Janette Dalgliesh Coaching

Janette Dalgliesh Coaching Helping women who want to fall back in love with their important work in the world.

Shoutout to the artists, the activist, the healers and the helpers - transforming the world needs you to step into your authority ❤️🔥


Wondering what my money mindset self-study course for women is like?Here's a taster.

Wondering what my money mindset self-study course for women is like?

Here's a taster.

Introduction to my unique money-mindset program for women.Underearning is so normalised for us, we sometimes don't even realise how much it's at play.I'm on ...

In case nobody noticed, there's an election happening in the USA. It's creating a LOT of tension, not only for folks in ...

In case nobody noticed, there's an election happening in the USA.

It's creating a LOT of tension, not only for folks in the US but also for those of us living in countries that have a relationship with the US.

Which is basically everyone. 😬

Wreaking more joy in the world could sound ridiculous and impossible and kind of gaslighty, given the turmoil and turbulence being created with this election.

Over the next few days, I'm inviting ALL of us to do whatever we need to do, in order to reduce (not eliminate) stress or anxiety.

(I say 'not eliminate' because this IS a stressful occasion, there IS a lot at stake - especially for anyone from a historically marginalise community - and it IS a complex situation; so eliminating stress would require more toxic positivity than I like.)

But we can, and should, take care of our nervous systems to the best of our ability; as well as pass on anything that might help someone else to take care of theirs.

There are a few options that can be effective:

🗳 get involved - find ways to participate in political resistance and/or campaigning; and recognise that this is how we connect with our highest vibration (to use LOA / conscious creation terminology). I wrote about this back in 2020 - https://www.confluencedaily.com/2020/07/03/activism-law-of-attraction-style/)

🛡 proactively protect your nervous system and your energy body, especially before engaging in conversation about politics - in person or online (I talked about this on a podcast with the delightful Laura Jane Layton - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep131-secrets-to-shielding-your-energy-in-style-with/id1689071843?i=1000650120888)

❤️‍🩹 begin mastering the art of healing your own chronic stress - because in the aftermath of a pandemic and a lot of global turmoil, many of us carry more than we know. If you'd like a resource for this, either DM me to ask or join my free FB group where you'll find it in the Files section

💕 don't try and go it alone - if you're feeling a swirl of rage, helplessness, doubt, exhaustion, alarm, anxiety or existential despair, there ARE allies out in the world and there ARE communities where you belong, even if they seem elusive right now. Hyperindependence is a trauma response, a perfectly reasonable attempt by your brain to keep you safe - and it's not necessarily your friend, or accurate, or helpful. Please DM me if you're feeling the need for a safe place to land (and I promise I won't try to pitch you anything)

I'm not letting global or international or even local politics deter me from my mission to wreak more joy in the world.

If anything, I'm more determined than ever.

And - to be fully transparent with you - I'll be following every one of these suggestions my own self, because my brain needs reminding from time to time. 😏

What's going on in the USA right now?Fundamental internal work on her identity.I wrote this four years ago. Aside from t...

What's going on in the USA right now?

Fundamental internal work on her identity.

I wrote this four years ago. Aside from the 'of the moment' stuff in the last paragraphs, I wouldn't change a thing.

And it might be useful for anyone in your world who's really struggling with what my good friend Lisa Marie Hayes calls political PTSD.

Not to 'cure' or 'fix' it - but to maybe help reduce the sense of WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K??? that can add a layer of trauma.

Reading Time: 4 minutes When a nation faces her Pluto Return, she is called to face her own past and evolve. How will this affec...

Exhaustion, disengagement, and low self-regard lurk at the heart of burnout. All three affect our physical bodies, our m...

Exhaustion, disengagement, and low self-regard lurk at the heart of burnout.

All three affect our physical bodies, our mental health, and our emotional wellbeing.

That's why I prioritise the following in my work (and in my own life):

🌟 effective replenishment
🌟 sensory engagement
🌟 self-pride

Obviously there's a LOT to unpack here!

But these are at the heart of everything I do with my clients - because they work.


OMG 🤩🤩

Asynchronous Coaching is THE BEST. That is all.


I was asked 'what change in the world are you BEING?'

I want to wreak more joy in the world, as an act of political defiance (because people who know how to access true joy cannot be manipulated or controlled).

How do I access and allow joy, as someone who experiences depressive episodes on a regular basis?

I explore the ways that joy HAS to encompass and make space for rage and grief and fear, too.

