🎬 We make commercials.🔥
We also have a couple of spots available for new clients in 2025, so if you're interested in working together, get into our DM's or hit us on the email!
Can't wait to see you! 👋
#cinematography #lumix #commercial #videoproduction
🎬 How to add atmosphere to your shots! 👀
✅ Hazer - this will tend to fill a room and hang in the air once settled and is fantastic for adding atmosphere to a scene.
✅ Smoke Machine - is better for showing movement in the billows of smoke.
✅ Low Lying Fog - thick fog that hugs the ground, great for covering the ground or adding a 'other worldly' element to shots.
Although the low lying fog is the coolest, the hazer is probably the most broadly applicable to most shots.
Have you used these before?
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia Lumix
Assist by Jack Healey-Campbell and Tarsh
Hazer from Picture Hire Australia
#videography #cinematography #lumix #nanlite #videoproduction #filmset #directorofphotography #cine #cinematic
Starting Creative Work
📣 How to Get Started! 🙌
Not sure if this one will resonate, but I've been in the creative field professionally since 2011. After 13 years of battling procrastination this is the one thing that helps me get started, especially on those more daunting larger projects.
🎬Make your initial aim, to create a bad first draft.
So often I find myself stopping or putting off a project, especially writing or editing, because I'm considering how people will view and feel about every single key stroke I make.
This is a terrible way to be creative.
✨The best way to push this kind of thinking to the side is to make something that no one will see - a first draft.
This allows you to make quicker decisions, take more creative risks and stay on track without inviting in distractions.
The best part is, you can be the critic of your own work - but not until tomorrow, after the draft is complete.
Tomorrow is where you will fix all of the imperfections in the draft you're making.
Today is for putting in the hard work and getting the thing off the ground!
It's truly amazing where a single simple idea can take you. Don't give up.
Let me know if you have a similar trick to help get you started! 😅🎉
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia Lumix
B roll and assist by @jackbhcampbell and @tarshascoolfilms
@steven_pressfield (thanks for the great books)
#videography #cinematography #lumix #nanlite #videoproduction #filmset #directorofphotography #editor #screenwriter #writing #artist
32 Bit Float - What is it?
📣 32-bit Float Audio 🔊
This one's for the audio nerds! 😅🙌
Why should you care about 32bit float audio?
Short answer is it provides gigantic dynamic range, which makes clipped audio basically a thing of the past.
24 bit fixed point audio gives a dynamic range of 144.5dB, compared to the 1,528dB of 32bit float. (This is insane!)
This basically means you can record both quiet and loud sounds without worrying about adjusting gain for those louder sounds that may or may not be unexpected.
Have you tried out 32bit float before?
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia Lumix
Audio support by Carver
Assist and on set B-roll by Jack Healey-Campbell
#lumixgh7 #videography #Cinematography #audioengineer #soundengineer #nanlite #lumix
📸 Open Gate! 🙌
A super useful feature to have, especially when delivering for multiple platforms!
Do shoot in open gate?
LUMIX is killing it! 🎉🔥
Lit by PROtog Nanlite Australia Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia Lumix
Assist Jack Healey-Campbell
#cinematic #lumix #lumixgh7 #nanlite #directorofphotography #filmschool #videoproduction #videography #photography
🙌Thanks to the absolute master Lawrence Sher for giving such a great interview with Vanity Fair.
🎬I picked up on this lighting technique after watching this interview last year and really love the look it gives.
Taking a bi-colour light, setting it to as cool as it will go and then giving it a green spike will produce a beautiful subtle teal/cyan colour.
Lawrence Sher was using this to emulate cheaper/older fluro lighting, but I've really liked contrasting it again warmer prac lamps and found it's a really great colour contrast to have.
Check out the interview on YouTube and try this one out!
