying and deceased.
Hear how Bill puts ‘the Fun in Funeral’ as we chat about his very interesting, sometimes touching, sometimes confrontational profession in crashing funerals, doing house sweeps and passing on messages for the recently departed… you’re not going to want to miss it…
Note: During our very first special episode interview, a storm decided to join in, please disregard any minor lags you may hear - we’ve edited the worst ones out..
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SBSW 82 - WTH - November 2023
SBSW 82 - WTH - November 2023
The episode where we discuss the topics that piqued our interests over the last 4 weeks.
Listen as these Stupid B's discuss topics such as:
- Fellow Travelers, the series that's sent gay hearts a flutter
- We pay our respects to Matthew Perry
- the upcoming Inside Out 2 move
- Paying it Forward, do you do it?
- Highlights from Britney's memoirs 'The Woman in Me'
- the OPTUS outage that stopped the nation, well a percentage of it anyways
- and many more fun tidbits...
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SBSW 81 - Back in Time - Famous Mysteries
SBSW 81 - Back in Time - Famous Mysteries
Hold onto your headsets as we discuss some famous mysteries that have baffled humankind for years… decades… centuries even!
Listen in as Skye discusses the mystery of the Ghost Ship - Mary Celeste, the ship that was found completely deserted in the ocean, in full working order and without a sign of any struggle or foul play and her love of the literary classics - the Nancy Drew Series.
While Sean discusses the mystery of the Zodiac Killer, a Californian serial killer who's identity is still unsolved, the cryptograms that he sent the newspapers and their meanings. Sean also covers the mysterious Nazca lines that are over 2000 years old... what do they mean?
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SBSW 80 - Pop Culture - The Apocalypse
SBSW 80 - Pop Culture - The Apocalypse
This week we discuss the topic that everyone is literally dying to be a part of - the scary realm of Apocalypse theories, predictions and preppers!
Listen in as Sean shares his research on the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse and a 16th century prophet’s predictions - Nostradamus.
While Skye shares his research on her new fascination and potentially new hobby - Doomsday Preppers, as well as her love of Zombies, including some tips on how to survive if the unthinkable happens!
So settle in, join us with a drink as we discuss ways in which the world might end…
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SBSW 79 - True Crime - Harrison Family Murders & Heavenly Creatures
SBSW 79 - True Crime - Harrison Family Murders & Heavenly Creatures
This week, we aren't bound by any geographical locations! So hold on to your headsets as Skye discuss the Canadian murder that spans a four year period - the Harrison Family Murders where are father, mother and their son are all mysteriously killed between 2009 and 2013 - all at the family home!
How did this happen? Was it all the same killer? Tune in to find out.
While Sean tells the story of best friends, Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme, teenage girls with an imagination that takes a seriously dark turn and ends in the murder "moider" of Pauline's mother - Honorah Reiper/Parker. The murder that was made into the motion picture 'Heavenly Creatures' directed by Peter Jackson.
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SBSW 78 - What's the Haps - October 2023
This episode, we discuss the topics that piqued our interests over the month of October 2023.
Listen in as we discuss:
- the battle in keeping plants alive
- Croc Cowboy Boots?
- Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas split
- Mike Flannagan's TV Horror Anthology
- 2000s fashion making a comeback
- Survivor: Castaway Island gam
- Crown Season 6
- Making your home smell yum w/Mask Co
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SBSW 77 - BiT - Inspirational Figures Anne Frank & Gough Whitlam
Hold onto your headsets as these Stupid B's go Back in Time and discuss some historical figures that inspired us.
Listen in as Sean discusses the story of Anne Frank, the young Jewish girl who was forced to go into hiding to evade Nazi persecution during World War 2 and penned the now world famous, Diary of Anne Frank.
While Skye discusses one of the true Aussie icons, former Prime Minister the Honourable Gough Whitlam, the political and social reform he inspired in Australia and the legacy he left.
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#StupidBSayWhat #winepodcast #2ndbottle #NoJudgement #DrinkandSing #StupidBitches #StupidBitchesDecant #aussiepodcast #SBSWProject #HoldontoYourHeadsets #AnneFrank #DiaryofAnneFrank #BackinTime #GoughWhitlam #ItsTime #thedismissal
SBSW 76 - PC - Walt Disney & his creations
Sit back and relax as we go on a drunken, magical and whimsical, but sometimes terrifying, journey of Disney. The man, his creations and the controversies attached to the Disney brand!
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SBSW 74 - What's the Haps? - September 2023
This week we discuss issues that piqued our interests over the month of September 2023.
Listen in as we discuss topics such as:
- the Australian NRL Finals
- Yellowstone and Costner's future with the show
- Funeral Crasher and Coffin Confessor - Bill Edgar
- Screaming plants
- Chaos at Burning Man
- Kim Catrell's comeback in And Just Like That
- Jimmy Kimmel - is he a bitch boss??
- Poop sends an international flight back home
- Fyre Festival saga... coming back for more!
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SBSW 75 - TC USA - Jennifer Holliday & Denise Amber Lee
Stupid B Say What 75 - True Crime USA - Jennifer Holliday & Denise Amber Lee
Listen in while Sean discusses the terrifying night endured by Jennifer Holliday in East Texas, who courageously outwits the her captor who murdered her cousin, Ana Franklin, who was shot to death in front of her.
While Skye shares the story of young mum Denise Amber Lee, abducted from her home whilst caring for her babies, and the shocking aftermath including the mishandled 911 calls.
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