No doubt some humans are naturally sunny and inclined to the shiny joy of dancing through every day. I love that for them!

For those of us who spend time in the shadow realms, aiming for only the shiny kind of joy can push us into toxic positivity, spiritual bypassing and inhumane ableism.

True, deeply resonant joy only becomes possible when we embrace and find compassion and love for the whole of our messy humanity, not just the shiny, 'acceptable' bits.

In my personal life, I practice radical self-compassion (and I still have LOTS of work to do before I get really good at it 😏)

And I find as many ways as possible to help people (without being a doormat, cuz that is also not joy 😬)

In my work, I help women who are doing important work in the world, but feeling stuck in a daily grind, yearning to reclaim the resonant joy and passion for their work.

In other words - I kinda do the same for them. 🤔

Heads up, working women - your work matters in the world, whether it’s art or advocacy, teaching or transformation. Is t...

Heads up, working women - your work matters in the world, whether it’s art or advocacy, teaching or transformation.

Is that career still bringing the joy you used to feel?

Or do you sometimes feel like you're dragging yourself to work like an escapee from the Walking Dead, wishing it could be different?

Whether you've been mulling over a complete change, or yearning to fall back in love with the current gig, that joy of fulfilment is crucial.

It's the inspiration, the fuel that keeps you going.

You can't fake it.

But you can rekindle it.

I have two spots coming up in my private 1:1 client calendar.

If anything here pings, please go check out more on my website (link in my bio) and see if you think we'd be a fit.

I'm on a podcast!!! And not just any old podcast - I'm on The Laura Jane Layton Show!!!Where I get to share some of my f...

I'm on a podcast!!!

And not just any old podcast - I'm on The Laura Jane Layton Show!!!

Where I get to share some of my favourite things: self-fulfilment, kindness, dismantling the unkind BS self-talk that gets lodged in our own heads, and astrology.

And Laura Jane VERY kindly let me look at her chart. That takes some courage - so it wasn't a surprise to find she has Sun in Leo heheheh.

Check it out - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep214-chart-your-personal-growth-journey-through-the/id1689071843?i=1000674151912

Hypothesis: joy is an act of political resistance.Experimental parameters: wreak more joy in the world.And by joy, I don...

Hypothesis: joy is an act of political resistance.

Experimental parameters: wreak more joy in the world.

And by joy, I don’t mean the toxic positivity “light & love” crap.

I mean the bone-deep joy of becoming the person you came here to be, in all her messy, wonderful glory.

I mean the deep, contented joy of doing your important work in the world, staying connected to the inspiration and passion which fuelled it in the first place and ditching any sense of daily grind, burnout or exhaustion which might have crept in.

I mean the ferocious joy of knowing your boundaries, and knowing how to stand your ground in the face of the BS systems we live in.

I call it 'resonant joy'.

People who know how to tap that core of resonant joy cannot be radicalised and cannot be manipulated into hating 'the other'.

People who know how to tap that core also know how to witness and participate in the crucial work of resolving the problems of the world - whether at a collective level, or one creature at a time.

It's a far more delightful place to live life.

And it's your birthright.

Not the temporary joy of buying the latest shiny thing.

But the deep, peace-filled joy of knowing your work matters, you matter, and the difference you make in the world matters.

This is why I do what I do.

Wreaking more joy in the world, one human at a time.


Some days the process of growth and change feels like crawling naked through the mud, over broken glass, in the dark.I'l...

Some days the process of growth and change feels like crawling naked through the mud, over broken glass, in the dark.

I'll be the one over here with a lamp and some warm clothes and the band-aids when you need them.

I'm just saying.

In one of my top five favourite working spots - local library. Got all my gear - laptop, pens, journal, blank paper.Read...

In one of my top five favourite working spots - local library.

Got all my gear - laptop, pens, journal, blank paper.

Ready to go shake up some s**t!

I HAVE A NEW THING!Sometimes, you want maximum flexibility and fluidity in a coaching partnership.Sometimes, the commitm...


Sometimes, you want maximum flexibility and fluidity in a coaching partnership.

Sometimes, the commitment of showing up for a weekly session is too rigid, too formulaic, too confrontational, too much like school.

(And sometimes, it's too expensive).

That's why I'm introducing asynchronous coaching - where we don’t have to both be there at the same time.

It's just the ticket!

