A true catholic treasure #catholic #massutensil #altarboy #altargirl #franciscan #catholic #franciscanos #catholicos #fyp
Hallo dear Jesus #tephonejesus #jesus #catholicconversations
Laudate Dominum#norcursing #nofword #franciscanos #jesus #catholicos #franciscan #fyp #laudatedominum #viral #share #catholiccomedy #hum
Faith made simple. What is the most important place in the church. #catholictradition #catholic #catholicism #tabernacle #tabernacles
Give them all to Jesus and he will turn your sorrow into joy. #givethemalltojesus #jesussaves #fathermanuel #fathermanuelsings
I speak to Jesus. This is kind of my approach to prayer. Even though I make it for the sake of instagram, I use it as an opportunity to reflect on His Word. Prayer can elevate us to become good human beings #pray #prayer #speaktojesus #speakingtojesus #hallelujah #amen #jesus #jesustelephone
Iam praying for you. God bless you. #iamprayingforyou #pray #prayer #praying #prayingforpeace #prayingforyou #prayingfortheworld #mothermaryprayforus
What is Father Manuel OFM. What does OFM stand for ? #ofm #franciscans #friarsminor #franciscanos #franciscanfriars #franciscanspirituality #franciscanprovince
Let’s pray for Pope Francis health #popefrancis #pope #popefrancishealth
The difference between to venerate and to Worship #jesus #saintanthony #franciscan
Be not afraid. It’s up on my channel. Link in Bio. #benotafraid #beboldjesusiswithyou #benotafraidbro
Let’s do a Silent adoration for 30 seconds before the blessed sacrament #blessedsacrament #eucharisticrivival #catholic