Entering our studio to start making music together again for the first time since our baby was born like… 😂😮💨 @therealmofrealms @neofix_
#musicproducer #musician #composition #singer
Learning the joys of reverb & delay niiiiice and early 👌🎤 @thestudioandstarfactory Eirini can take sound check for next open mic
In Australia we have the term “poppy cutter”, which refers to someone who feels compelled to cut a person back down to size if they grow too big/get ahead. It is easy to of course want to place all the fault on the person doing the cutting but then sometimes we miss an opportunity to grow ourselves in doing so. If we are honest for example, we may be able to admit that we knew that person had that in them, perhaps we had seen them act this way to others and dismissed it because they were nice to us. Maybe there is even something that person has that we covet, and so we have chosen to let things slide or even participated in things that are not true to our values because we felt we were “getting something” out of it. Either way, it is an opportunity to reflect on our own values and the way we treat others. If we can be confident with our own path and values and choices we are free to genuinely celebrate the success and wins for others. 💗🥀🌹 Words, visuals and music by Johnny and I @neofix_
Follow our YouTube channel (link in bio) for more like this #poetry #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #reflecting #selfreflect #selfreflection #australia #ambientmusic #success #poetrycommunity