Masport professional Contractor range
Landscape Contractor called in a pro to give Masport Contractor AL S19 and ST S21 SP B&S 3’n1 mowers a workout and let us know how they each stood up to some serious hard work. Here's his thoughts.
Masport | #masport | #masportcontractor | #ALS19 | #s21sp
Hitachi and TJ Earthmoving
Hitachi and TJ Earthmoving make a great team. After many years of working with compact excavators, TJ Earthmoving is rapt with the new Hitachi ZX85USB-7.
Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia | T J Earthmoving | #HitachiConstruction | #tjearthmoving | #ZX85USB | #dash7
LiuGong 9017F ZTS mini excavator
Mini excavators are a major boon to landscapers. LiuGong is Australia’s No. 1 wheel-loader brand and rates in the top five machinery manufacturers globally for units sold. Landscape Contractor magazine was very keen to get hands-on with a 9017F ZTS to see what made the brand so popular.
LiuGong Australia | #liugong | #liugongexcavator | #9017f | #miniexcavator | #excavatortestdrive | #landscapers
Cub Cadet Ultima ZTXS4 48″
The Cub Cadet Ultima ZTXS4 48″ zero-turn mower is a top-tier choice for those seeking a powerful, durable, and comfortable lawn-maintenance solution. Watch our test-drive video!
Cub Cadet Australia | Cub Cadet | Mathew Wandmaker | #blueridgepropertymaintenance | #cubcadet | #ztxs
Zoomlion ZA14NJELI and ZS1012ACLI scissor lift
Elevating work platforms are huge time savers and offer big increases in worker safety and efficiency. These two from Zoomlion are great examples. Check out our latest test drive! 📣
ZOOMLION | Zoomlion AG | UHI Machinery | #EWP | #scissorlift | #UHI | #unitedheavyindustries | #za14nje | #zs1012ac | #electricewp
EcoTeq’s Mean Green Fury 32″ electric mower
EcoTeq’s Mean Green Fury is a compact and highly manoeuvrable electric mower built for all-day professional use. LCM test driver Matt Wandmaker hurled himself behind the controls and set the FURY in motion. 📣Check out our latest Test Drive! 🎥
EcoTeq | Mean Green Mowers | Electric Mower | #standonmower | #Ecoteq | #MeanGreenMowers | #lawncare | #electricmower
Bad Boy Mowers Outlaw Rogue
Bad Boy Mowers Outlaw Rogue looks tough. When it rolled onto the LCM test site everyone stood around gazing in envy. The machine looked big, tough and ready for anything. Check out what our tester Mat had to say about it!
Bad Boy Mowers Australia | #badboyrogue | #zeroturnmowers | #ZeroTurn | #zeroturnlawnmower | #rideonmower | #RideOn
GREENWORKS OptimusZ 60″ zero-turn test drive
The environmentally friendly GREENWORKS OptimusZ 60″ zero-turn offers one of the safest and best-performing battery technologies on the market. It’s fast, smooth, quiet, and a pleasure to use. Check out our latest test drive! ⬇️
JAK Max | Greenworks Australia | #greenworkscommercial | #SelfPropelledLawnmower