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia Lumix
Assist by Jack Healey-Campbell
#cinematography #videography #nanlite #videoproduction #filmset #directorofphotography #lawrencesher #Joker
🎬 Should this be your first light purchase?💡
For versatility it's hard to beat the Pavo Tube from Nanlite.
Depending on what you're mainly shooting it's probably between the tubes or the new PavoSlim's.
✨If you're just starting out in filmmaking or videography and you're looking to build up a bit of a lighting kit, these should absolutely be your starting point!
Have you got a set of tubes yet?
**EDIT** These are 4ft!
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia Lumix
Assist by Jack Healey-Campbell
#cinematography #videography #lumix #nanlite #videoproduction #filmset #directorofphotography #cinematic
🔵 Have you heard of Blue Hour? 🎬
You know about golden hour, but blue hour can be just as good for certain shots!
Because there's no direct light source from the sun, the light becomes super soft and the sky is often an incredibly beautiful colour.
Match this with the natural contrast of warm interior lighting and it makes for a really beautiful frame and a look that everyone will be familiar with.
Have you shot in Blue Hour before?
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia
Resource Shot Deck
Assist Jack Healey-Campbell
#cinematography #videography #lumix #nanlite #videoproduction #filmset #directorofphotography #photography #bluehour
How to Use the Sun in Videos
📸 Don't film with the sun directly in your actors face! ☀️
Using the sun as a backlight will generally give you a more flattering even light across the face, while also providing a strong edge light.
You will see this used in a lot of productions, both film and photo.
You can use a bounce board to even out the light and help match exposure between the background and your subject, who will now be in comparative shadow. 💡
Model Rebecca Dyer☀️💃
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia
Resources Shot Deck
#photography #cinematography #videography #lumix #nanlite #videoproduction #directorofphotography #cinematic
📸 On Lens Filters! 😍
Diffusion filters can help create a beautiful soft look in camera.
They come in a variety of strengths and honestly finding which one is right for your project is probably going to take some experience and experimentation.
Our favourite is definitely the Dream FX from Prism Lens FX which also comes in circular sizes. (They've actually just launched a brand new line too which is super exciting!)
The blue flare FX is also one of our favourites and is awesome for creative cut aways! 🙌🙌
Do you use lens filters when shooting?
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtogNanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia
MVs Dojo Rise Loaded Billy
#cinematography #videography #lumix #nanlite #videoproduction #filmset #directorofphotography #cinematic #prismlensfx
🎬 You need this 🎥
This set of wireless comms from Accsoon has been an absolute game changer for us on set.
It was actually really surprising to see just how much more efficient we were when we had these on.
📣 Direct, clear communication to the key crew members is so important and normally on these sets with a lot of people, it can take time to get messages through. This sped up the whole process!
✨ Not only did it make set up faster, but we were also able to make quick adjustments between takes, even when crew were in different rooms.
This was especially important with lighting changes, where they were operating over Bluetooth from outside the set.
These will be a part of every single production moving forward! 🎉
On set for Dustyn Music
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia
B-Roll by Jack Healey-Campbell
#cinematography #videography #lumix #nanlite #accsoon #videoproduction #filmset #musicvideo
Why Use a Slider?
🎬Why use a slider?👀
✅Repeatable motion. This is by far our favourite reason, as it makes for super fun edits as well as being able to remove things from a moving shot.
✅Second shooter.
Sliders always make for excellent B or C cams, especially for interview setups, but even for BTS shots. It adds great and easy production value to an edit.
✅Cueing motion and speed ramping. Sliders are an excellent way to follow along a motion or help a movement fit into a scene. You may have used a dolly for this before, but sliders are a compact and quick way to get this happening.
This TopRig slider from Accsoon has been a fantastic asset to our sets. This one even operates vertically!
Do you use sliders?
Lit by Nanlite Australia PROtog Nanlite Global
Cams by Panasonic Australia
On set B-roll Jack Healey-Campbell
#accsoon #cinematography #videography #lumix #nanlite #videoproduction #filmset #cine