Step 1 - my unique, radically compassionate self-enquiry process

Step 2 - one 20-minute Zoom call to ensure we're both on the same page and get ourselves lined up (camera NOT required)

Step 3 - you get 30 days (starting from our Zoom call) of coaching via the messaging platform of your choice: email, FB DMs, WhatsApp, Slack or Telegram

Super easy.

Super flexible.

Ideal if:

🌀- you’re busy AF and you don’t have time to devote a whole hour to a weekly session

🌀- you are SO OVER all the Zoom meetings!

🌀- you want the spaciousness of writing out your thoughts (or recording them) in your own sweet time

🌀- you want to ask the question whenever, wherever you are - not have to hold it in mind for a week until your next session

🌀- articulating things clearly can feel tricky when face to face with another human - putting in writing or dropping a quick audio feels so much easier

🌀- you want a more affordable option

🌀- you live with small, active humans, and grabbing a whole hour to yourself feels impossible

🌀- you just want to get coached in your PJs

For the rest of October, I'm offering it for 2/3 off the normal price (yes, you read that right) as part of my Birthday Flash Sale.

So this is a PERFECT time to test it out.

Want all the details? Check the sale link in my bio, and follow the links.

Or DM me any questions.

Found in some old files, a document I wrote 11 years ago. None of this has changed (though my skill levels are way highe...

Found in some old files, a document I wrote 11 years ago.

None of this has changed (though my skill levels are way higher, and I have thousands more client hours under my belt).

"My vision of the world is one where every person knows to their bones that they are worthy, beautiful and powerful; and so is everyone else.

Where we have no need to judge, or to make others responsible for our joy.

Where we feel deep love for all humans, including ourselves.

The poet Hafiz said it best: “I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being”.

I wish that.

I wish I could do it for you now, not in another month or another year when you finally feel ready to reach out.

I wish I had the power to make it happen for you, without any effort on your part; but that would be to take away your power and that’s not my right.

If you can take a step towards me, I’m ready to show you that light Hafiz talks about. Because I can see it in you, even if you can’t. And you are not alone."

I'm also kinda chuffed to realise I was quoting beautiful poetry back then, too. 😏

I'm doing my first ever BIRTHDAY FLASH SALE and I couldn't be more thrilled!I can't send you actual cake, but I can give...

I'm doing my first ever BIRTHDAY FLASH SALE and I couldn't be more thrilled!

I can't send you actual cake, but I can give you some awesome goodies (including a brand-new-to-me offering)



A veritable cornucopia of luscious discounts in my Birthday Flash Sale - up to 66% off AND a brand new offering!

This is still one of my favourite testimonials 🥹“I tried therapy with a counsellor before and that left me more distraug...

This is still one of my favourite testimonials 🥹

“I tried therapy with a counsellor before and that left me more distraught than when I began therapy. After working with Janette … I went from deep despair to a woman of joy and peace.”

A woman of joy and peace.

Who wouldn't want that?

Especially in a world so full of turmoil.

We can't do joy and peace by turning our backs on the world - our hearts and our nervous systems KNOW we're faking it.

We can't do joy and peace by collapsing under the weight of all the s**t out there.

We can't do joy and peace by suppressing our rage, or our shame, or all the other painful emotions.

Joy and peace don't come from wrestling our focus into obedience, or pretending s**tty things don't happen.

They come from a deeper wellspring, and it can take a little work to unlock that stuff.

Being a woman of joy and peace without some inner work is a rare thing.

If that's you, more power to you!

If that's not you, and you'd like it to be - we need to talk.

(or you could just dive in to my upcoming Birthday Flash Sale - stay tuned for details, or drop me a DM to say you're curious!)

If you're a woman at any level of professional life, chances are you might be affected by underearning.It's not your fau...

If you're a woman at any level of professional life, chances are you might be affected by underearning.

It's not your fault, it's not a character flaw, and it's not your "broken money vibe".

And it's completely fixable - when you know the actual causes, and where to implement change.

If you're ready to shatter the underearning habit, and you can manage the $25 price tag, check out my five-day money intensive. (It's worth way more, but I always wanted a GOOD inexpensive money program in the world!)

And if your money is thriving but you know someone who could use a little help, please point them my way 😏

From a past student: "I’ve never experienced a money course like this before – and I’ve done more than a few. It’s heart-centered, grounded in values, and comes with good dollops of fun. Put simply: this course exceeded my expectations many times over. Highly recommended."

Link in my bio.


I just made the best little money course you've never heard of. $25 and it's yours.

Drop a ❤️ for deets!


Ballarat, VIC


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